My husband is doing my workout tapes!


Would this be a shock for anyone else? I'm dyyyin' here! (You gotta *see* him trying to keep up with all that choreography to appreciate it..) This is *not* a guy whose manhood is threatened easily! I'm so proud... Just wanted to tell someone who'd laugh *but* think it's cool, too. :eek:)


Hi Cynthia,
Well, good for him! My husband can't even watch me while I'm doing it let alone watch the tape and actually try it. I asked him one time if he would try it with me and he looked like a deer caught in headlights...I never brought it up again

Well they do have something in common...

My husband looks like a deer caught in headlights every time he hears the words "New Move.." ("WHAT DOES SHE MEAN, '*NEW* MOVE'?!!) LOL! :eek:) Goodness I gotta love this man!

workout partner

Cynthia, I had to answer. My husband has been doing step training with me since 1991. Back then he was strictly a step reebok kind of guy (I guess he identified with all those guys in the background). After knee surgery in 1997, he tore a cartlidge playing football, jogging didn't seem too appealing to him, so he started doing step with me on a regular basis. He now works out to Cathe (although on occasion he does have a few unflattering endearments for her) everyday. He knows the choreography to all the routines, you should see him do flying angels!! He was really happy when Cathe got pregnant because he knew it would be quite awhile before he had to learn new steps. Keep encouraging your husband to workout with you. Leo and I are in our early 40's and we are in better shape than any of our friends. I hope Cathe plans on making geriatric tapes - I know I will buy them!
Ha ha! So they *are* out there!

That's so cool, Debbie! I gotta tell you, I don't watch him much right now because it's difficult not to giggle as he clumsily makes his way through the choreography (he doesn't have a rhythmic bone in his body, the poor guy.. :eek:) ) but I couldn't be more proud. We did do the Firm's SBHT together last night; I exercised *behind* him, though, because I *knew* he'd make me smile at some point. (I was right.) :eek:) He's really sweatin it!
It's positive, but at the same time, difficult, to see him brought to the painful realization that the "glory days" have been over for awhile. :eek:p (He was "Heap Big Multi-Sport Jock" in high school, and has a scrap book *full* of accolades to prove it.) He admitted after doing my tapes a couple of times that he really hadn't accepted that "Uh, Steve, that was, uh, almost 2 decades ago?" It really is amusing to watch him do these tapes -- *and* downright inspiring. :eek:)


that's great!

Cynthia---I think it's great that your hubby is into cathe's tapes. I was introduced to her tapes by a female co-worker and, although I've found myself to be "choreography-challenged", I think they are great to use as something different to break up my normal fitness routine.
Hi Trevor

What's it feel like to be surrounded by buff and beautiful women

hi laura!

Thanks for the welcome! There are definitely worse places to be than being surrounded by buff and beautiful women! I actually feel a little awkward as I did expect some men to be participating in these forums also. But that's ok as long as you all take it easy on me! Any recommendations on tapes for me? I've done the max intensity ones and thought they were great. Also, are there any mountain bikers or in line skaters in the group? Lastly, you all should be proud of yourselves for being so motivated and working so hard to stay in shape.
Hope you all don't mind a male newcomer!
tapes to try

Hi Trevor,

I've tried many different instructors and my favortites are Cathe, of course, and Christi Taylor. Christi has 2 new aerobic tapes that are alot of fun, Happy Hour and stepping zone, and I love these. She also has Strength, Balance and Flexibility (I think that's what it's called), but I haven't tried that one. They both have an ab section at the end which is good, although the Happy Hour ab section is longer. I also have CIA 9801 which is a complete hi/lo workout and then a complete step workout. These are a little complex choreography wise, but if you like that sort of thing, you'll love it.
For Cathe tapes I have MIS,MIC, Interval Max, Powermax, Stepworks, STepmax, and the 2 PS arms tapes and I love them all.
For toning, I also like Karen Voight's great weighted workout. It uses light weights but is a serious workout, there's about 30 minutes of arms, followed by 30 minutes of hard legs and about 15 minutes of abs. I personally prefer Cathe and Christi's abs to Karen Voight, but hers is still a great ab workout, it just doesnt feel as intense to me as the others.
My dream is to have Cathe and Christi do a tape together. Now that would motivate me!

