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    Hi Debbie I must have posted at the same time you did, yours wasn't here yet when I posted. Sorry, I think I've done this to you before, I guess smart minds think alike Laura
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    Hi Lora Did you get the e-mail I sent you? When I tried to send it a screen popped up that said there was a problem with HTML compatability or something like that, but I sent it anyway. Could you e-mail me and let me know if you got it please. I don't know if you got the info about Body Pump...
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    I can't order online

    Thanks Lynne Yes, I do have the current version of Netscape, my husband always updates it (sometimes while I'm trying to read the Cathe forum unfortunately ) and I haven't had any problems on other sites, just this one for some reason. But I will try your suggestion and see if it works...
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    Re: LASIK Surgery

    Hi Wendy and Brenda I've watched this thread with alot of interest. I never knew how bad my vision was until reading everyone's story here. My vision is 20/650 in both eyes. The thought of being able to see anything first thing in the morning sounds like a miracle and I've heard such horror...
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    I can't order online

    Thanks Sorry if you already posted that...I couldn't find it. Laura
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    Cathe, please share your progress for getting back in shape!

    Cathe, another question Hi Cathe, I always feel like I'm cheating if I only do 30 minutes of cardio. Right now I do 35-45 minutes 3 times a week, but I would certainly love to cut that down to 30 if that's just as good. Right now I have to get up at 4:30 AM to workout before getting my...
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    I can't order online

    For some reason, I can't get a secure page through your site to order online, is this the only way we'll be able to pre-order Cathe's new tapes? Thanks Laura
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    seeking abs advice please

    Hi Betsy and Deandra I have lots of different ab tapes I do, I like to mix and match and I also like to do abs everyday I workout. My favorites are Cathe's BodyMax, MIS, PS BBA (those are the only ones I have, I'm sure PS SLA are great too) Christi Taylor's Happy Hour abs and Stepping Zone...
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    How long did it take you to get where you're at?

    Hi Lora Just thought I'd give you my experience. Joanna gave you excellent advice. I would also add that you just have to keep going whether you feel you're slipping backwards or not. I've had a chronic illnes for about 15 years and have exercised almost all my life. When I first got sick...
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    seeking abs advice please

    Hi Deandra Since Cathe hasn't answered this yet, I thought I would give you my experience. I did the same ab routine for quite a while, probably a year, I did them 5 days a week and had good abs, but not washboard like what you're talking about. When I changed my routine, and I mean...
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    strength and beauty

    No apology necessary I agree with what you said, just wanted it known that being thin myself doesn't mean I like the standards of beauty. No harm done I actually had a lady at Walmart comment on the yoga tape I was buying. She looked at it, looked at me and said in a very disgusted tone...
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    strength and beauty

    Hi, I weigh about 90 pounds, but by no means am I a weakling. I workout 5 times a week and I agree that the image of women that is portrayed is very unhealthy to strive for. I also find it refreshing to see different natural body types in Cathe's videos. So don't think all of us 90 pounders...
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    putting a picture under the information

    You're not alone Valerie I've had the same problem and I had my husband try and help me also, so don't feel like a dope. Thanks for posting this question. Laura
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    bulging abs

    Hi Lynne I just wanted to add to what Cathe said. I have had problems with this also thinking I just couldn't get that last bit of fat or that I was doing the exercises wrong. It turned out I had a lot of gas/bloating/fluid in my abdomen. I've had some health problems and I found this out by...
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    Really good aerobic shoes

    I like Ryka's too Hi Emily, I have to agree with Cindy and Susan. I'm on my second pair of Ryka aerobic shoes and I love them. I too have to get a 1/2 to whole size larger than I usually wear. I also use aerobic socks that have extra padding on the ball of your foot and that was a big help...
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    Recovering after illness and discoraged

    Hi Lora Gretchen gave you excellent advice. I've also had to struggle with this. I would say cut your cardio down to 20 minutes and if after that you still feel up to some strength training, do 15-20 minutes of that. I've found that trying to do my usual 40-45 minutes of cardio, no matter...
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    I hope this isn't rude....

    Hi Ann I agree with Amy. It's good that you're being persistent with your questions. And you never know, someone might check it out this time who missed it the last time and be able to help you. Laura
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    Thinking of the beach!

    boy-leg shorts I agree with Ranae. I bought a swimsuit with the boy-leg shorts 2 years ago and I love it. Plus, as was mentioned earlier, you don't have to worry about shaving that dreaded bikini line as close. I've also found that the waistband tends to be more loose fitting than on regular...
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    Thinking of the beach!

    Hi Jul I haven't conquered the swimsuit thing yet either and I am very small. So you're not alone. On the workout. I can share with you what I do and the results I've gotten. I do 3 cardio workouts a week plus 3 strength workouts. I only do specifically legs 1 day a week because I do step...
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    Cathe, I have a great idea

    Hi Cathe, Not that you need to increase your fan base, but I have to tell you, I have discovered a new group who may be interested in your videos. I've had a long week of health problems, but the highlight of my week was yesterday when, for the first time in my life, the doctor was able to find...