Nutrition Buddies



Another stressful week! Last Friday, during the middle of writing my 10 page Final, my computer gliched. My paper got deleted. Since it was due that day, my stress level was very HIGH! Luckily, a VFer helped my fix my Microsoft Word so I could start working on it on Saturday (got an extension). Both my nutrition and fitness goals went out the window. I decided to focus on controlling stress induced food-to-mouth syndrome. I'm happy that I've stopped the stress weight gain and I am maintaining.

August SHAPE (got it early)has a good mini article on nutrition blunders. Its kinda like a three day time out. It encouraged me. July had a nice article on how will power alone usually doesn't work. I've decided to make a workout collage for my wall. I'm going to include pg. 123 from July for humor. Hey, humor helps stress!

Does someone want to post another goal this week, or do we maintain?

Wow- that sounds tough!

That's a scary week. My week has just been stressful, but not exceptional. My youngest has been going through a demanding phase, and I am drained. Also, when the youngest gets demanding, the eldest turns up his demands and volume too, so I get to double the stress. I haven't done so well on the late night eating, but have been more careful about what. I have been exercising at night, and since I am still nursing, I am vaguely afraid to do a tough weight workout, and not eat something. I figure if we could maintain, or even improve our present goals we woudl be doing pretty good.
Sounds good to me.


We already have three goals: water, strategy planning, and late night eating. Both of us are Stressed out and we don't need more or the guilts either. A holiday weekend is coming up and I want to have some fun and not worry about goals. Why don't we just maintain and check-in on Wed and see if we're up to a new goal. I really hope you have a nice weekend Blinda!

Happy Fourth!

Hi Helen-
Hope you have a nice weekend too. And don't feel guilty for celebrating!!!!!
Oh don't forget- fireworks have no calories. It's nice to have a holiday tradition w/out fat.

enjoy a hot dog!

I am feeling almost normal today, but I refuse to think this is over because I will be too let down, when tomorrow it's the same ol' thing. Let yourselves have one American treat for the 4th and DO NOT feel guilty about it!
Choco Chip W/Fireworks?


I'm planning to have no calorie fireworks to see--and to eat! I've been curious to try a recipe for chocolate chip cayenne cookies. Yes, cayenne pepper! With school and work, I haven't been able to bake them but Tuesday morn...I'm going to feed them to my date ; O ). I hope both of you have a great holiday!

Helen Z
Be sure to tell us -

how those cookies come out! I have a friend who made jalepeno brownies, and they were good. Haven't made them since tho. I was thinking of making home-made ice cream for the 4th. We have a local dairy, and I buy FRESH cream. It comes out as pretty amazing stuff. Last time was mint chip, but this time I think it will need to be something my kids will eat- maybe a fruit. Tell ya later how it goes.
jalapeno brownies

I've seen that recipe, but haven't gotten around to trying it yet. I did have some friends once give me a "gift" of jalapeno chocolates, though. I think they just wanted a picture of me tasting them, though (blackmail purposes?). But I foiled them! I just munched away and grabbed another. Actually pretty tasty.

Oh, my kitchen is decorated in hot pepper theme. So that probably explains much of the above.

Karen N

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