Hi Trevor

You might also like Cathe's Body Max if you like MIC and MIS. It is another high intensity workout -- in fact it is a full 90 minutes long. The choreography is on the simpler side -- similar to her Max Intensity Cardio choreography. The last 30 to 35 minutes is all upper body strength training using a barbell and dumbells. Many of the same exercises as in Max Intensity Strength, but more reps and less of a rest, so you find you have to lighten up some. This tape is a major exercise in endurance.

I haven't found any other videos out there that are as challenging as Cathe's. Like Laura, I love Christi Taylor, but I must warn you that her choreography is much more complex than Cathe's is in MIC and her intensity is also a notch lower.

Gin Miller's Intense Moves (it's a Step Reebok tape) is the only other video out there that is as tough as a Cathe. It's an interval workout and it is tough.

If you get a chance, stop by sometime and check out the reviews there. There are hundreds of videos reviewed, but it's well-organized, so you ought to be able to find something you like.

Forgot to say

I don't inline skate or mountain bike, but I am a a runner.

There's a pretty good series of videos that you can get from Collage Videos that are specifically for different sports.

I bought the one that's Sports Training: Running and it is excellent. There's also one for biking and one for skiing. If they are as good as the running video, they are worth every penny. The running video has a sports-specific strength routine without weights that is very good, followed by a 20-minute sports-specific post-workout stretch, followed by a sports-specific workout in the gym on strength training machines.

It's nice to see a guy on the forum. It makes me think that there is hope for my husband yet.

I can't believe...

I FORGOT BODY MAX! I have that tape and I love it. I feel like a bad mother forgetting one of her children's names

Thanks for reminding me of that one Daphne. Also, very good advice about videofitness. Their reviews are extremely helpful.

Wow ladies! Thanks for all of the tips on videos. There certainly are many choices available and I hope to eventually try all of your suggestions. Perhaps Cathe's Body Max would be good for me to try next. I'm definitely into hi intensity. I've never heard of Christi Taylor but if her choreography is more complex maybe I should hold off on that for right now. I picture myself tripping off of the step!! The sports specific videos are also interesting....really, all of the suggestions are great! Thanks!
I'll give you an idea of what I've been up to for about the last 4 months: every other day I do 30 to 40 mins. cardio alternating between recumbent bike, precor climber, treadmill, cathe's max intensity videos, sometimes trail running. On my "off" days I strength train on universal equipment. As the weather warms I go to mountain biking and inline skating to replace the gym cardio equipment. Also this year Cathe will definitely be a bigger part of the picture! As you can see I really like to mix it up! Do either of you use a heart rate monitor? Any critique of my routine? All suggestions are greatly appreciated!
I'm really enjoying this give and take. The site is super!
No critique here, sounds great

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-00 AT 12:20PM (EST)</font></center>

I think your routine sounds great. I like a lot of variety too. Mostly I alternate between running and different forms of aerobics (step, hi/lo, kickboxing.) I used to take spinning classes at my last gym, but had to quit the gym ... and then the classes. I'm not too fond of machines (treadmills, ellipticals, recumbent bikes, etc.) I've considered doing some outdoor cycling, but could only do it on the days that I go running -- and I'm not willing to give up any of my running time.

Trevor, I think I'm the last person on earth not to own a heart rate monitor. Just a personal thing, gadgets make me nuts. (See my note above about not liking machines.) So I try to just monitor how I am feeling. But I think HRMs are very helpful tools. I see them more and more often on other runners.

I see you like to do trail running. I just started doing some trail running in September and now I am addicted to it. I've gotta admit that my trails are pretty civilized, I'm no trailblazer. I don't like to get too far off the beaten track, especially since I always run by myself.

My routine isn't too different from yours. I do one day that is all cardio and the next day is light cardio (30 minutes or less) and strength. I take one rest day per week. I'm not working toward any specific goals other than to stay healthy and fit and to have fun doing it. So far, so good.
hey daphne

I think you and I are the only ones without heart rate monitors. I do the old finger on the neck routine to get a rough estimate. What calculation do you use to find your workout zone? I've seen a few different ways to do it and I'm not sure which is correct.
Trail running is great but very exhausting! I also believe it's easier on the joints. People think I'm crazy when I tell them I do that so it's good to find another person just as crazy. I run alone also which can be kind of eerie if I get deep into the woods. Especially with movies like "Blair Witch" out there! Just kidding. Do be careful though.
It snowed here today but I still got out and did 35 mins. of intervals on the precor. I felt great today!
I quickly saw something posted about exercising when sick. What's your opinion? I generally battle through unless I have a chest cold.
Another question--do you stretch alot? I have never done much of that but feel I could benefit.
Thanks for answering when you can...
Well..back to the home page to look over some of Cathe's vid descriptions. Ciao---Trevor
Hi Trevor!!


