How long did it take you to get where you're at?



Sorry this is so vague. I'm wondering for those of you that feel your body & heart is hard, lean, and strong, how long did it take? I seem to go forwards and backwards (due to illness and motivation). I would call myself an intermediate exerciser wishing to loose 10 more pounds have a flat tummy and to be able to run 5 miles in a reasonable time. The trouble with working out by oneself is you only have those on the tapes to measure your progress by. If any of you know of a thread (or your opinion) that would tell me of a good workout plan already discussed and an estimated length of time it might take to reach some sort of fitness goal, that might help. Sometimes I loose sight of my goal for the trees. The trail seems to go on forever and I occasionally have to tie my shoe, get a drink or come up to breath. Then I feel like I'm starting all over again. Can any of you identify? Those success stories would be great if they gave us some sort of idea of mileposts to be watching out for. Lora
Know how you feel...

I have had that same feeling in the past and feel for you. After my first post here, I got several suggestions about keeping a log. This has really helped me 'see' my progress, or at least what I am doing.

When I started Cathe's tapes eight months ago, I needed to get into shape and lose 15-20 pounds. Well, I am there (17-18 lbs lost) and still can hardly believe it. What really helped me was making mini goals along the way and then celebrating. I also found that once I started working out longer, more often, and more intensely, the weight started to drop and the body started to look firm. Slipping back is inevitable, and I guess just waking up each day with the idea that you'll try to exercise and try to eat right will eventually yield results.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the encouraging words

You sound a bit like me. Married about the same length and having kids in a wide spread. If I may ask where abouts do you live in NC? My sister lives in Durham. Just wondering. Lora
Northwest near VA

I live in a little town (to me, tho its the biggest in the county
) about three miles from the VA border, not far off of Interstate 77. My son goes to NC State in Raleigh, not far from Durham at all and about 2.5 hours from here. Come visit us!!
Hi Lora

Just thought I'd give you my experience. Joanna gave you excellent advice. I would also add that you just have to keep going whether you feel you're slipping backwards or not.
I've had a chronic illnes for about 15 years and have exercised almost all my life. When I first got sick, naturally I slowed down alot but never quit. It took me a good 5 years to get to the level of fitness I'm at now. I believe the reason I've been successful with fitness is because I would try 5 days a week to do as much as I could no matter how bad I felt. Sometimes that was 10 minutes, sometimes I could do a full workout and sometimes I couldn't get out of bed and missed a day. Just remember that backsliding is not failing. As long as you don't give up, you are still successful. I also work out by myself at home and just have to keep myself motivated. Now my body is so toned and I am so fit cardio wise that people tell me how great I look not knowing I sometimes am so ill I can't even wash my own hair. I was shocked to find out about a year ago by the description in the Collage video catalog that I am at an advanced fitness level. I had no idea I was doing that well and as long as you don't give up, you will be there too. Best of luck to you and we are here when you need support


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