My husband is doing my workout tapes!

hi there judy!

I usually curse during abdominals! God they hurt...and Cathe works them quite least for me it's hard.
Can you explain more about sliding?....I think I have an idea what it is but not totally sure what's involved. Thanks...great hearing from you.
hey there on the other side of the world!

Nice to hear from you Renae!
I know what you mean about machines. They do restrict the range of motion and I prefer free weights but I lift at the fitness center at work and to save time I just hammer on the machines. This way I get home faster and my wife doesn't yell quite as loudly!
Blading and biking are just so great, aren't they? You probably do real mountain biking in Japan. I mostly use the local trails here in Maryland and sometimes W.Virginia. My dream trip is Moab. Can you skate backwards? I definitely cannot! I think I need more rhythm or swivel in the hips!
If you want to run..just do it. Don't worry about speed. Try trail running. You're out in the woods, it's peaceful, and it's easy on the knees.
Thanks for posting..hope to hear from you again.
Hi Laura

I do have alot of different outdoor and indoor fitness activities I guess. To me.....there's no greater gift you can give yourself or even those around you than getting out there and doing your best to stay in reasonable shape. And at the same time enjoy yourself and get an emotional and spiritual lift. You know that feeling I'm talking about? I feel it makes me do better in my job, parenting, being a good husband, everything! Does that make any sense?....
I try not to exercise with a chest cold, otherwise I'm out there. Often I end up feeling better after I get going.
Hope to hear from you again!
lol! Oh noooo....

He isn't doing Cathe's tapes! (Even as I type, I can see him in my mind's eye, gasping for air and saying words he hasn't used in 10 years...) :eek:)

He'll get there, though... I was watching him a couple of nights ago, and was *amazed* how far he'd come. He may live to tell his grandchildren about this yet!

He is enjoying himself *so* much... He *gushed* to me Wednesday, excitedly explaining all the benefits of exercise. (All the benefits I *gushed* to him about *months* ago... I had to laugh, but I was so tickled, I just let him go on. :eek:) )

I'm looking forward to mountain biking this year... Steve (the husband) bought each of us really *nice* mountain bikes a couple of years ago on our anniversary, and we've ridden them maybe 5 times between us -- and *never* together. With both of us active, I'm looking forward to (eventually) doing all of the things I've wanted to do for *years*... and dusting off those bikes is at the top of the list.

I have a friend whose brother who is an avid Mtn. biker, travelling all over the west to get to the "perfect" place for biking. Every summer, he takes his neices and nephews along on his adventures. His stories are many and interesting!

purchased bodymax

Just wanted to let you know I bought Cathe's Bodymax as you suggested. Can't wait to try it.


I know exactly what you mean about feeling the spirituality of being outdoors. I've learned to appreciate it very much since sometimes I can't leave the house for weeks at a time. And I love hearing about others enjoyment of it, I can imagine I'm there and the joy comes from that too. It's nice to hear that it's important to you to be a good father and husband. What more is there in life? Well, other than ice cream and chocolate of course

what's your favorite?

Hi Laura,

Sorry to hear that you have to stay indoors for weeks at a time. That must be tough.
What's your fave pigout food? Mine are Reese's Cups and virtually anything with melted cheese on it!
Yes, we have some good trails here.....

We have some serious mauntains here, and they are thick with foilage because it's a warm, tropical climate so nothing EVER dies!!! And because of that, there are some nasty critters out there, too....HUGE (I'm talking as big as the palm of your hand) banana spiders, poisonous habu snakes, and all kinds of friendly biting bugs. But it's all part of it, right??

Yes, I can *kind of* skate backwards...very slowly and not for very long! I'm afraid I'll fall down!

I have decided to "just do it" with the running....starting next week when I get back from my business trip to Tokyo!

By the way, I graduated from the University of Maryland....they have a branch of the school over here so we military folks can go to school even when we're away from the U.S.

Nice hearing from you!

Hi Trevor - things have been hectic here so I haven't been able to check for your message.

Sliding is done on a flexible piece of something or another that lays flat on the floor. I have a Reebok slide that is 6 feet long. You put these "booties" or "socks" over your shoes and that makes you able to move very smoothly from side to side. It's like skating without the skates and ice! I think slides were introduced in the early 90's but never quite caught on so there aren't a lot of slide tapes out there and it's getting hard to find equipment (I'm looking for an adjustable slide now as an addition and am having problems finding one).

I really like it because it really gets your heart rate up and it's low impact and easy on my poor old knees!

Oh and BTW, yup, Cathe sure does work your abs!

Take care,

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