Cathe, please share your progress for getting back in shape!



<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Mar-14-00 AT 02:02PM (EST)</font></center>

You shared your whole pregnancy with us, along with the birth process, so I was wondering if you could share your strategy for getting back in fighting form. I did notice the new tapes will reflect part of your come-back routine.

Did you have a lot of "nipping and tucking" to do? Had you ever been in an "out of shape" mode before? We would like to be your cheerleaders in your shape-up process since you are always there for us! We (or at least the vast majority of us) are certainly not equipped to give YOU advice, but we can give you encouragement because we have all been there.

My worst time was when I quit smoking and gained about 15 pounds. I was just about sick!
And, come to think of it, with my last pregnancy (27 years ago!) I couldn't lose weight to save me. That was not a fun time.

So, you go, Cathe! We know you'll be lookin' good in those new videos!
workout plan

Hi! How sweet of you to want to cheer me on. What supportive fitness friends I have

Actually, I have come to the realization that, as of right now, with little Eric taking up so much of my time(but I love him dearly), I pretty much only have 45 minutes to an hour to workout per day. Well, with that, I found it necessary to design a workout that effectively got to the point right away. And as I pointed out in the video descriptions, that is truly what inspired this 6 pack express series. As it stands right now, I am doing 4 classes(each class has 10 minute warm up, about 30 minute cardio, and 15 minutes on one body part, and stretch) per week and then I add my own 5th workout at home(keeping to this format). And next week I plan to add in a tough 40 minute leg workout once per week too.

Now it has only been three weeks that I have been playing around with this format and I am very pleased with the results. I can't believe that I am already only 3 pounds off of my pre-pregnancy weight. And my abs which were VERY "jellowy" just a few short weeks ago are now starting to firm up nicely(though I can sense that my abs are going to be a lot more stubborn than all the rest).

Since so many of you are always asking for new rotations to keep your muscles guessing (therefore responding), I decided to create 6 workouts(to be used as a rotation)which capture the spirit of what I am currently doing. I'm looking forward to sharing them with you.
6 Series Workout

Can't wait for those 6 series to come out, it is nice to here you are developing a workout plan for us busy moms to get quick effective results.
shorter workouts


When I read your descriptions for the 6 part series, I was so elated to find that they would be 45-60 minutes! I work out in the morning, and do have to make sure I can squeeze in as much as I can in that 60 minute timeslot I have before I shower and rush off to work (I moved the flexibility part of my training to evenings so that I could get a good enough amount of cardio and weight training in the mornings).

Seeing that you will be providing us with 6 thorough workouts to fit into 60 minutes is great!! We all want to be as fit as possible but unfortunately don't always have the time, and this seems perfect

Sounds like you are well on your way to getting back to your fighting form after your pregnancy
. It's so inspiring to hear that! I hope when I have a baby someday that I'll be as fit as you!!
Hop on the band wagon!

I just want to add how excited I am at this idea too. I am always trying to cram a workout in and am determined after baby #6 due in August to get back in shape! I can't wait to order this set!
new rotation plan

Hi Cathe, I was so happy to see the format and shorter length of these tapes. I have a toddler, a new baby, and an 11-year-old, and it is so hard to fit in a long workout. I am really looking forward to these new tapes!
Cathe, another question

Hi Cathe,

I always feel like I'm cheating if I only do 30 minutes of cardio. Right now I do 35-45 minutes 3 times a week, but I would certainly love to cut that down to 30 if that's just as good. Right now I have to get up at 4:30 AM to workout before getting my daughter ready for school, so I would LOVE to make that a little later. So, what is enough cardio (excluding warm up)?

I am so glad you're enjoying Eric, makes me long for those days. My daughter is 8 now and doesn't need me as much
But she's still my favorite part of the day

Hi Laura!

The minimum requirements for cardiovasular health benefits is 3 times per week at 20 minutes per session(excluding the warm up). But if you would like to burn body fat in addition to gaining the other wonderful health benefits, you may or may not have to go longer. It really depends on your genetics. I know people who actually lose too much weight when they do cardio more than three days per week or if they do cardio for long of a duration(45 to 60 minutes). Then I know of others who need to do long cardio sessions and for 5 or 6 days a week to burn excess body fat. So you'll have to do some experimenting and see what works best for you.

Happy experimenting. Hopefully you will be able to change your workout time to 4:45 or 5am
I have BAAAD Genes!

I have baaad genes. I'm one of those "lucky" individuals who works out like crazy and simply must do intense cardio a lot. Even then I don't burn the fat that I need to. Of course, I need to give up those midnight snacks of Oreos cereal. Sometimes I eat 3 bowls (without milk, of course).
thanks Cathe

I will definitely be able to sleep in now! I'm lucky enough to be in the 3 times a week category.

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