

Cathe, can you tell me anything about these electronic machines they have out to work your abs. Do they work? I work out 6 days a week with your tapes and do both cardio and weights, I really want to get me abs more defined. I watch my diet too, but I was just wondering will these machines help to get that defined ab in combination with the rest. Thank you, Pam
I'm not Cathe, but the local news station did a story on this thing last night. They took two people, a 40-something overweight man and a 20-something avid-exerciser-who-wants-to-lose-a-few-pounds-but-looks-pretty-good young woman, and had them try it for a month. The man gave up after two weeks because he couldn't stand it as the electricity was kicked up a notch. The young woman followed directions to the max and did it for a month. Result: Absolutely Nothing, and they showed closeups of the before and after measuring of both of them, the total horror. She said the promotional materials said she was guaranteed to lose 1-2 inches in 30 days. She planned to return it and get her money back. Let the buyer beware....

BTW, I lurk here and rarely post. I just want to say I think this board has the nicest and most helpful people on the WWW. A true reflection of Cathe and her followers, I'm sure!
I was listening to the news one day and I heard them quoting one of the designers of those electronic devices (there are several on the market). He admitted that while the muscles do contract from the current, it is not enough to build muscle. And the more fat you have on your belly, the less contraction you get anyway. Basically, he admitted that is was worthless unless "combined with a healthy diet and exercise." But as we all know a healthy diet and exercise is enough WITHOUT an electronic thingamajig.
Thanks for your feedback, I pretty much thought it was too good to be true, but I missed that news report and appreciate you answering me. Thanks again, Pam
Update: They did a piece on GMA earlier today that exposed these things. Rather frightening that there are no laws to protect the consumers. Example: Before and after photos aren't even of the same people in many cases, shreak, and they use fitness gurus as the infomercial spokespeople! They said the full story by Arnold Diaz will be aired on 20-20 tonite.

Also, the Wichita station did a followup last nite of a lady trying to return her useless product. She's made countless calls, only to get voice mail and busy signals (after hours of waiting,) plus she's sent over 30 emails the last month. Your basic nightmare. The company has not made good on the guarantee. The station had no luck contacting the company either and said the California Better Business Bureau gives them a dud rating.

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