Programmable 400 disc DVD Question


I am considering purchasing a 400 disc programmable Sony DVP-CX985V player. It apparently has the capability to program across both titles and discs as well as store them. Yes, a critical feature for someone like me (and many of you!) who wants to mix and match workouts from different Cathe DVDs (I absolutely can't wait to do A-Jock's HC Faux-CTX rotation since my CTX DVD has been on major backorder). Does anyone have any experience with this DVD player? If you don't, I would love to hear what multi-disc programmable DVD player you own and if you are pleased with it. I'm looking for recommendations because I'm really lost in the electronic world.

I'm not familiar with that player, but make sure that you can program accross DVD's and NOT just CD's. Some multi-disc players are only cross-programmable when playing CD's, at least that's what I've heard from some people who have multi-disc players.

How freaking big is this 400 dics player! I'm imagining a juke-box type machine.
It's the same width as any other DVD player only about twice the height. I did double check the manual (you can read it on line on
Sony's Website) and I made certain it said it could be programed across "DVD" titles and chapters. (I had just brought a DVD Player back to the store today because the salesperson said it was programmable across the 5 discs and it certainly was not.) I'm just hoping to just get a good programmable multi-disc DVD player....if it has 400 spaces, I guess that would be a plus.

It's $349.00......and I did decide to buy it. I just loaded all my exercise DVDs and checked it is fully programmable from disc to disc (hurray!!). So far it works great, but I'll have to give it a trial run to let you know how I like it. By the way, it is a little longer then traditional DVD players and twice as high (not a problem for me, but could be for others with limited space).

Enjoy your new DVD player Robin! I'm electrnically challenged myself and I have a 5 Disc DVD player(Sony) and it was the best fitness purchase I ever made. At the time I purchased it I was fairly new to Cathe and had just ordered 5 videos and the I-Series had just come out and everyone was talking about pre-mixes and A-jock was posting various DVD mish moshes like mad and I HAD to have a DVD player. Your workouts will reach a whole new level now. Enjoy!!!
I sure will let everyone know how it works out. The other 5 disc player I just returned prior to purchasing this one was a Sony DVPNC80V....just so everyone knows I have found it was not programmable across multiple DVDs...only within a single disc defeating the reason why I bought a new DVD player (because I already own four). Of course, the electronics salesperson who sold it to me was totally mistaken when he sold it to me. The usual spec sheets on the DVD player don't tell you all the information about programmability across discs....only the manuals. Unfortunately, some DVD companies charge you $10 to $15 download their manuals.:-(

I hope I saved someone else some a little trouble.

Thanks soooo much for the information. I just got a 5 disc off of e-bay for $41.00. It may be a clunker --- so I am willing to pay $349.00 just to be able to load all of my workout disc.

Let us know how it goes Robin. Let us know how easy it was to program and change the programming from day to day.

Thanks again
Just an update:

So far (electronically challenged that I am) I really like this DVD player. I've been able to program DVDs and change discs fairly easily. I keep a list of all my DVDs by number so I just search by number and never have to touch any of the discs. I can also search for DVDs by name, but I right now prefer to do it by number and keep a list within easy reach. Programming it is very easy too and it stores the program (unlike other DVD players which lose the program once you change discs or turn it off). I'm still not fully aware of all the possible functions yet, but I'm learning (when it comes to electronics I am a very slow learner!). I'm sure not everyone will like it, but it does work really well for me.

Hope this helps.
One thing I wondered about multi-disc players that allow you to cross-program between discs: do you have to sit through the FBI warnings at the beginning of each disc each time the program switches to a different disc?
On this DVD player the FBI warning flashes for "barely a second".....before it goes straight into the the next program. Honestly, if I blinked I would miss it. The DVD player does take about 20-35 seconds seconds to change discs, but it is still a lot faster then I am on a good day. I like that I never have to touch any of the discs and I always know where they are and exactly what order they are in. If you have a lot of exercise DVDs this player is wonderful for organization. I found the 5 disc DVD player (I returned it before I bought this one) ten times slower changing discs.

I hope I answered your question.
I found it at both Circuit City and Fry's Electronics (it was less expensive at Circuit City). They don't sell it at Best Buy (at least not when I went). I was afraid to purchase it because I found very mixed reviews on the web from people looking at it as a way to store and play CDs as well as movie DVDs (it does both). Primarily they don't like scrolling for the DVD by number or keeping a list of what's in the player, but you don't have to do that if you type the name of the DVD in the folder section and do a search by name. I own over 100 exercise DVDs alone so it really suits my needs for organization and programming and it sure beats hunting for the DVD boxes.

Thanks, Robin. That helps. As I turned into Cathe's fan starting this Mar., my workout dvds keeps growing. Now It's approaching 50s. ;-) I really like the dvd player you bought. It can serve library purpose. Keep everything store and easy to reach. Best of it, like you said we can start to do "mish mosh". Now I have to save money to buy it as Christmas gift for myself.

I am so glad I saved you some trouble! You would think in this day and age all DVD players are programmable between discs, but the majority aren't. Unfortunately, the only way you can tell if a DVD/CD player is programmable between discs by reading the manual ahead of time before you buy it. (The sales people honestly believe that all are programmable between discs so don't listen to them.)

Robin :)

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