Good morning JaneJ,
Congratulations on your new baby.
Our dogs name is Molly. I asked my Mom and Dad to give us an old fashion name. They both liked Molly. An old fashion name, Irish familiar forms of Mary. Molly is part Yorky and Chauhauah, and one of the most intelligent dogs I've owned. She has imprinted herself on me, so we are close.
Our first cats name is Winkle. He was rescued. For a few days we just let things happen. He would lye on a bed and sleep all day long and even during the night, only to get up to drink and eat and... Soon he would get use to us and move his head up and make a sound to say hi, every time we came in the room. So we called him Winkle, short for Rip Van Winkle. He's still a layed back kitty, and we adore him. He loves my husband.
Our Second cat is Higgin. She was rescued. My husband and I were in Mich. a few years ago on a family reunion, by Higgens Lake. We went for a walk, and heard this awful very loud screaching sound! I looked on the ground and a very small 4 week kitty sprung and leaped into my arms. Well, she was ours from then on. A beautiful calico. And she also loves my husband. She just caught her first garder snake. Very proud she was. Pour snake though.
Here is a list from our other animals who all lived a long healthy, happy life, now in doggy heaven:
Almost...believe it or not, this name fit him
Enjoy picking out a name, its always a fun time.
"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-