strength and beauty


Hi again Cathe:
Everytime I finish one of your videos I want to thank you for showing that strength makes a woman beautiful. I am so tired of seeing 90 pound weaklings held up as the image we should strive for. I also want to thank you for having real people in your videos along with you. They are women like myself and my freinds...not beauty queens, not movie stars, not siliconed plastic barbie dolls. And, they too are beautiful.
I weigh about 90 pounds, but by no means am I a weakling. I workout 5 times a week and I agree that the image of women that is portrayed is very unhealthy to strive for. I also find it refreshing to see different natural body types in Cathe's videos. So don't think all of us 90 pounders strive to look like that, or think that's the ideal...just the way some of us were born.

I Agree!!

Iam small boned, 5' 6" tall and only weight 115. I have been slim all my life. And I have had my share of criticism. I have had some say to me "why are you exercising you are already skinny". That is so frustrating. Iam not trying to become thinner. Iam trying to become healthier. And I also want muscle definition. Real people come in all shapes and sizes including 90 pound weaklings.

I apologize. I certainly didn't mean naturally thin people. People of all sizes and shapes is what makes this world interesting. I meant the unhealthy, anorexic models that live on one rice cake a day and don't have the energy to move.
Please forgive the misunderstanding.
real people

Hi! I'm glad that you are appreciating the fact that we use everyday fit people in our videos. It is always our intention to keep things as realistic and natural as possible. Thanks for sharing.
Shaped and sizes

LOL, I got a kick out of that "model that live on one rice cake a day!!!
I agree with you all, I must say I find Cathe's tapes even more inspiring because she has women all shapes or should I say "Normal Women"
No apology necessary

I agree with what you said, just wanted it known that being thin myself doesn't mean I like the standards of beauty.
No harm done

I actually had a lady at Walmart comment on the yoga tape I was buying. She looked at it, looked at me and said in a very disgusted tone, Like you really need this. I actually about busted a gut laughing because I thought if she had any idea how much I really exercise, boy would she be mad.


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