still look pregnant


I posted another message last week on how much cardio I should do and weights a week did not get much feed back. Anyway I was at a wedding this past weekend when I got the dreaded question are you expecting a baby ? I was totally embarrassed wanted to cry. Then same night I went to my 15 year highschool reuion and I got asked the same question again I wanted to crawl up in a ball and hide.What should I do to lose this gut I had my second baby 2 years ago. I have a limited anount of time to work out? Help!!!!!!! Cindy:(
Hi Cindy! I am so sorry to hear of your sadness. The sad part is that it's rude for people to ask! But, you hang in there. Do you have PUB? Also, Booptcamp? I fight my mid-section a lot but found when I incorporated these two routines into my weekly workouts (along with working my ABS at least 2-3 more times, I saw great improvement in flattening and muscle tone. (Hmmm, I need to get back to it.) Also, the AB work from Cardio & Weights is excellent too.) I also have a 4-Minute AB routine that Francine gave me some time ago incorporating the step on an incline. I think I remember it but let me go down and find it and I'll be back to post that too. Be sure to do different types of AB work so that you don't become accustomed to the same OLE thing. Maybe shake it up every 2-3 weeks and do something different. Also, as much as we hate to hear this, TRY to eat as clean as possible to get rid of the fat that covers those muscles your are going to get. Hope this helps a smidgeon. I know others will jump in to help. Hope you had a nice time at your 15th. and you just show them at your 20th. Go, Go, Go!!!![/img]
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Wow, that was rude. Don't they know that you NEVER NEVER NEVER ask someone that!!???

Tell us what you are doing right now for exercise and how your eating habits are and we will try to make suggestions. It really is a tough battle (I fight my stomach constantly) but you can make it better, promise.

Hi Cindy,

I know that you will receive some good advice and support here. Just give everyone a chance to brainstorm. Debbie had some good suggestions and Christine asked the questions I had. Just wanted you to know that we are here to help. Don't feel bad if Cathe dosen't answer, she is busy with the new series and probably dosen't make it to the boards much (she may even be out rehersing or filming). I have to go for now but I will keep an eye on this thread.

Goodluck- (((cyber hugs)))
I do 20 minutes of low impact 4 times a week. I also tried to follow the south beach diet it lasted a week. I am not one for trying fad diets. Anyway, I don't train with weights like I should on a regular basis I am very sporaidc about it.Now I am feeling like I better get on the ball everyone must think I am pregnant. My eating habits are so so I am good one day and the next not so good. I am stay at home mother I find it extremely difficult not to eat crap all day and snack. Well that's sums it in a nutshell. Cindy
Me again!

I couldn't find my sheet but I am fairly certain this is the routine:

Place a step with no riser on one end and only one riser at the other. Every couple weeks, add a riser to the side with the one riser making it harder to do the work. (Up to three risers on the one side. Adds resistance)

Lie down on the step with head down and feet on the incline, knees bent;

1 minute do slow and controlled crunches
1 minute slow and controlled reaches right hand to right ankle
1 minute slow and controlled reaches left hand to left ankle
1 minute alt. right & left elbow across (lead with shoulder, NOT elbow. Don't whip elbow across face, think of trying to touch the shoulder to the oppsite knee.)

You might even want to start with just 1/2 minute of each as these will make you sore, especially when you start adding more incline to the step.

Also, from reading and research it has been proven that the bicycle manuever is the best all around AB exercise for hitting the most muscle fibers at once. Good Luck and keep us posted. Give those babies a big hug!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Try real hard to incorporate weights into your overall program because it will build muscle and muscle burns fat! A GOOD THING! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I know how much work it takes to lose it after a baby. It doesn't come overnight, but the good news is that you can definatley improve yourself! I am a SAHM as well so I know what you mean about the food. Start there first, with your food. Your are the woman of the house, so empower yourself by making healthy food choices for you and your family. Don't buy the stuff you like to snack on that is high in sugar. When I started trying to lose weight after my son was born the thing I realized I was doing that was a BIG mistake was buying stuff that said low in fat, and not looking at the label. More often than not the low fat stuff was very high in sugar. So for instance my 2 1/2 year old son needs snacks, so I buy him animal crackers that are low in sugar. Good news is when I am in a mood for something sweet that's the only cookies in the house so that's what I eat for a snack too.

Next maybe the new beginners workout with 20 min weight workouts in it would be a good place for you to start. Do 3 days of weights and 3 days of cardio for 20 minutes. When that doesn't put you out, increase the intensity and length of your cardio. Cardio is going to really help kill that extra fat. Weight training will increase your metabilism and add new muscle for a toned look. The good news your are working out, but you need to put more into it for now. Any other questions I'd love to help out!
Our metabolism slows down as we age. The calories we do not burn get stored as fat. Obviously, You tend to carry this excess fat on your abdomen. The only way to lose this fat is by eating healthy and being adequately active. Your abdomen may also protrude if your belly muscles are weak. Here is some well meaning advince:

See where you can cut down the calories. See a dietician if you do not know to identify fatty foods and foods that are high in refined carbs.

Get active! Have a workout routine that burns calories and stored fat(aerobics - about 40 minutes per session not including the warm up and cool down ) and tones muscles ( resistance training ). Try to get an aerobic workout at least 5 times a week and a muscle toning workout three times a week.

Drink plenty of plain water. At least eight large glasses a day. More if you sweat. ( Like during a workout )

Maintain a journal and write down your thoughts, goals and strategies to lose weight.

Find supportive friends and relatives who will egg you on with your efforts rather than be rude and ask you if you are pregnant.

Diet and excercise is the only cure and permanent solution. So you just will have to set your clock to fit in workout time.

