PMS Cravings....Please Help.


Please help! I just blew my diet again due to PMS cravings. I don't know how to control them. I crave sweets and carbs like crazy. Is there anything I do. I never used to get these cravings before. Are there supplements I can take? I was doing so well with my eating program and then I blow it. I am so tired going around this mountain again and again.

Any advice would be appreciated.
No help here..just gained two pounds this week due to my overeating cuz of PMS... My PMS has gotten so bad lately, bad cramps for days on end and the eating. I do this every month, anything i lose in the month goes to @#$% as soon as it is PMS time, I would also love to hear the advice out there
Sugar Free Hershey's Candy. ?!?!?!?

You might ask the doc...have heard that if you can fight the cravings off for 3 months in a row, they go away. I would be surprised that a few days a month would not ruin the entire month fitness/weight-wise.....

when I started using the Phytoprolief, I noticed my chocolate cravings (along with other pms symptoms) went away. :)

I don't know if this will be of any help to you but I, too, suffer from the monthly "blow my diet out of the water" symptoms, too. Typically, it HAS to be chocolate, an ice cream sundae - the most decadent thing I can get my hands on. During the month of June, however, my husband and I were doing South Beach together. I gotta tell ya that while I was on that program, my PMS cravings went down to zero. I had no problem blowing through those tough first days of my period without anything chocolate or sweet. Fruit was enough to satisfy me. Fast forward to July, when I slowly started going back to my old evil ways and the cravings were back and there I was in front of the DQ drive- through, ordering a Brownie Volcano. I do have to say that it tasted sooo gooood! But that's the only thing I can thing of - going low or almost no carb might be the key to getting off the PMS merry-go-round. It's tough, though! x(

Brownie Volcano????}(

That sounds like something I would really love!!! Yummy! And I was reading these posts for inspiration!:7
My naturopath put me on Tanalbit (2 just before every meal) and Viracin (same, 2 b/f every meal). For PMS feeling (you know, gonna pinch someone's head off) he put me on N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine (1 45 min. b/f meals but we upped it to two during PMS). The first two are by Intensive Nutrition Products and the N-A,L-T is by Source Naturals. Check out prices are very reasonable (I think) and shipping is a flat $4.95 unless you order over $100 then it's free. These things have really helped me.

I want to know too!!! I've never heard of phytoprolief. I can say that I recently switched birth control brands for the first time in 6 years, from Alesse to Ortho Tricyclen, and since the switch my pms symptoms have been HORRIBLE!!!! zero energy, extreme moodiness, and the worst cravings I've ever had for sugar!!! I'm one of those who has been so proud b/c I've actually "trained" my taste buds not to crave bad sugar anymore and now this!!!
My problem is rotating back and forth between sweets (usually chocolate) and salty/crunchy (chips). I have to eat one, then the other.

And given the fact that I have been doing this TOM thing for 37 years---I cut myself slack (something I'm not happy about later) for STILL putting up with these things.

I am positive I would be much closer to my ideal weight if I had none of these cravings every month. }(
I understand! I go without chocolate, candy, or most baked goods and the day before the Big Dump I CRAVE chocolate like I will Die if I don't get it. Well in the past I always gave in to it, but like you I am trying to eat right. Actually I have weight I need to lose. Well last month was the first time I DIDN't give in to the craving, just tried to ignore it. It was SOOO hard but the very next day, when the heavy period started, the craving was gone. So this month I intend to do the same. Try to tough it out for next PMS time of the month and you will feel so proud of yourself. I tend to feel the worst during ovulation, b/c I can't seem to lose any weight for 4 or 5 days leading up to and after ovulation no matter what, then if I've been good during that time I dump 4 or 5 pounds within a few days after. I find the wait very frustrating and tell myself to keep it up, because if I think "I'm starving and not losing anything anyway" and eat more I WON'T lose much after that time of the month. I find the period time of the month to be more motivating to eat right b/c I have seen weight loss during that time, as opposed to the ovulation time of the month. THAT is what motivated me last month to not eat chocolate the day before.

I hope this helps a helped me to let this out b/c I too am fighting to maintain a good eating program. It helps me to write down my thoughts to remind me to stay motivated when my time of the month comes soon.

Take care! :)

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