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  1. H

    Nutrition Buddies

    Hi, I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July! I relaxed happily on the sofa and watched Horatio Hornblower with parents (3 whole complete movies?) Yes, I did. I felt a little togetherness was in order since I don't see them too much. Two gallons of Spumoni and cherry chip were in the...
  2. H

    I need a shoulder to cry on...

    I'm Sorry Hi, I'm sorry you can't get the tapes! I tried to buy a copy of BreakThru Step and someone else beat me. I can't ever seem to get a trade for something I really want. So, I understand disappointment! Can you buy just one tape? I mean just ONE LITTLE TAPE? Well, if you can't, then...
  3. H

    Nutrition Buddies

    Choco Chip W/Fireworks? Hi, I'm planning to have no calorie fireworks to see--and to eat! I've been curious to try a recipe for chocolate chip cayenne cookies. Yes, cayenne pepper! With school and work, I haven't been able to bake them but Tuesday morn...I'm going to feed them to my date ; O...
  4. H

    Nutrition Buddies

    Sounds good to me. Hi, We already have three goals: water, strategy planning, and late night eating. Both of us are Stressed out and we don't need more or the guilts either. A holiday weekend is coming up and I want to have some fun and not worry about goals. Why don't we just maintain and...
  5. H

    Nutrition Buddies

    Hi, Another stressful week! Last Friday, during the middle of writing my 10 page Final, my computer gliched. My paper got deleted. Since it was due that day, my stress level was very HIGH! Luckily, a VFer helped my fix my Microsoft Word so I could start working on it on Saturday (got an...
  6. H

    Nutrition Buddies

    Good Luck Larysa! Hi, I'm glad you found a buddy! Whatever works for you. Keep us posted, though. I would love to hear that you succeeded picking up new, healthy habits. If your friend's enthusiasm fails, I'm sure we can figure something out for you. Good Luck!!! Helen
  7. H

    Nutrition Buddies

    New Goal Hi, We aren't going to be able to synchronize our stressors to be successful in our new goals at the same time. I wish! You had a great week BLinda! Now, I have some inspiration to get me going. The new goal sounds like a good one. Sometimes I eat too much in the morning and don't...
  8. H

    Nutrition Buddies

    Hi, This is an unenergetic post because I am tired, stressed, and have a mountain of stuff to do before Friday. I'm attending school during the summer, working, and taking Dad to his doctor appts. I fell behind in my work and two days of not waking up from my nap has made things worse so my...
  9. H

    Hey Everyone!

    Saturdays Hi, Either the 15th or the 29th will work for me. Helen
  10. H

    Hey Everyone!

    Get Together Hi, The 15th would work for me. I couldn't make it on the 22nd because I'll be out of town on that day. Planning a month in advance is great for me since my work schedule is made up for that time period as well. Helen
  11. H

    Fitness Buddies Check-In

    Strategy Week Hi, It seems like we all have major setbacks in certain areas. Why don't we try to maintain our personal water goals and brain storm about our personal health weaknesses. BLinda, can find a new route that will keep you away from that cookie/chocolate place? Do you care to...
  12. H

    Fitness Buddies Check-In

    New Goal Hi, Blinda, why don't you set a new goal for us. Hopefully, Larysa will post today and catch up with us. If there isn't a new goal posted by 12:00, I'll post one since I am committed to this one change a week plan. Helen Z
  13. H

    Hey Everyone!

    Another Ohio VFer Hi, I live in the Cleveland area. I think it would be kind of nice to meet and enjoy some mall walking and ice cream. Just think of the on-the-spot video trades we could make or the credit card activity we might stoke up hearing about different videos. Helen Z
  14. H

    Fitness Buddies Check-In

    Great Job! Hi, A gallon of water in a day! And I thought I felt like a lil fishy! Great Job Belinda! Don't worry about the slip, I'm in the same boat and I understand. Thats the point of this check-in,to learn how to deal with such situations and handle set-backs. Right? :O) Great idea...
  15. H

    Fitness Buddies Check-In

    Hi, I got my 4 oz. glasses of water in 5 out of 7 days. I had two stressful days from which I gained 5 lbs. So I didn't track my water consumption. I was eating so much to block out the stress! Guess what? Now I have more! Well, back on the wagon again. I did notice that drinking water helped...
  16. H

    Request for a Nutrition Buddy

    No Buddies? Hi, I did my 4 8oz. glasses of water today. Maybe, we should just stick to Wednesday only posts. Maybe, posting so often is too hard. Hope you guys post. Helen Z
  17. H

    Request for a Nutrition Buddy

    Andrea Hi, Congratulations on the baby you are expecting! I'm sure you will find plenty of support here when you make a decision to focus on nutrition. The right time is up to you. Helen Z
  18. H

    Request for a Nutrition Buddy

    Nutrition Buddy Hi, Maybe people would be inspired to find a buddy if we post here. If its not okay, I'm sure someone will tell us in a kind way. But I'm trying to focus on lifestyle change not calorie counts. I don't want to starve myself. I could commit to a Mon, Wed, Fri with Wednesday...
  19. H

    Request for a Nutrition Buddy

    I've Heard of the Three Muskateers <center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-00 AT 12:09PM (EST)</font></center> Hi, I know I only posted for one buddy, but I think two buddies will work. I just want a commitment to be there for each other each week. Obviously, we won't be...
  20. H

    Request for a Nutrition Buddy

    Hi, I would like a nutrition buddy. I like the Nutrition check-in but its free-flowing format also has drawbacks. If I don't feel like checking in, I don't. If I had a buddy to be accountable to, I think I would do better. Everyone is wonderful here, but not every person checks in every week...