S&H too advanced for me?


New Member

I know they say that your muscles need 24 hours to recover after doing a strength workout. My problem is, when I do the Slow and Heavy series, I find that my muscles get so sore that I can't even exercise for at least 72 hours.

Does this mean that I am doing something wrong -- e.g. using too heavy of weight? Or is it possible that the S&H training is just too advanced for me?

Some background on me: I have been using Firm tapes for about three years now. I run and I play soccer. And I do some yoga. I just got the S&H DVD. I have only used the dvd a few times, and I only used it once per week.

I used to consider myself an advanced exerciser (cardio wise). But, due to a serious leg injury last year, I really got deconditioned. I think I have worked myself back up to about the intermediate level.

I have never been able to lift very heavy. The most amount of weight I have ever used is two 10 pound dumb bells - and right now, the highest I go is two 8 pound dumb bells. (One of the reasons I decided to try your dvd is to increase my strength.)

Should I keep trying the S&H series, or would it be a better idea to try to work my way up by using different tapes?


Ooh, what an excellent question! I can't wait to hear the replies from the resident experts. You might consider working up to S&H with the PS series, increasing your poundage over a period of time. After reading several posts from Cathe and others here, I decided to rethink how I've been doing things and have been getting some interesting results:

I used to Firm also until I saw the light <VBG> and found Cathe. I was doing the Cathe cardios pretty regularly while staying away from lifting (other than CTX or an occasional MIS) cuz the temporary weight gain from lifting drove me crazy. Unfortunately I found myself getting sick or injured every time I worked out 5-6 times a week, which caused a break in training and resulting weight gain or muscle loss. (I'm 44, so it's a struggle.)

Cathe posted to somebody that 3 weeks for a weight rotation really isn't long enough for the body to get used to and start responding if you haven't been doing much. Sooooo...since February 2 I have been doing a PS rotation. My goal is to repeat it twice and then take 2 days off. But if I feel too tired or overtrained I just take a day off and start back up the next day. In the last week muscles in the shoulders and arms have started popping out (YES!!!)and the butt seems a couple of inches higher, hehe, although the scales haven't budged. Like overnight magic!!! I've also started getting a lot more energy and have increased the poundages I lift. For this month I am going to throw in extra cardio twice a week to shake things up. I will reassess at the end of the month and switch to a 3-week S&H either in April or wait til May when I have the muscles to handle it. Sorry to go on so long, but my results have really got me pumped. Thanks to all who post their wonderful ideas here!

I'm not Cathe, and I'm certainly no expert, but I don't think that you have to be an advanced exerciser to benefit from the S&H series. I certainly think that the concentration required for this series would appeal more to the seasoned weight lifter, but if you're game, I say go for it.

You can try modifying the workouts in several ways to see if you can alleviate some of the muscle soreness. Maybe lightening your poundages a bit, or eliminating a set from each exercise. Extra stretching between sets and after the workout might do the trick. Drink lots of water and keep your body hydrated, this will help prevent cramping.

Slow and Heavy is a great series. Don't let the soreness discourage you from using it, just "tweak" the workouts until you find what works for you.
Hi Lori! Since you mention that you just got S&H recently, it is not unusual for you to feel sore for a couple of days. Muscles commonly react this way to new programs unless the new program somewhat mimmicks your previous one. This intense soreness will eventually become less intense and also eventually subside in less time as well. You can do either do the S&H series with less weight and work your way up gradually or use other tapes and work your way up. There is no right or wrong way to go about it. Good Luck and keep up the good work!
Thanks everyone for your replies.

My main concern was to make sure that I wasn't doing something wrong. Ever since I tore the muscle in my leg I have been super paranoid about injuring myself again. I think I just needed some reassurance that the soreness wasn't abnormal.

I really like S&H a lot. It is totally different from what I am used to doing.

I have been trying to resist buying the PS dvd because I need to keep on budget, but I can feel my resistance crumbling.

Oh, thank you for asking that question and thanks Cathe for the answer! When I go back to PS (don't have S&H yet!) after doing other things, I become a cripple. I thought I was going too heavy, even though I could do the reps formwise. I tried going lighter once but was frustrated because it was too easy and was just as much in pain 3 days afterwards! Thanks!!

Marcia, freezing in northern Sweden

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