Your routine sounds really great to me! You are definitely doing a great job of making sure you crosstrain! I personally don't care for machines for weight work, but to each his have to set up your routine according to what you know you will actually do!

I love to rollerblade and especially mountain bike! However, I haven't been able to go biking in well over a year due to various reasons. But I love it! I am slow as a turtle, though. My legs are pretty muscular, but they aren't great endurance-wise (I'm working on that, though, with Body Max and Interval Max!) so I just have to take it slow when I ride. My husband leaves me in the dust! :) Rollerblading, on the other hand, is the activity I am better at--he slowly blades around so he doesn't fall while I zoom past him! I am not very good at stopping quickly, though, so I must make sure I am in an area where that won't be a problem. Obviously I am not professional blader material! :) I am aspiring to be a runner, but man am I slow, and I just can't seem to get into it because of that. I guess that makes for another goal for 2000!

Oh, and by the way, I use a heart rate monitor and I love it! It really helps me keep track of my intensity level--I have a tendency to go all out if I'm not using one, and then I end up going above my THR zone for much of the workout, which of course does me no good!

I agree with what has been said about Christi Taylor--she's fun to work out with, but it will take several tries to get her choreography down! And I catch on to Cathe's within the first try! With Christi's 9801 tape, I was so frustrated, I was ready to yank the tape out and throw it heart rate was plummeting because I had to keep rewinding and trying the moves again. BUT, once I got the moves, I loved the workout! It was just so much fun.

Anyway, good luck with your workouts and please keep posting! It's nice to see a male in this predominantly female group (not that I don't love these ladies, though!!).

By the way, my husband is awed at how tough Cathe's workouts are (he lifts at the gym and runs primarily for his cardio) but he is too chicken to try them--he is pretty uncoordinated! :)

Hi Trevor

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-00 AT 11:01PM (EST)</font></center>

My oldest son's name is Trevor - I love that name, but didn't realize how popular it was when we named him nine years ago. You don't see many grown men with that name, though.
I also don't have a heart rate monitor, but keep going back and forth about whether or not to get one. I probably won't - I use the finger on the neck routine also, but basically go by my perceived exertion.
I always try and exercise when I am sick. Sometimes I feel better once I start and am glad I did, other times my body tells me I need to stop. Obviously, if I am really sick I don't even try.
I love stretching, but don't do it enough because of time!
Sorry to butt in on your questions for Daphne!! Have fun shopping for new videos! I just got Christi Taylor's three new ones recently and they are kind of hard for me to follow, but still "doable". Take care!
Count me too

Hi Trevor - I don't own a HRM either - I use the "can I speak/sing/curse" method of checking my exertion (like during Interval Max - in the section where Cathe asks if you could fit a ball between your step and feet and I yell "pea"). Anyway - welcome and Daph's suggestion of stopping by videofitness is a great one - so many reviews and good ideas - that's how I started sliding...

heart monitor


I've never used a heart monitor mainly because my heartrate has always been on the high side of normal and it just confused me too much to try and figure where I should be verses where I was. I've used the perceived exertion method for a long time. It's the best method for me.
Your exercise routine sounds great. I'm envious that you're able to participate in so many outdoor activities. As far as exercising when you're sick, I try to exercise if at all possible, even if it's just for 10 minutes. If I have a cold or something similar, I may cut my exercise in half or lessen the intensity. I've always found it helpful to try and do something when I'm sick, but that's just me, and I've had a chronic illnes for years so I have to exercise when I'm sick or I would never exercise. I would advise you talk to your doctor about it, there may be reasons you shouldn't exercise while sick.
you're not butting in!

Hi Erica,
Trevor is actually my middle name, my first name is Robert but my parents always called me Trevor. I never knew another Trevor from elementary school all the way thru college. I think you're right---it seems to be more popular nowadays. My son knows a few and I've coached two other Trevors.
I think exercise does me good if I have something minor like a head cold. It tends to clear my head. If I have a chest cold I try to go light or not at all.
Ever seen those fitness shows on espnII? What's your opinion on them?
Nice hearing from you. K.I.T

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