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  1. E

    does anyone have an opinion on christie taylor videos?

    Hi Carol, We've missed seeing you on the Christi forum. I'm sorry to hear you don't enjoy her Terrific Trio DVD you said you bought. I don't have that one b/c it doesn't look as good as other ones. You should really try some of her others. I ONLY do Cathe and Christi workouts, no one else...
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    I believe Step n Motion is Cathe's first workout tape from 1989 I think. I have a lot of Cathe DVD's and love all of them, but I do not have All Step. I love Body Max step section, Rhythmic Step, Step Blast, and my favorite DVD is the one with IMAX 2/Cardio and Weights. Those 2 workouts are...
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    HELP!!! I am so lost...

    Hi Laura! I don't post often, but I briefly check the forums about 2 times a week. Your post caught my attention. I also have a 21 month old son and have plenty of fat to lose. I also have a 4 year old daughter. I'm 30 years old. Anyway, I've lost 40 lbs since I started working out after...
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    still look pregnant

    Cindy, I completely relate to you. I too gained 70-80 lbs with each pregnancy, worked out hard 6 days a week when I had my first when she was 15 months old, and managed to lose 40. I was at a chubby but reasonable weight, the very upper end of where I should be, when I got pregnant with #2...
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    still look pregnant

    Hi Cindy, I just saw this post as I am a busy stay at home mom also, and don't look at the forums every day. Your situation sounded exactly like mine, but I didn't attend my high school reunion (I really was pregnant at the time)! I also find it hard not to eat "crap". I still do, and I...
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    Summer Blast check in for week starting 7/26!

    Hi Sabine! Thanks for the info on Slow and Heavy. I will eventually get those but for now am using ME, PH, Body Max, Supersets, and the Pyramids. I did ME for the first time yesterday and am very sore today, even though I usually don't get so sore anymore. I'm going to try just a little...
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    Video Instructors Other Than Cathe

    I do Cathe and Christi Taylor. I mix Christi's Still Steppin and Solid Gold Step in my rotations as cardio options. The music is awesome, Christi is brilliant and the workouts are so much FUN. I'd say the choreography is similar in complexity and intensity to Cathe's Step Blast and Rhythmic...
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    WORKOUT Thursday 07/29

    Hi! I'm losing weight too and retain weight just before my period, and also during ovulation. I'm losing about 2-3 lbs after each part of my cycle, but my weight definitely fluctuates. For example I was up 2 lbs yesterday and was 1.5 lbs less today (still .5 lb away from my "low"). I'm 2-3...
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    Summer Blast check in for week starting 7/26!

    Hi Sabine! Which dutch food store do you live near? The site you mentioned doesn't exist. I'm thinking maybe the one in San Jose, I've never done any of the PS or Slow and Heavy. I have Power Hour and just got my new DVD's (Boot Camp and ME) and Circuit Max plus Cardio...
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    Step workouts!

    I'd also say get Cardio Hits; I'm actually about to get that one also. I love the same workouts as you do but from the video clips would pass on the classic hits DVD.
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    Power Hour & FitTv

    The whole workout is very exhausting (in a very good way) for the whole body. The ab section really gets me; I can't even complete it with out modification. It sounds like it was very edited on FitTV.
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    Why do you exercise at home?

    I have small children and I love the privacy and flexibility of working out at home. Also I can control the music, can choose my own workout and when I want to do it etc. I never really liked gyms more than home exercise so am not motivated to find one.
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    Summer Blast check in for week starting 7/26!

    Hi Sabine, Hang in there! I just ordered Bootcamp and it looks very tough from the video clip. I do have very bad workout days occasionally. It's just not there, the energy. Other days I'm great. So I know what you feel. I'm the fellow half dutch girl you met on the Christi Taylor...
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    Interesting article on what the thinnest people eat

    I try to eat a balance of protein, carbs and fat and this helps me feel my best. Also I don't feel so denied when I eat moderate amounts of carbs. If I eat mostly carbs and low protein I miss the protein, and vice versa. I think my carbs make up about 40% of my calories, protein 40%, and fat...
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    Anyone a big fan of Christi Taylor's workouts as I am?

    Great! Solid Gold Step has this great MoveMaster feature which enables you to learn the choreograghy in slow motion. I did this first before attempting the workout and it made the workout much smoother. The music is great on this workout and choreography sooo fun!! You will love it! :) Liz
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    Anyone a big fan of Christi Taylor's workouts as I am?

    Hi Sabine! I'd be thrilled to tell you where to get Dutch food. I'm hopelessly addicted to it. First I'll talk about vla and pudding. The best site is because they have great prices. I order everything from Gevulde Koeken and Kanos, Edam cheese (4lb ball), Venco Droptoefjes...
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    Anyone a big fan of Christi Taylor's workouts as I am?

    Hi Sabine, Are you Dutch? I'm half Dutch. My mom is from the Netherlands. I'm addicted to imported Dutch food! :) Her CIA 9801 as well as the other CIA's are on her Humble Beginnings DVD. I plan to get that one soon. Take care, Liz
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    Anyone a big fan of Christi Taylor's workouts as I am?

    RE: Anyone a big fan of Christi Taylor's workouts as I ... Hi JJ, I plan to definitely order StepSational (her new step workout being filmed 8/26) and am considering Funkional Fitness. I asked Christi on her forum about that one. It's not a typical Hi/lo, more of a dancy type workout. The...
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    PMS Cravings....Please Help.

    Hi, I understand! I go without chocolate, candy, or most baked goods and the day before the Big Dump I CRAVE chocolate like I will Die if I don't get it. Well in the past I always gave in to it, but like you I am trying to eat right. Actually I have weight I need to lose. Well last month...
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    Anyone a big fan of Christi Taylor's workouts as I am?

    RE: Anyone a big fan of Christi Taylor's workouts as I ... Hi everyone, I'm so glad a lot of you like Christi as I do. As one of you said, don't use Step Heaven as a guide. That's a good one but Solid Gold Step (filmed 2003) and Still Steppin (filmed 2001) are my favorites!! :) The hi/lo...