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  1. L

    For Trevor and other Body Max "Newbies"

    Body Max Too funny Daphne! Oh, I just love to do Body Max. Especially toward the end when I can barely lift my arms above my armpits. And of course I never feel the slightest bit of anger toward Cathe she's only trying to help us attain our goals. Why she's the sweetest most...OK OK so I...
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    Favorite pig out food

    Hi Trevor and anyone else interested, I got tired of having to scroll down, so I started a new post. Anyway, for me it's always been sugar and more sugar. Peanut butter and chocolate ice cream is a biggie for me. I'm also really into Brach's chocolate stars right now. I eat them by the...
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    luck with the Cathe screen saver?

    Thanks Angie... Maybe this will get them to offer a screen saver. I certainly hope so. And yes, please let me know if you are able to get it to work. Laura
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    Total Caloric Intake

    caloric intake Hi Holly, I agree with BLinda, 1200 calories a day sound very low to me for someone at your fitness level. I'm 5' and weigh 95 pounds. I do 3 days of cardio and 3 days of strength a week and I eat between 2000 and 3000 calories a day and sometimes I even lose weight on that. If...
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    luck with the Cathe screen saver?

    screensaver Hi Angie, OK, I did what you said and the same thing came up but no screensaver. You could try e-mailing them and ask what the problem is. Laura
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    luck with the Cathe screen saver?

    Thanks Angie... I'll try it and let you know. Laura
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    My husband is doing my workout tapes!

    Trevor HI, I know exactly what you mean about feeling the spirituality of being outdoors. I've learned to appreciate it very much since sometimes I can't leave the house for weeks at a time. And I love hearing about others enjoyment of it, I can imagine I'm there and the joy comes from that...
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    luck with the Cathe screen saver?

    screen saver Hi Angie, Where did you get the screensaver? I have the wallpaper and theme package, but it didn't come with a screensaver and I've been looking for one. Laura
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    Only have lite weights, Help!!!

    toning Hi Susan, Look at the difference between Karen Voights body and Cathe's body. Karen Voight (especially in Great Weighted Workout) to me is a toned body. Very lean and well defined muscle but not bulky. Cathe is also lean and well defined but she has more bulk to her muscle. To me...
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    Only have lite weights, Help!!!

    light weights Hi Lora, I use pretty light weights also and have gotten great results. I've found if you really concentrate on working each muscle group, you can have great gains even with light weights. Sometimes I can only use my barbell with NO weights on it, so don't feel bad, not...
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    My husband is doing my workout tapes!

    heart monitor Trevor, I've never used a heart monitor mainly because my heartrate has always been on the high side of normal and it just confused me too much to try and figure where I should be verses where I was. I've used the perceived exertion method for a long time. It's the best method...
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    My husband is doing my workout tapes!

    I can't believe... I FORGOT BODY MAX! I have that tape and I love it. I feel like a bad mother forgetting one of her children's names Thanks for reminding me of that one Daphne. Also, very good advice about videofitness. Their reviews are extremely helpful. Laura
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    Hello Cathe And Fans!

    P.S.... Susan knows more about this than I and answers your question in the video questions forum Laura
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    Help Newbie On Board!

    newbie Welcome, I just answered your question on the Ask Cathe forum. Please check that, maybe you'll find it helpful. Laura
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    Hello Cathe And Fans!

    ab section Hi, I can't answer your question on MIS twice a week, but as far as the ab section, I haven't done the MIS one everyday, but I do abs 5 days a week. I've done this for years with no problems. The only thing I would warn you about is that if you do the same ab routine all the...
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    My husband is doing my workout tapes!

    tapes to try Hi Trevor, I've tried many different instructors and my favortites are Cathe, of course, and Christi Taylor. Christi has 2 new aerobic tapes that are alot of fun, Happy Hour and stepping zone, and I love these. She also has Strength, Balance and Flexibility (I think that's what...
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    My husband is doing my workout tapes!

    Hi Trevor Welcome! What's it feel like to be surrounded by buff and beautiful women Laura
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    Does anyone have both CIA 9801 and Happy Hour Hi Low?

    happy hour and 9801 Hi Kim, I have both tapes also and agree with what the others said. I had 9801 first, however, so I thought happy hour's choreography seemed relatively easy by comparison. That's not to take away from happy hour because it's a great workout and I really love doing it...
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    cathe videos: personal training

    cathe videos Hi, I'm by no means qualified to give you the correct answer, but I can tell you my experience. I was doing 35-45 minutes of cardio 5 days a week for a couple of years and many more before that, but not at that level. I decided to add strength and toning and cut down on the...
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    How do I modify hi impact for bad knees (examples?)

    yes and please let us know... if you have any luck at mastering the lunges without hurting your knees. I'd be very interested if you come up with anything. Laura