

Cathe, would it be ok to do Imax2 two days in a row-I modify some of the moves to begin with because of an old achilles tendon injury(it wasn't serious)and I love the tape alot and the results I am getting from it are great-so if I modify could I do this two days in a row? Thanks, Pam:D
Hi Pam,

Cathe hasn't been around much because of filming, so I thought I'd just mention that she usually does not recommend doing them back to back. Maybe you can take one day in between to do weights or something and then go back to it after a day of something different?


p.s. sounds like you are making real progress with it - some of those intervals are grueling!
Which are your favorite IMAX 2 Intervals?

Which are the hardest IMAX Intervals to you?

I love Interval 4 and Interval 6.

I do not care for Interval 3 -- those Genie hops -- I find myself all over the place unless I focus hard on looking at one place only.

The hardest interval is Interval 9 for me -- I am just so wasted by the time it comes around. Good thing Cathe picked such great music for that interval -- or I do not think I could make it!
Could you guys be more specific on the intervals. Only the freakiest of us know them by number....Interval that the 2 jacks/plie squats one???:)

As far as fun, I like Interval 2, which is that 3 hops on one side then over the board one. It isn't very challenging, but it is my favorite as far as fun factor. I also like 6. I dislike/love 5 and 9 the most because they are so hard.
I just did this workout last night. I really like the straddle hops but I was wondering if I was the only one who found these to leave me the most winded. I found them tricky at first but once I got the hang of them I really like doing them. I am really sucking in air after this one. I really find this to be the most aerobically challenging move of the whole workout. Once I finish these I know I can easily finish the workout.
I actually think Imax2 is tougher for me than Imax1, simply because I find Imax1 DOABLE. A couple of the intervals in Imax2 are impossible for me to do!! I can't even jump in that interval where you hop from one end of the step to the other. By the end of it, I'm only getting up a couple of inches from the floor!!! x( I find this frustrating!! At least I can actually DO all the intervals from Imax1 and I don't feel dorky from not being able to complete an interval properly!!! :(

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