off topic/love being SAHM


Well, after 22 years with the same company, I was just laid off along with 20 other people in August (corporate downsizing). That's bad news financially but I never enjoyed the job anyway. I am absolutely loving being home waiting for my son to get off the bus every afternoon. Unfortunately I absolutely have to go back to work since hubbie doesn't make very much; (but, he's a great hubbie and the world's best dad). I am hoping to find something where I go in very early and get off around 1:00 or 1:30. The only thing I can come up with is maybe a grocery store bakery. Do you ladies have any other ideas on jobs where you go in insanely early and get off before school gets out? I appreciate any ideas. Thanks.
the only issue i had when did a bakery job was that i had to get up at 3am(then again i worked at a bakery near the train station that communted to NYC). but some other good jobs is maybe part time house cleaning services, part time morning cashiers at the grocery store, or some other part time position at the store or any store like clothing stores,dollar stores, etc. i am sorry you have to go through this fincially. i know its hard b/c we are a one income family since viola's diagnosis so i have even done some off the book odd jobs to get a little extra cash. i hope it all works out but isn't great to be home.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
When I was in grad school I worked at a day care center. Perfectly horrible job but the hours were 6 to 12:30 :)


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Hi Lisa! Nice to see you here! What about a school cafeteria job? I have some friends that do that and are off after lunch. Good Luck and enjoy this special time with your son!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
>Hi Lisa! Nice to see you here! What about a school cafeteria
>job? I have some friends that do that and are off after lunch.
>Good Luck and enjoy this special time with your son!

that is a neat idea, although not so great for the kids LOL


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
My friend starting working in the cafeteria and hated it so much. Now she works in the school office and that is perfect when you have children. Also there are teacher's aids jobs. If your child is small, I'm sure he'd love you working at school. If he is older, probably not so much :)
Depends on where you live, too. Out here on the west coast you can get some great admin and inside sales support jobs that start at 6AM and end early. Also it's a great job market right now and a lot of times you can negotiate your own hours. You can also find a lot of work-from-home jobs that would do the same thing. Good luck... I know what you mean!
We have some gyms in my area that open at 5:30 or 6:00 in the morning. Then you could probably be done by 1:00 p.m. You could work the front desk or the daycare, I suppose. One of my co-workers does that part-time as an extra job. It's not great money, but she also gets commission if she signs people up to join the gym. Since your fitness minded, you'd probably enjoy it. Maybe even get to use the gym:)
You could take a 2 week course and become a certified nursing assistant. Then you could work in a nursing home during the day shift (early...6 or 7... until around 3 pm)

Pick the kinds of companies you WANT to work for or have experience in and send your resume with a cover letter stating the hours you're available. Many firms need part-time people and might not even be advertising for the position, but your letter may generate interest. Nothing to lose and everything to gain if they call you for an interview!
Another thought would be to look into a corporate position that offers flex-time. I currently work for a corporation and work a 40 week but work 7:30-3:30, working through lunch. It's great b/c althought I don't have kids I can still get home at a decent hour and don't have to deal with traffic.

Several other women in my department with children work 6-2:30 or 5-1:30.

Just another possibility. Many corporations offer flex-time or even a work from home option.
I was a SAHM for many years and my daughter just went off to kindergarten and my step son who also lives with us is in 7th grade. I am now working as a library assistant at an elementary school in the same school district as my kids. Its great. I work 30 hours a week with health, dental, vision and life insurance with summers off and Xmas vacation off as well as spring break. So, basically if the kids are off, I will be off with the exception of 2 Professional development days that I have to attend. Its a great set-up with someone with school age kids. So try looking at employment maybe in the school district your children are in.
I agree with the teaching/school assistant jobs. I am a teacher, and a mom. The hours couldn't be better (8:15-3:45). That is for elem. school. The hours for middle/high school are earlier where I live. My husband is a middle school teacher. He goes in for 7:15, and he gets off of work at 2:45. Not a bad deal.
I definitely think something in the education field - you could even have the summers off?

How about a Teacher's Aide or help with a private school?

I was lucky and didn't have to work, but still was out doing yard duty and worked in the school office. It was good to be around the children . . .

Oh yea, school bus driver?
I know a lot of moms who are school bus drivers. In my district, they even allow the school bus driver moms to take their babies/little kids with them on the bus runs. I know that your kids are older, so you wouldn't need to take them on the bus with you, but I thought that was a pretty neat perk.
I have a friend who works for a restaraunt chain doing payroll. She goes in 1 day a week, and the rest she does at home but not full time. That's a thought or just simple bookkeeping. I work for a small property management company (I'm their only full time employee) and they hired someone to do bills and keep the books a while back and it was VERY part time. There's lots of businesses that need help part time it's just a matter of finding them. Another thing is house cleaning. Not the most glamorous job but I have had to hire housekeepers for the properties that I manage and some of the housekeepers only work part time and they are self-employed.


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