I may have sounded a litle abrupt but I am afraid there are no short cuts. I lost 45 lbs once I realised that I had to stop looking for excuses like 'no time to work out' 'no time to cook' 'no time to eat healthy'. As long as I took refuge in these excuses, I remained fat and podgy. When I decided to look after myself inspite of being a busy working mom, the weight came of!

Wish you all the best. Your belly WILL disappear but you have to put in the effort!
There's already lots of good advice but I will add a few things here...

You need to focus a bit on your eating and clean it up a bit. The water suggestion above is great b/c you will be more full when you drink that amount of water and so you won't be as hungry. Try to eat every 3 - 4 hours and eat smaller meals consisting of some protein carbs and fat. Well rounded. I lost 80 pounds using my own eating plan, although it was similar to an old style weight watchers with a focus on low(er) fat, and no specific diet. You don't want a "diet" want a new way of eating. Eating better will motivate you more to exercise and make you feel better. Plus, it iwll shrink that belly a bit too ;)

Do you have CTX? Sounds to me like this would work you very well and incorporate everytyhing that you need. Check it out on the homepage, but in short, it has several different 30-45 minute cardio sections with workouts for each body part. Each day you do a cardio with a body part. By the end of the wweek, you have worked each body part and gotten plenty of cardio in. To that, I typically add abs several times during the week. And if you wanted to add an extra body part per day, you can work each twice during the week. This is a step up from what you are doing, so I would start with just once per week and work up to twice. If you don't have it, it is a greaat investment for you.

If not, which Cathe (or other) workouts do you have? Maybe we can help you put them together to accomplish your goals.

The biggest mistake that I made when losing weight was doing cardio only for my first 40 pounds. I then picked up weight work later for the second 40. It was only later that I started lifting more and more weights and from there, changed my body composition competely. I wish wish wish I had done it sooner. Learn from my mistake :)

Thanks I needed to hear the truth sometimes it isn;t always to realize the only way it's going ot come off is with HARD work no short cuts. Cindy
Hi Cindy,
I just saw this post as I am a busy stay at home mom also, and don't look at the forums every day. Your situation sounded exactly like mine, but I didn't attend my high school reunion (I really was pregnant at the time)! I also find it hard not to eat "crap". I still do, and I really need to cut back. I find it very hard to do. I work out 4 times a week and do both cardio and weights, but it varies every week. Mostly Cathe and some Christi Taylor cardio, which I like just as much as Cathe's cardio workouts.

I had my 2nd baby 21 months ago, was very overweight, and lost 40. However, I have 40 more to go (I still have that 5-6 month pregant look), and I have stalled out after that first 40. I know it's up to me to take the next step and cut out more crap. I too hate fad diets and refuse to do them. One thing I really picked up on while reading this thread is that I need to increase my cardio, do even more than I'm now doing. I know it's hard to find the time though. I need to get my 21 month old up now, and check on my 4 year old!

Take care,
Liz :)
Hi Cindy:) ,

I have been having same problem. I am a regular exerciser and have been doing cathe's for 10 years. I am 5' and weight 95 pounds. However, my abs always stick out and is so visible:( ;( ;(

Lately i have been doing lots of reading on health and nutrition and decide to do the saliva hormone testing. And the results showed that my cortisol hormone is very low which means that i am suffering from adrenal fatigue. I have been taking supplement called " Adrenal Formula" to help with the adrenal formula and also CLA to help my body metabolise those tummy fat.

By taking those supplements and keep doing cathe, it DOES abs does not stick out as much and i hope i will see that six pack soon.

If you do not have adrenal fatigue problem i strongly recomend that you consider taking CLA. I am very very happy with it...Have been fighting with the tummy fat for a longggg time.

Good luck,

I thinks it great that you ost 40 pounds.Good for you. I have never been this out of shape before and my stomach is never been this fat.It's so easy to ignore it but when someone aske you when your pregnant and your not. Reality hits. I have lost weight before 38 pounds back in 1996 and kept it off until I got pregnant with my first I gained 80 pounds.I worked my butt off 6 days a week when I lost that weight in 96 I did not eat junk period then. I was very disiplined now that I am home with food all day it's very hard for me to not graze all day. I going to keep trying. Cindy:)
Cindy, I completely relate to you. I too gained 70-80 lbs with each pregnancy, worked out hard 6 days a week when I had my first when she was 15 months old, and managed to lose 40. I was at a chubby but reasonable weight, the very upper end of where I should be, when I got pregnant with #2. I did so well for the first 6 months, then really packed it on in the 3rd trimester then 20 more lbs gained after he was born. I thought I could eat as much as I wanted since I was nursing, and my energy level was so low. What did me in was chocolate chip muffins. Then went down so easily and gave me energy. However they were like 25g of fat each and 750 cal. Needless to say I no longer eat those!! also too many sugary drinks. I can't eat artificial sweeteners; not only do I hate them, but they make me feel sick. So now I mostly drink water, with a little OJ and tea in the morning, and maybe a coke 1 or 2 times a week. I could be more disciplined, but I really enjoy a nice drink once in a while.

The 40 I lost already took a year to come off, and I'm not eating that much differently now, just stalling a bit. I need to tweak both my eating habits and workouts.

I'm trying to eat balanced meals, but still have things I really like, just watching the quantity. I feel satisfied and not denied by letting myself have something I really like, just not going back for seconds. I find that on days I work out I am less hungry for awhile after the workout, and more motivated to eat right/less. So I'm aiming for 4/week, and am happy if I get 3. I just don't have the time anymore to do 6 workouts/wk, like I could when I had only 1 baby. Otherwise I find I get very little done of my other responsibilities. I'm really trying to endure more hunger now, not so I feel awful, just a manageable level. I keep very busy so I don't think about food as much. It's nice to hear from you. Keep in touch!

:) Liz

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