Video Instructors Other Than Cathe


Hi all, I'm wondering ... are there any video instructors out there that are just as good as Cathe? I've been using the Firm, and several other videos from Keli Roberts, Gin Miller etc but since I found Cathe, I could never ever go back to other instructors again. Although Cathe's strength videos are the best, in terms of cardio is there any other instructors that could make workouts as fun and intense as Cathe? How about Christi Taylor and Janis Saffell? I have a few Karen Voight videos, and while her Energy Sprint video does present some challenge for me, her workouts are getting easier and easier.
Tracie Long is awesome (used to be with firm & Fitprime) she's at Tracie Long Productions. She uses unique and tough moves, not as personable as Cathe but she comes in 2nd place in my book. You can find her at
I have to second groundhog's suggestion for Tracie Long. I've been a fan of hers since the original Firm days, followed her through the FitPrime days, and now am anxiously awaiting the issues she's facing at JustV to resolve so I can (hopefully!) purchase her new DVD's. Apparently she was either given bad advice or we don't know what (lots of speculation flying around, but no actual facts!! YOu know how that is - LOL!) and the new workouts are on DVD-R's, which are giving some people problems. They won't play on certain players.

I did preview a couple of Christi's workouts on Collage, and she looks very perky, energetic, and personable. The folks on VF who discuss her workouts seem to like her a lot. The last thing I need is more step and/or hi/low, so I'm not interested in her stuff, but if she ever starts making serious strength training or circuit workouts, I'm going to give her a try.

I haven't checked out the others you mentioned. I did try Mindy Mylrea but just couldn't get past the choppiness and unorganization of her routines. I'm spoiled by Cathe's organization!!

It's fun to try new things, but I find myself coming back every time to Cathe!! She's such a professional, and everything about her workouts is so well done. The editing, the lighting, the music, the cueing - everything! Tracie - IMHO - comes in a close second - in terms of personality and cueing. I know people nit-pick about things in Cathie's workouts, but when you compare them to everything else out there, they're as near to "perfect" as any human being can make them. I've actually (in the past - not recently) bought tapes that sounded great in Collage but were in reality so poorly made, or so poorly cued, or just plain BORING that I've used them once then threw them away. Some I won't even give away they're so awful. I can't imagine all that goes into making one, but if you're going to do it, do it right.

Also, I heard she isn't making any new ones, but I used to love Kari Anderson! I think you can probably find her stuff on Collage. Her sets were great, her music was upbeat, her cueing was right on, and her workouts kicked butt!!

Hope this helps!!

Honestly, I am afraid to do other vids because I have such a liking for Cathe that I'm afraid to find I've 'wasted my time.' Ya know? Not that others would always be a waste, but I am afraid to order, pay for, and workout to vids I will not like as well. LOL! :D

I've found my nitch, caught my limit, met my match.........

I did like Tracy Long when she was with the Firms anf fitprime, but I also find Cathe more personable and...I don't know....more my style?

I like someone who laughs sadistically when you are doing bicep curls and your muscles are SCREAMING, like Cathe does in PUB. }(
Am I impulsive or what??? LOL!! I just went on Collage and took another look at Christi Taylor. I ordered her new DVD, which is comprised of three older workouts - Happy Hour Hi/Low, Stepping Zone, and Strength, Balance, and Flexibility. Apparently she has made a couple of strength training workouts!! Who knew? LOL! The DVD was priced right - especially for three hour long workouts!! And, I've never had a problem with orders from Collage. I'll let you all know how I like them!

Christi Taylor and Janis Saffell are brilliant. Debbie Siebers is worth a look and I hear Tony Horton (the P90X instructor) is tough and good. Cathe, Christi and Janis are the ones I reach for the most. You can't go wrong with Christi's Hi-Lo Heaven and Step Heaven or Janis's Hardcore Kickbox Circuit.
- Lisa :)
I do Cathe and Christi Taylor. I mix Christi's Still Steppin and Solid Gold Step in my rotations as cardio options. The music is awesome, Christi is brilliant and the workouts are so much FUN. I'd say the choreography is similar in complexity and intensity to Cathe's Step Blast and Rhythmic Step (which I also love), minus Cathe's Challenges at the end. So I'd say definitely give Christi a try. I too am very picky. I used to exclusively do the firm up until 2 years ago when I discovered Cathe and Christi. Now those are the only 2 I do, although I still do enjoy Traci Long's Max Body Shaping once in a while. That used to me my favorite until I discovered Cathe and Christi. I'm curious about her new productions though.

I plan to preorder Christi's StepSational and FunKtional Fitness that she's filming 8/26. I'm just as excited about those as I am about Cathe's upcoming productions! :)

Take care,
Hi Liz!

I'm looking forward to the Christi DVD I just ordered!

I have Tracie's first three new workouts on VHS - Core Foundations, Dynamic Strength and Power, and Functional Strength. As I understand it, they are now only available on DVD. Her two new ones which are on one DVD - Core Cardio and Core Strength - I haven't ordered yet because of all the reported problems with the DVD-R's. Some sort of shake-up happened at her new facility with personnel. The new workouts are supposedly not able to play on all DVD players. I don't know if or when this will get resolved, but it's a lot of money to spend for something I might not be able to use.

