
I was at Sam's Club and saw the same step Cathe uses for only $19.99! Just thought I'd pass this on! I just bought mine there a month ago for $39.95 and I thought that was a great buy!
Step @ Sam's Club

I am new to the list but I have been reading the posts for about one year. Thanks for the post on the Steps at Sam's Club. I purchased one today and it only cost 21.55 w/tax. I already had one but since my husband has started to use Cathe's tapes we needed a second step. I paid $68.00 for my first step. What a deal:0)

Thanks again
Another great deal at Sam's!

Just wanted to make you both aware that Sam's also has the BodyPump set marked down to $19.91 (originally $40.00 there) It is much higher at other stores. It includes a barbell, weight plates that total 40 pounds and a video. GREAT DEAL!!
Hey, all you bargain hunters!!!

Can anyone point me in the right direction for some weighted gloves like the ones they suggest for the CIA kickboxing videos????!!!!

I'm one of those suckers who paid $70.00 for a Step! And that was not long before y'all found them at Sam's for dirt cheap!

I will never make a purchase before checking it out with the Amazon bargain hunters.
Kickboxing weighted gloves

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-00 AT 08:40AM (EST)</font></center>

LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-00 AT 08:37 AM (EST)

Gosh, I thought I had the website for Janis Saffel (sp?) but can't seem to find it or remember the name, so hopefully someone can link you to it.
Found it
happy.gif , when you look under pro shop it will give you the videos and there is a funny link on top of the page for equipment.

Janis has some decent ones that she uses in her CIA tapes. They are made by Iron Wear and you might actually find them cheaper in a good sporting goods store or online else where. If you get them from Janis, you pay extra for her signiture printed across the back and the one pounders are purple, not black.

What size

I was wondering if you knew how long the step was. I bought one a couple of weeks ago, but it was the shorter one (about 24"-26" long). I would rather have a full size one.
Hi Amy!

My Step from Sam's is 40" long and adjusts from 4,6 & 8" high. It is great and a super bargain. I had a smaller step and it just did not work for some of the "Cathe-moves". Hope this helps! Debbie

I could not find the measurements on the box, but it does say it a full size step, and it is the largest stepping surface available. It is the exact same step that Cathe uses in her videos. I hope this helps. It is a great deal! They don't have the Step at all Sam's Clubs because some stores sold out, and the clerk said they will not be ordering any more. If you don't find it at a store near you just call aruound. I had to call three before I found mine.
Educate me, what is a Body Pump?

I'm some what new to all this and am wondering if a Body Pump is weights or what? Could you discribe it to me? Thanks, Lora
Guess I didn't read far enought

I'm on line seeing if I can join Sam's club right now. The nearest store is some 3 hours away but my Dad can get it for me. If they have Bar bells on sale I need those too. Lora
Hi Lora!

Body Pump is a barbell with weight plates included. The set at Sam's also comes with a video and for $20.00 is a bargain. I use this barbell when I want to come down on my wieght in some of the Cathe tapes. That way, I have a heavy bar loaded and also a lighter one. Hope your Dad is able to get a set for you!!
Hi Lora

Did you get the e-mail I sent you? When I tried to send it a screen popped up that said there was a problem with HTML compatability or something like that, but I sent it anyway. Could you e-mail me and let me know if you got it please.
I don't know if you got the info about Body Pump you wanted, but I just bought one and used it today for the first time. It's a very light barbell with 2 10 pound, 2 5 pound and 2 3 pound weights. It comes with a 40 minuted video including an excellent section at the end on correct technique. Mine seems kind of cheaply made compared to the barbell set I've been using(my husbands, which is very high quality), but I loved the workout and the weights worked just fine. I was disappointed in the ab section at the end. It's no where near the challenge that Cathe abs are, but if you're not a big ab fan or don't like advanced ab work, it seems very good for that. And, of course, excellent technique here also.
Hope this is the info you needed.

Hi Debbie

I must have posted at the same time you did, yours wasn't here yet when I posted.
Sorry, I think I've done this to you before, I guess smart minds think alike

Hey Everyone!

Just to let you know, I went to Sam's Club tonight and they have the BodyPump set on sale for $9.91!!!! What a bargain. I even picked one up for my daughter(she'll be so excited) and for my 2 best friends for their birthday's this month! Just thought I'd share. Not much out there you can buy for under $10.00.
Hi Debbie

That is amazing! I just bought one at Big 5 for $50 and I thought that was good, considering I've seen it for $80. Unfortunately, we belong to Costco and I can never find any of the good exercise equipment there.

Besides Janis Saffel's site, check out the Ringside site.
They have the same gloves a little cheaper and other stuff. You can also get a catalog sent to you, plus they just sent me a sale catalog (somehow I am a preferred customer even though I've never bought anything there, go figure ;0)!)

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