Search results

  1. S

    What's your most peaceful time of day?

    My most peaceful time is the early morning between 5-7 am. Kids and husband are still sleeping so I enjoy a cup of coffee and watch the news or I may go on a walk. I love the mornings!!
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    Do You LOVE Your Job?

    I was a stay at home Mom and when my daughter went to kindergarten this past fall I was ready to find a part-time job and still continue taking classes to eventually become a court reporter. I am working at an elementary school library 8:30-3 in the same school district as my children although...
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    off topic/love being SAHM

    I was a SAHM for many years and my daughter just went off to kindergarten and my step son who also lives with us is in 7th grade. I am now working as a library assistant at an elementary school in the same school district as my kids. Its great. I work 30 hours a week with health, dental...
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    New Puppy/ names

    We just adopted a basset/golden ret. mix from the Humane Society on Friday and we named her Heidi.
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    who has bad posture here?

    I know that whenever my Mom comes to visit she always tells me to stand up straight. I guess i don't even realize it most of the time. I think when I am sitting my posture is the worst..sometimes it just feels more comfortable for me hunch over a little bit.
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    Working out alone

    I enjoy working out's very therapeutic for me. I find when I work out with others(which is usually just walking) they call it quits way before I want to be finished so I usually just finish up on my own.
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    American Idol

    Since Chris got voted off I am less enthusiastic about watching American Idol now. I really hope Katherine does not I guess I am picking Taylor to win, however I think the best one already got voted off(Chris)
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    Happy Birthday TerryMIA!! Hope you enjoy your day. We'll have to have another St. Louis Cathe Get-together sometime soon. Have a great day.
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    I Have Met the Enemy...

    Yes, I know what you mean,...especially Paula. She uses a stick of butter in every dish it seems, extra cheese...anything with a ton of fat in it but it sounds so gosh darn good and I get so hungry every time I watch FoodNetwork. I also like Rachel Ray, and Giada De laurentis.
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    Is this normal behavior for 12 y.o

    Yes, I was thinking the same thing about the counselor-I am not sure if that would do any good. I don't want to embarrass him. As far, as the pediatrician goes, I was just calling her to get some feedback since I have very little experience with raising boys--I thought she might be able to...
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    Is this normal behavior for 12 y.o

    Hello everyone, I was wanting some opinions on this. I have a 12 year old stepson who lives with us. Last Friday, I was going to wash everyones sheets and when pulling the pillow out of his pillow case I also pulled out 3 pairs of girls underwear. 1 Frilly pair, one pair that was actually...
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    Who Looks Like you?

    I have been told I look like Meg Ryan by several people.
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    What do you remember?

    Great thread!! I remember decorating the tree as a family with the Xmas music on. Setting up our Xmas scene with so many cute antique figurines that was passed down from my Great Grandmother. Sitting on Santa's lap, making Xmas cookies with my Mom, buying special gifts for everyone in my...
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    Oprah's bra and jean show this week

    I am 5'0 and size 4 and the only jeans I own are bootcut because I think they look the most flattering on me.
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    I'm curious. Women, which are you....

    I was a SAHM until recently, have re-entered the workforce part-time..16 hours a week and am also going to school part-time in the court-reporting program. I have a daughter who will be 5 years old November 18 and a step-son who lives with us who will be 12 soon.
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    Pictures . :-) 2005 Halloween Party!

    Dani, I graduated from ISU in 1987 and moved to St. Louis after graduation. I had a such a great time at ISU.
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    Pictures . :-) 2005 Halloween Party!

    Great pics. Looks like fun!! Bloomington/Normal is where I went to school...ISU.
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    the best sitcom ever

    I liked Seinfeld and I love Mary Tyler Moore reruns.
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    St. Louis Cheesecake Factory girls - pic

    Thanks for posting the picture, Terry!! We sure had a good time. Looking forward to doing it again sometime
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    (St. Louis) Cheesecake Factory was a lot of fun! (Thanks, girls!) :)

    RE: (St. Louis) Cheesecake Factory was a lot of fun! (T... Hi Angie, Sami, and Terry, We will definitely have to do it again sometime. You guys were so nice and down to earth it did seem like we had known each other for years. Sami, it sounds like you had a great time with your friends...