Search results

  1. S

    Cathe, FitnessFreak, Aqua-Jock ...Please HELPPPP

    Thanks Annette for responding. Monday is the day. I'll have to study it between now and then. I will give you weekly progress reports and comments. I just want you to know how much I really appreciate the time you took to do this for us. Thank you very much. I have a multi disc...
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    Cathe, FitnessFreak, Aqua-Jock ...Please HELPPPP

    In no particular order.....(I have the utmost respect for all of you) If one of you, any of you, all of you have the time, could you, would you, please write a 16 week rotation that will help a a middle aged reasonably fit woman lose 50-60 pounds(and be ultra-toned when I'm done)? Please...
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    Total Muscle Failure Series!

    I am sooooo with this. Do it!!! Cathe Do it!!!!!
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    How did you quit smoking?

    Patches together with pills (Zyban kicked up to Wellbutrin) I tried both seperately and neither worked. Smoke free 3 years now. 1. Wellbutrin for two weeks -- cuttin down as much as you can. After a few days on the pill, when you want to smoke, wait 5 mins. 2. Pick a quit date. Smoke all...
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    MIL is asking what to wear at wedding??????? HELP!!!!...

    RE: MIL is asking what to wear at wedding??????? HELP... Thanks you guys. I appreciate every single response. I'm leaning towards "dead and bear it" and prayer. I like the jewlery/shawl idea as well. I put the bug in my son's ear and he says "I don't have anything to say about that, and I'm...
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    MIL is asking what to wear at wedding??????? HELP!!!!...

    My son is getting married next year. He and his bride-to-be are the most conservative people I have ever met. She is in her early 20's and he is in his late 20's. The wedding colors are white, champagne and black(tuxes for the dads). The groomsmen will be in white tuxes with champagne vest...
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    Boot camp /I did it !!!

    OK I'm skeeeeeerrrrrrred, but if y'all did it I guess I can try. I will try tomorrow and check back wif ya. Sassy
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    Programmable 400 disc DVD Question

    Thanks soooo much for the information. I just got a 5 disc off of e-bay for $41.00. It may be a clunker --- so I am willing to pay $349.00 just to be able to load all of my workout disc. Let us know how it goes Robin. Let us know how easy it was to program and change the programming from day...
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    all 3 interval max's on 1

    BUMP!!!!!! BUMP!!!!!!!
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    I want a programmable DVD player

    Bumping!!!!!!! Thanks for your recommendation---excellent indeed. I've been searching E-bay -- that is where I will probably buy the player. The link has only 5 modles listed and they are older models. I was wondering, can I ass/u/me that the more recent modles have the...
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    I just can't LOSE weight! And now I have a deadline......

    RE: I just can't LOSE weight! And now I have a deadlin... This is hard but try this: I asked for a translation into Cathe workouts with this post: This work out leaned me out so fast. I saw visible results in a week and so did everyone around me --- enough to comment. 3x/week: 20...
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    Not sure how to word this....

    I'm with the "thank-you whooper" crowd. I just appreciate the fact that they are really working out in those segments. Not just doing some soft butter intensity work to shoot the video. I didn't know who the whooper was -- but I need them. Please don't stop whooping. I appreciate the energy...
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    Hardcore Series or Intensity Series????

    Hey you guys, Thanks for your help. We really appreciate it. The answers you gave is what I thought, but, there is strength in numbers. Thanks again. Sassy
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    Hardcore Series or Intensity Series????

    I am an advanced exerciser---I can only buy one or the other. Help me decide. P.S. I am asking this question for a friend of mine. I don't believe that I have the right answer for her. Will you all please her??? Help her figure out what she should evaluate in deciding
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    I want a programmable DVD player

    I am having the hardest time finding a DVD player to use with my chaptered Cathe DVD's. I must be asking for the wrong thing. Tell me some models that you all have. Or tell me what I need to be googling. Thanks, Sassy
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    Travel workout

    Work with me all. Don't let this slip til the new series arrives
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    Please Cathe!!!!!! I need a workout like Core Max but with planks only. Starting with 10 - 15 min of straight planks progressing to 20 mins then 30 mins. It is hard to remember all the various planks to make my own workout
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    Travel workout

    Please don't forget us in your planning. Multiple travel DVD's would be a great series on it's own
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    all 3 interval max's on 1

    What an excellent idea!!!!!!!
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    Please help... I need to workout at work

    Cathe, I work very long hours (mostly 3rd shift). I want to work out on my hour long break. I need hard workouts that use no equipment or equipment that I could carry in my rolling book bag that. Some super intense hi/lo cardio (how could we not include a few blast)would be great. I need...