Anyway ... I like the first three, although they are nowhere near the intensity of Cathe's workouts. And, the editing is not great. Not terrible like the FitPrimes with all that jumping around and poor sound and lighting, but the set is dark and you can't always see the instructor's full body, so you don't know what her feet are doing. Since the moves are unique, it's sometimes difficult to tell what the exercisers are doing for the first few reps. Still, they are decent workouts, and Core Foundations is quite challenging!

I like Mindy Mylrea's Extreme Intervals and Awesome intervals. I enjoy her chattiness and sense of humor.
There's no one better than Cathe, in my opinion, but Janis Saffell comes in a very close second for kickboxing.

I also have trouble branching out to other instructors. I had heard such good things about Christi Taylor and Mindy Mylrea that I either purchased or traded for a lot of their stuff. I have yet to even try them, however. Everytime I plan to one of their workouts, I end up doing a Cathe workout instead. Janis (and maybe Powerstrikes) are the only other instructors I regularly do besides Cathe.
When it comes to strength training, Cathe is pretty much in a class by herself. I have Slim Series and like throwing those DVD's into the mix. They are VERY different from Cathe workouts, which makes a nice change of pace, but are not very advanced, IMO (although I have gotten some wicked DOMS because you do SOOOO many reps to fatigue the muscle). While I don't have the set, I gather P90X is another option for true strength training. Unfortunately, you have to grapple with BeachBody customer service to get them and there have been a fair number of people who have experienced problems with this company.

For step, I have several other instructors that I think have workout comparable to Cathe. Christi Taylor has some of the most fun and most complex choreography wise step and hi/lo workouts on the market. Definitely check her out. I also REALLY like Seasun Ziegler's CIA Rock Steady Step. Kristin Kagen had two awesome step workouts with Step This Way and Step This Way 2. Finally, I really like Rob Glick in Hi/Lo Fusion and his CIA offering in the 2300 series (the name is escaping me for the moment). Lastly, I can't forget the amazing Franny Benedetto. Her CIA Cardio Parties Step and Hi/Lo should be in a Hall of Fame somewhere. FUN, FUN, FUN!!! CIA 2202 is pretty awesome also!

Just my two cents!
I second Janis Saffel's Hardcore Kickbox Circuit, Seasun Ziegler's CIA Rock Steady Step, and Kristin Kaegan's Step This Way 1 and 2.
Christi - great for dancy cardio! Her strength tape is really different though, alot of muscle isolation and functional fitness, not like Cathe at all.

Franny- another great complex cardio option.

CIA - in general very good cardio options, nowhere near Cathe in the strength department.

I guess I can say there are alot of good cardio options out there, but personally I haven't found an equal to circuit or strength training to Cathe!
Christi has even said she used Cathe's circuit tapes!:7
Thanks Thanks for the heads up on the dvd problems with Tracie Long..I wanted to get the functional foundation dvd, but I will wait, dont want to take a chance of getting a dud, especially at 53.95 plus shipping. Because of the breakup of the firm and then Tracie leaving fitprime, I found Cathe and I love her, I love how she kicks my butt, with a smile}( }( .
Thanks everyone for your feedbacks. I've ordered Christi Taylor's Fantastic Four DVD which is a compilation of 4 workouts because it is such a great deal. I loved Karen Voight when I got started exercising at home, but like I wrote before, everytime she comes out with a new workout these days, it's getting easier and easier. Or maybe it's just me having progressed quite far with Cathe's videos - LOL!
That's exactly how I found Cathe as well! It took me a while to realize Anna had sold the Firm to GoodTimes and started FitPrime. Then when I found the FitPrime site, they were talking about Cathe a lot on there, so I ordered Circuit Max and MIS, and I haven't looked back since - LOL! I could never really get into the FitPrimes like I did with my old Firms, or like I do with Cathe!!

If I hear anything new about Tracie's situation, I'll be sure to let you know!

I love my cathe workouts but I add in a lot of others for variety. I tend to love something to death and then burn out at some point. I'd say Christi comes in second for pure fun cardio (fun is important to me). I have a TON of various CIA videos and pull a few of those more frequently... Christi, Anderson sisters, Mindi, I use CIA's Bootcamp and I like Donna Reed's step. I also just got Step This Way 2 with Kirsten Kagen but it's going to take a bit to learn. I'm always over at VF reading reviews and the forums looking for recommendations.
Hi there:

If anyone is interested, I have the following never-been-used and/or lightly used DVDs and VHS by Tracie Long and Christi Taylor for sale at dirt cheap prices:

Christi Taylor:

--CIA 9801 Double Impact Workouts (VHS) (Video Hall of Fame)
--Still Jumpin (VHS)
--4 DVD combo: Still Jumpin, Still Steppin', Hi-Lo Heaven, Step Heaven

Tracie Long Productions

(never been used, brand new DVD's):

--Dynamic Strength and Power
--Functional Strength
--Core Foundations

If interested, just send me an email,

I really like Christi Taylor a lot too. She is so much fun for cardio and has great music!! I like to rotate between her and Cathe for cardio.


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