I need a shoulder to cry on...


Who here hasn't or just couldn't pre-order any of the Cathe tapes???
I feel so lonely....
I chose a (very expensive) pair of rollerblades over the tapes because...not only do I have kids but I homeschool them as well. As their P.E. teacher, I love when we can be outdoors during our beautiful summer nights. I don't have any regrets one bit because it's brought my whole family even more "fun" time. I'm just EXTRA sad tonight because tomarrow is the last day for June pre-order. SNM videos hasn't let me know what the pricing is going to be after the pre-sale, and the quantity discount list is changing and I'm not even sure if I can afford them then....
I guess I must fill my emptyness by other means besides food! Maybe I can get them through the VF exchange someday...or there's always Christmas!
Well, the bright side is I don't have them now and I'm not dead....
Thanks for lending me your shoulder!!
I'm Sorry


I'm sorry you can't get the tapes! I tried to buy a copy of BreakThru Step and someone else beat me. I can't ever seem to get a trade for something I really want. So, I understand disappointment! Can you buy just one tape? I mean just ONE LITTLE TAPE? Well, if you can't, then maybe you'll have an extra special birthday or Christman!

Helen Z
You'll be okay

I know its easy to get caught up in the excitement, but these videos will be available for a long time. I was lucky enough to buy them today only b/c this was my paycheck where they didn't deduct the health insurance premium,so I used the $ for the videos-the best type of health insurance is being fit! Rollerblading sounds like a great crosstraining exercise and a fun way to spend time with your kids. I can't wait till my kids are old enough to rollerblade ( of course I'll have to learn also!) Have FUN! Yas
It's not the end of the world...

because I am just positive that the new videos will surface on one of the auction sites like Ebay. I have seen, sold, and purchased several of Cathe's videos there for reasonable prices. Some people will not be able to use Cathe's new videos because they are pretty advanced and not everyone has the same fitness goals us hard-core folks here!
I didn't get to order them either

I know EXACTLY how you feel!! Since I'm new to Cathe I had to choose between her new tapes or the older ones. I chose the older ones to get more aquainted with her style. But, it was such a tough decision!! I'm only hoping I made the right choice. Still, I feel an emptiness because I REALLY want those tapes, too. However, my cash flow wouldn't let me. What is one to do??

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