seeking abs advice please


Active Member
Hi Cathe, me again! I did want to say thanks for the detailed responce you gave me for waitressing, I appreciate it. I have yet one more question for you... When you are doing ab work - can you continue to do your ab section tapes forever or do your abs also adapt to the exercise and don't improve after awhile? If this is confusing, I mean can you continue to do the same tapes (MIS and PS Legs and Abs - ab section) for your abs forever and they will still continue to improve, or do you have to find a different tape to shock your muscles after you have been doing the same tapes for over 5-6 months? Also, it must have slipped my mind, do you do ab work 4-5 times a week to get "washboard abs?" Thanks Cathe, you have been extremly helpful! Deandra
Hi Deandra

Since Cathe hasn't answered this yet, I thought I would give you my experience. I did the same ab routine for quite a while, probably a year, I did them 5 days a week and had good abs, but not washboard like what you're talking about. When I changed my routine, and I mean everything, I didn't do any of the same exercises I had been doing previously, my abs improved dramatically in a short period of time. Now I do several different routines 5 days a week and my abs are very hard. Not washboard yet, but very close. Hope this helps.

Hi Laura! Could you tell what some of the different ab routines are that you do? There seems to be so much out there that it gets confusing. Thanks!

Hi Betsy and Deandra

I have lots of different ab tapes I do, I like to mix and match and I also like to do abs everyday I workout.
My favorites are Cathe's BodyMax, MIS, PS BBA (those are the only ones I have, I'm sure PS SLA are great too)
Christi Taylor's Happy Hour abs and Stepping Zone abs (kind of short) I really like Christi's abs, but these are the only ones I have, I don't know if she does abs on her balance and strength tape.
I also have the firm's 5 day abs (the older one)and some Karen Voight abs from Strong and SMooth Moves and Great Weighted Workout. The Firm tape is good if you can get past the guy who introduces the sections, and I find these challenging I don't find the Karen Voight ones to be as challenging for me as Cathe and Christi's but they are still good ab exercises and quite different from the others, so I would say try them and see what you think.
I can't think of any other right now, but if I missed something I'll post again.
I mix these up quite a bit and never do the same routine more than once a week. Hope this is the info you wanted, if not let me know.
Thanks Laura!

I also like Christi's ab work although, I only have her HappyHour Hi/lo (FINALLY got the choreography down) and of course, Cathe's. I do have some of Karen Voight's tapes. I'll have to start adding some of them in. Thanks very much!

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