How do I modify hi impact for bad knees (examples?)


Hi Cathe and all,

A gal in the "open discussion" forum suggested I post this question here..

I am looking for a way to participate in challenging workouts while protecting previously injured knees. I've heard a lot about "modification," but haven't read any suggestions as to alternatives. I'm looking for alternatives that won't interfere with the workout (for example, having my cardio workout suffer because the modified moves slow down the pace.) I'd particularly like to know how to modify (read: "get out of" :eek:) )dips and lunges, yet enjoy the *results*. (Is that possible?) The "up-down" of step workouts doesn't aggravate my knees, nor, surprisingly, do properly negotiated squats. The problem is strictly with dips and lunges (which cause me pain in *every* case,) and hi-impact moves.

If I had to choose a range to describe my situation, I'd say lower (maybe mid)-intermediate -- *except* that, it seems, most workouts at this level involve moves that *scare* my knees. :eek:) Thus my quandry... How to benefit from and continue to *progress* in challenging aerobic and strength workouts without benching myself altogether.

Most of the ladies who responded to my post on the other board suggested I go ahead and try your tapes. I'd like your opinion, since it seems to me from what I've read that they are for the upper-intermediate to advanced exerciser. If you think that a couple of them might be appropriate, please give specific suggestions for modification of the moves I've mentioned.

Thanks so much for your time... I'm new here, and have *thoroughly* enjoyed these forums. The spirit of the place is refreshing!

My .02

Hi Cynthia,

I'm a big Cathe fan and also have somewhat rotten rotten knees (I tore cartilege in one knee a few years ago). I modify some of the moves on Cathe's tapes. In general, I find the way to make sure the intensity doesn't suffer a lot when modifying a move is to increase the arm movement and "put a lot into" the move to compensate for not jumping (if that makes sense, for example, step wider, lift your knee higher, etc.)

I'm not sure what you mean by dips. Lunges can be modified if you can move your feet quickly and don't let one foot start moving back until the other is on the step (low impact = one foot always on the step).

One thing I think you should be aware of if you're not already, is that there are some moves in Cathe's or other advanced step tapes that require you to have both feet off the step otherwise you can injure yourself - any moves in which you are changing direction and would torque (sp??) your knee if the foot that's turning were not off the step while doing the turning motion. I'm not sure if I explained that well enough. An example is a "hop turn". If my knees are ouchy, I'll modify a lot of hi impact moves and save my "jumping" for those turning moves.

When my knees are ouchy, I also modify ANY plyo moves, but that's not really hard, because usually Cathe shows you a low impact move first.

I hope this answers your questions. I'd say give it shot.

modifying moves

Hi Cynthia,

I have to agree with Judy on her advice. I'll also add that I have alot of experience with this problem. I have severe fibromyalgia and pain pretty much everywhere and I've been able to work up to Cathe's videos. I've found strengthening my quads to be very helpful so I would suggest that. I like Karen Voights great weighted workout. She has some great total leg exercises that put no strain on your knees, it's all done on the floor. As far as aerobics go, when I began I had to make sure I always had both feet on the floor, no jogging in place for example, but you can modify that to an almost pony type movement that still keeps your heart rate up. You'd be surprised how much you can get your heartrate up without using high impact moves. On the step I usually take out the jumps and like Judy said, use your arms as vigorously as possible. And again like Judy said, it is very important not to twist your knee in any way. Make sure when your foot is touching the floor, you never twist your knee. Always pick your leg up to turn the movement. It's taken me many years to work up to Cathe, so you may want to start slowly and with the lowest step and see how it goes, but please don't give up. You can still get a great workout without hurting your knees. The lunges are a hard one. I have not figured out a way to do them deeply and most effectively yet without hurting my knees. Strengthening your quads will help you with that. I just go as low as I can even if that's 1 inch. It's better than nothing and I am able to go farther now.
yes and please let us know...

if you have any luck at mastering the lunges without hurting your knees. I'd be very interested if you come up with anything.
Sounds like you've been getting some good advice!

Can you tell us-did you decide to go for some of Cathe's tapes? Or did you decide to hold off? Sorry if I'm being nosy but was curious as to what you decided to do. Good luck whichever way you decide to go!
Not nosy at all! :eek:)

You've just done one more thing to make me feel welcome. :eek:) This is really a great community of people.

Actually, I haven't decided yet (I have an indecisive gene in general;) And, we've hit a dip financially :eek:/ ... So, it'll be at least a couple of weeks before I can order anything anyway. My husband got a gift certificate from Target for Christmas, and used part of it to buy me (ha -- *both* of us :eek:) ) a couple of Firm tapes and, just today, a couple of Karen Voight tapes. So at least I have a couple more to hold me over.

Re the Cathe tapes, I am still a bit concerned about the "advanced" thing. The worst thing that could happen is that I'd have to put it (or them) away and try it (them)again later, when I'm stronger... except that I can't afford to buy them if I'm not at least very likely able to use them.

Sooo.. I dunno! :eek:P

Thanks for checking!


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