I'm curious. Women, which are you....

I'm curious. Women, which are you....

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That's great to see such variety. Congrats to all you SAHMs you definetely have the hardest job

Full time with HS jr and college sophomore. Oh and single.

Hmm we should do a poll on single mom, seems there are a lot of us :)
I put myself in as working with no kids. I don't have a paying 9-5 job but I write, run a small company and just got my real estate license so I can help DH when he needs it.

I work full time and have 2 boys (4 weeks and 4 years). Right now I'm working p/t in the evenings and will be going back full time in March after my maternity leave is up.
Dani53, I think I've asked this before on this board, but I'm still a little hazy. Why do people homeschool? Is it because the public schools where you live are awful and they don't have any good private schools that you can afford? I've simply never heard of it here in NYC, or in NJ where I grew up. The first time I heard of it was on these Cathe boards, so bear with me if I seem naive. How do they develop their social skills if they're not with other kids?

Hi Nancy,

I'm a homeschool mom as well. The socialization question is the one that pops up most frequently.

Homeschooled children do not spend all their time at home. We have many opportunities to participate in classes and activities outside the home. So our children to learn to interact with children in their own age group. We also interact with people who do not share the same values, faith, or world view as us, so our children are also exposed to other people and ideas that are different from ours (although I know a couple of homeschool families that are very isolated--I do not personally think this is a good idea and it certainly is not the norm within the homeschool community).

However, I have to ask the question, how natural is a classroom setting in terms of socialization? Do you only socialize or work with people in your own age group as an adult? Or is your work setting more age integrated? I have a feeling that in the real world, people must learn to interact and get along with people of all ages. And homeschooling offers a unique opportunity to do just that.

Because the kids are not forced into their own age group 8 hours a day five days a week, they tend to be comfortable with a large range of ages, rather than just their own age group. Of course there are exceptions to this--homeschooled children who do not communicate well with other aged people and public and private schooled children who do.

As far as why we homeschool, my concern regarding age-segregation mentioned above is one reason. Other reasons, in no particular order--we want to provide a solid academic, faith-based education for
our children. We want to individualize their education to their particular strengths and weaknesses and interests. As a homeschooler, I have the flexibility to tinker with or even change altogether the curricula I use to suit the learning style of each individual child. We want to be able as parents to deal with any character issues that arise and we need more than just evenings and weekends to do this.

I could go on and on--really, books have been written about this, but I need to get on with my day.

(I hope this post does not start a flame war. These are my own privately held convictions and I firmly believe that parents can determine what form of education is appropriate for their children and circumstances. I do not know what is best for anyone else's family as you do not know what is best for mine.)

Maggie :)
Hey there, I actually live in Truckee, CA. I have friends who go to TMCC, and I am familiar with the school but I do not go there.

It is a great forum and there are lots of nice people here to get to know. I do not know of any other Catheites who are in the area, at least close. I thought there was a gal last year in Reno, and she may still be, but I don't remember who she is. There are some NorCal folks and one near Susanville I believe. Small and very sweet world of Cathe:)
Work part-time with two young children at home, AND go to school part-time now, full-time in the spring.:eek:

I find it amazing that all you women manage to find time for yourselves in spite of all your other commitments! We women are amazing creatures! I work full time and have 3 kids; 16,14,12. If I don't WO in early AM, then it probably wont happen. Phyllis

Me too, Phyllis. After reading these posts, I am down right ashamed of myself and how much time I waste in a day. I have no kids at all. When I met my stepson he was already a grown-up. And yet, somehow, I'm never as good at my job as I'd like to be. I can just imagine what I'd be like if I were thinking about a kid at home. My head would no doubt explode.

You women with careers and kids are completely awesome to me.

All the women who are raising children are so awesome to me. I only had one and it really was the toughest job ever had (she is 22 years old now)!!! Those women who have more then one......I so bow to you in every way!! You have the most difficult job in the world!! I know the kind of DH you have does make all the difference...........

Either way, my hat is off to you all! My hands were more than full with my one.... which was why I only had one. I humbly honor you all in every way!!

Robin (yellow);-)
I'm a SAHM to 4 kids.

I'm always in awe of mothers who have jobs in addition to raising kids. I get so overwhelmed with everything sometimes and just don't know how moms with jobs do it all!

I was a SAHM until recently, have re-entered the workforce part-time..16 hours a week and am also going to school part-time in the court-reporting program. I have a daughter who will be 5 years old November 18 and a step-son who lives with us who will be 12 soon.
I'm blessed to be a full-time mom AND have a full-time job...Thankfully I'm in real estate, and can work from my home about 70% of the time...I take most summers "off" when DD is, and pack my winters FULL...My day typically ends when the sun goes down, so not very long hours in the winter! DH owns a landscape company, so he's off from November 1st to around April 1st (we're in MN) and he's my unpaid assistant in the winter...If I DO have showings/listings that pop up in the evening (which doesn't happen very often), he'll be home when the bus gets here...

I've got a friend at another company who's a SINGLE mother of two...She sells real estate AND homeschools, AND is youth group leader, AND Brownie leader (for the younger) AND Girl Scout leader (for the older one) AND both of her girls are in 4H...now SHE's a superwoman!!
Looks like we've got plenty of superwomen right here on this Cathe board.

Just curious: How many women here are married to SAH Dads? I'm guessing less than a handful.
I have a full-time career, a 13-year-old son at home, and I'm going to school in an accelerated (time-intensive) BA program that will be over with next August. I have been slacking in the exercise department.

I was teaching step and step/sculpt, 2 classes a week, at the YMCA but then something happened at my day job and I have had to change jobs. I work as a temp a lot now which is stressful always.

My DH has been mostly a SAH dad but he has lately started painting houses and doing other things like that. He is now painting the whole interior of a house.

I have recently become a SAHM again. Lost my job of 6 years due to downsizing. The good part is I can draw unemployment until it runs out or I get me another job, which will be difficult as I have a special needs child and need to get off of work for his dr's appts.


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