I want a programmable DVD player


Active Member
I am having the hardest time finding a DVD player to use with my chaptered Cathe DVD's. I must be asking for the wrong thing. Tell me some models that you all have. Or tell me what I need to be googling.

O.K. I just did this about a few months ago. I specifically researched and bought a 5disk programable DVD player for my Cathe workouts. The mish-mosh bug caught me and I have had so much fun with it. Really this has been one of my best fitness purchases(next to Cathe and my step)

I found a link to Videofitness.com on Cathe's site, on the main page there is a link to DVD Players, once clicked it is an article with more links on the left side of the page. One link is titled Recommended Models. Now there are a few links to buy it now (two are from amazon - generally its not available, but a great link to see the pictures.
I personally did not want to pay $200.00 or more for this seeing that we already own 3 dvd players.
I went through and searched ebay for these model numbers. I did actually find quite a few matches, I watched some go and gauged pricing. Mine was a great deal - now mind you I knew ebay was a risk but I was willing to take it. I have purchased laptops, etc from ebay and stick to the rule of "look at thier feedback" I have had good experiences.

My final bid close price was $13 or $14.00 I believe shipping was $15 or $18, so in the end for around $30 I got my DREAM DVD Player - it is the Pioneer DV-C503 model. It did not come with a remote when I found the exact remote for it that would cost me another $30.00 which I was still willing to do, but, My DH found me a universal remote with programming capability at Walmart for around $12. Voila all is well with the world and boy was/am I a happy camper. Keep in mind is is a little older and bulkier that the newer models.

My route required a little patience (2 weeks from start to finish) but I got exactly what I wanted and I did not have to pay $300+ for a new one or even $100+ for a used. I had more money for Cathe DVD's etc.

Wow sorry I am so long winded, but that is my story.

Thanks for your recommendation---excellent indeed. I've been searching E-bay -- that is where I will probably buy the player.

The videofitness.com link has only 5 modles listed and they are older models. I was wondering, can I ass/u/me that the more recent modles have the same features as the older models??

Or, maybe a better question would be: Does anyone know the specific feature I am looking for in a multi-disc player that will "program across titles and across multiple DVD discs"??? If so, will you please tell me the feature I am looking for????

I am still looking for make and model numbers if any more of you are willing to help me.


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