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  1. L

    Spot Exercises?

    The Firm's Lower Body Sculpting would probably be right up your alley. It's all floor work. The workout is 20 minutes with a 9-minute warm-up/cooldown. They also have Sculpted Buns, Hips & Thighs with Tracy Long. It's 45 minutes long and lifted from the Crosstrainers. I haven't done it in...
  2. L


    I hope this question isn't too stoopid, but isn't the pill supposed to keep you on "regular as rain" cycles? If you haven't missed taking any and haven't had a period for a couple of months, then you probably need a blood test just to confirm you're not preggers, especially since the two...
  3. L

    results from power hour only? or mis only?

    Jill, Thanx for the great suggestions. I am copying your post and will use it after S&H. Lisa PS Of course I have ALL of Cathe's workouts, cux I'm an addict like the rest of y'all here, hehe. A couple of them, though, still sit on the shelf in their pristine little cellophane wrappers...
  4. L

    results from power hour only? or mis only?

    Can you (or anyone else) share what you use with it and an order that works? Here's where I'm at: I just finished up a 7 week PS routine and am following it with 5 weeks of CTX. The first 3 weeks of May I'm gonna do S&H. After that I wanna use Power Hour (haven't done it yet!) for a month or...
  5. L

    Order of CTX

    Cathe suggested this one some time ago: Day 1: Circuit/Back Day 2: Step & Intervals/Chest Day 3: All Step/Shoulders Day 4: Meaner Legs Day 5: 10-10-10/Triceps Day 6: Kickbox/Biceps Day 7: Rest/Alleluia
  6. L

    Late night workouts - myth or fact?

    I exercise at night and sleep like a baby also. It must depend on the individual. One reason I like p.m. exercise is that it keeps me out of the kitchen and then kills my appetite for late-night noshing. A very Good Thing indeed..... :-cool
  7. L

    help with yoga

    I'm a wee bit embarassed to say this, but I liked my Dixie Carter "Un-Workout" yoga tapes the best for beginning work and still use them regularly. (Others in my collection include Yoga Journal series, Kathy Smith, and others. They just don't do it for me like she does.) The first is about an...
  8. L

    S&H too advanced for me?

    Ooh, what an excellent question! I can't wait to hear the replies from the resident experts. You might consider working up to S&H with the PS series, increasing your poundage over a period of time. After reading several posts from Cathe and others here, I decided to rethink how I've been...
  9. L


    Update: They did a piece on GMA earlier today that exposed these things. Rather frightening that there are no laws to protect the consumers. Example: Before and after photos aren't even of the same people in many cases, shreak, and they use fitness gurus as the infomercial spokespeople...
  10. L


    I'm not Cathe, but the local news station did a story on this thing last night. They took two people, a 40-something overweight man and a 20-something avid-exerciser-who-wants-to-lose-a-few-pounds-but-looks-pretty-good young woman, and had them try it for a month. The man gave up after two...