cathe videos: personal training


New Member
Dear Cathe,
I have just started using exercise videos to improve exercise consistency and I am hooked on yours. I am an advanced exerciser but your tapes really work me! I have decided I would like to use your videos as my personal trainer, but I am having difficulty making a schedule. I have trouble trying to balance cardio and weight training.( Which one to do , and how often per week). I own bodymax, MIS, and cardio step challenge. I am 118 lbs, but 22% bodyfat. I'd like to get to 15%. I know I need to increase muscle mass, as well as continue cardio. I'd also like you to suggest other videos of yours that will help. My goal is to own your whole library over the next few months. I have neglected weight training consistently in the past, usually choosing cardio over it. Please help!! Diet and commitment are no problem.... I just need a little guidance. Thanks, MB.
similar situation!

I am also pretty new to your tapes and I also tend to do cardio rather than weight training. After 8 years of exercise I have finally broken down and started doing some toning and weights (But I still don't enjoy it like others seem to!!!!!) I have the same questions - how much? Which tapes? how often? I have no way of using weights for my legs, will toning (squats, lunges, etc.) be okay? Will they hurt my knees? SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!! :eek:)
cathe videos


I'm by no means qualified to give you the correct answer, but I can tell you my experience. I was doing 35-45 minutes of cardio 5 days a week for a couple of years and many more before that, but not at that level. I decided to add strength and toning and cut down on the cardio. I found I like to do cardio with about 30 minutes of strength one day a week and cardio with some kind of toning, I like to do abs, one day a week. Then I alternate Cathe's MIS tape with Karen Voight's Great Weighted Workout one day a week. I do just cardio one day a week, and just 30 minutes of strength one day a week. Then I rest 2 days in a row. I really like the PS series for arms (I don't have the one for legs) and MIS for strength because you can vary the weights depending on your level or how you feel that day, but still get a great workout. The Karen Voight one is good for toning. It uses some weights and you can go heavier if you want or you can use none at all. It's excellent I've found especially for shaping your legs, plus it's good if you don't want to stress your knees or anything. I also like the Body Max tape. It has cardio as well as a great 30 minute strength section with a wonderful but difficult ab section at the end. When I changed over from my 5 day cardio schedule to the cardio/ strength schedule, I saw immediate results. Within a week I noticed the change in muscle tone and I found this very motivating. And I was alot like you in that I preferred cardio and knew nothing about strength work.
Good luck and I hope this helps some

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