Hello Cathe And Fans!


Cathe congratulations! Hello to everyone else.

I am a new fan I began two of your exercise videos. I have two questions I want to tone up can I get results doing MIS 2x A week? Also is it possible to use the ab section in MIS everyday?
Again congratulations on your baby boy! Thank you and everyone else for caring and sharing!
ab section


I can't answer your question on MIS twice a week, but as far as the ab section, I haven't done the MIS one everyday, but I do abs 5 days a week. I've done this for years with no problems. The only thing I would warn you about is that if you do the same ab routine all the time, you tend to only get to a certain point with toning your abs and then go no further, at least that's my experience. I've had much better luck using a variety of ab routines. I would not do it more than 2 days in a row until you find out for sure whether it's OK or not. I know it's advisable not to do the same body part for strength training 2 days in a row, but I don't know if this applies to abs or not. It also may depend on how advanced you are in doing abs. Sorry I couldn't give you more help.

Susan knows more about this than I and answers your question in the video questions forum

Hi and welcome to the forum. It is nice to have you with us. Based on your post, I can't tell if you are new to exercise or just new to my tapes. In any case, I will assume that you are fairly new to exercise.

Yes, you will definitely tone up using MIS twice a week. As a matter of fact, I don't even think you need to do it more times than that on a weekly basis.

As for your abs. I do not think it is necessary to work your abs more than 3 to 4 times per week. Also, you can do the MIS ab routine 3 to 4 times per week but when it gets to the point where you no longer feel challenged by the routine, then you need to change the ab routine around to stimulate your ab muscles in new ways(in order to see continuous progress). Good luck with the tapes and thanks for the warm wishes!
Thank You Cathe AND Friends!


I want to thank you Cathe and everyone else who answered my question! It is nice to know that I have a second family now! Once again I thank you all for caring and sharing!

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