Request for a Nutrition Buddy



I would like a nutrition buddy. I like the Nutrition check-in but its free-flowing format also has drawbacks. If I don't feel like checking in, I don't. If I had a buddy to be accountable to, I think I would do better. Everyone is wonderful here, but not every person checks in every week. My idea is to decide between the two of us what goal we want for the week: drinking more water, taking your daily vitamin, adding soy to your diet, etc. Then the next check-in, we compare notes. At the end of the month, we see if we have kept up with the month's goals. That's a total of 4 or 5 positive changes in a month! And there is always one person who you can count on to encourage you-your nutrition buddy! Anyone interested?

Helen Z
I am also looking for a buddy!

Hi Helen!
What a coincidence. I posted a few days ago on VF about wanting to lose these last 10 pounds and how my problem is poor nutrition. My willpower is very weak, especially when it comes to junk food. Someone directed me to this site, which I have checked out several times but never really joined. I have also looked at the nutritional challenge posts, it seemed to overwhelming to me. I am looking for someone to "talk" to when I am experiencing a weak moment, someone to motivate me, someone who is looking to follow a healthy lifestyle, not necessarily a "diet" (I hate that word). I don't drink enough water, I don't eat enough fruits and veggies and I can live on ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you would like me for a buddy, let me know!

me too

I think this is a great idea. I especially like the idea of one change a week. I get overwhelmed at the idea of overhauling my whole diet, and would like to move slowly with changes that stick. I really don't want to go on a diet- I hate that hungry feeling- and am hoping that small healthy changes will accomplish my goals. Slowly I am sure, but accomplish them just the same.
I've Heard of the Three Muskateers

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-00 AT 12:09PM (EST)</font></center>


I know I only posted for one buddy, but I think two buddies will work. I just want a commitment to be there for each other each week. Obviously, we won't be the three Muskateers (although low-fat), more like Luna buddies. What changes should we attempt this week? How about if we take turns? Each week one different buddy, posts a suggested goal. I have low blood pressure, so I drink a lot of coffee. My doctor actually said its good for me. Coffee, however, is dehydrating. How about this week being water week? Is this okay? Should we post a certain amount as a goal? Suggestions?

Helen Z
Great idea Helen!!

I also have low blood pressure! I try to limit my coffee intake to 3 cups a day, though some days I splurge on a caramel latte. I like the water idea because I have a hard time drinking it, the only time I do is post-workout. I can go a whole day with just a couple of cups of coffee and nothing else to drink. I also have low energy and I heard drinking lots of water helps boost energy levels, so I am all for this. How about 8 6-oz. glasses a day (or is it 6 8-oz. glasses?) Do you want to make our goals a Wednesday to Wednesday week? Should we do this privately by email or through this website. Like I said, I have never posted on this website, so I am not sure if there are any guidelines to follow. I would really like to check in with you guys on a daily basis, mainly for support.

I hope you decide to post

Although I understand if you don't. I am in the first trimester of pregnancy and just trying to get ANY food down. But I would like to look you guys up in 9 months, because my "normal" eating habits need something like this. Maybe you would consider me then eh?
Good Luck!
Nutrition Buddy


Maybe people would be inspired to find a buddy if we post here. If its not okay, I'm sure someone will tell us in a kind way. But I'm trying to focus on lifestyle change not calorie counts. I don't want to starve myself.

I could commit to a Mon, Wed, Fri with Wednesday being the main check-in. I don't think I could do 6 8oz. glasses. Right now I think I would like to try for 4. That seems doable to me. Three to make up for my coffee and one extra. I don't drink any now. Amount can be personal. We have to get BLinda's imput on this.

Helen Z
Water sounds like a good idea-

I am drinking way too much diet soda. I am also trying to sub green tea and unsweetened iced tea for the soda, so I may try for 4-5 glasses a day. Plus all the other stuff. I don't mind checking in here- I am not certain how many times a week, but am willing to try more than once a week. Some days I just get to read, other days I get to reply- It just depends on how patient the children are.


Congratulations on the baby you are expecting! I'm sure you will find plenty of support here when you make a decision to focus on nutrition. The right time is up to you.

Helen Z
No Buddies?


I did my 4 8oz. glasses of water today.

Maybe, we should just stick to Wednesday only posts. Maybe, posting so often is too hard. Hope you guys post.

Helen Z
I'm here

I had 5 glasses of water for the day. I agree with the Wednesday only post, will keep track of my H2O and we will check back next week.


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