Search results

  1. H

    Walking progress

    The reason I've been walking lately is that any step and lower body strength training hurt my knees. Sometimes even walking bothers me! (too fast or too long) I'm so afraid of losing whatever fitness I have between now and the time I go for my doctor's appointment. I feel like I'm clutching at...
  2. H

    Kinda feeling sad - work is affecting my health

    I don't know if this is an option but maybe you can look into it if you are interested and it is an option. There are online courses available that you could do at work while sitting at your desk. You could use this to further your career or make a change. Just a thought... Good luck! Hélène
  3. H

    Walking progress

    I'd be interested in that racewalking site as well. Could you post it here, please? I've got the same concerns with hurting knees and have been walking more. I was thinking of buying the Leslie Sansone video "Two Mile Walk". Has anyone tried it? What do you think of it? How about other...
  4. H


    I tried New Balance and Ryka and a couple of others as well and what it came down to for me was the fit and comfort. I bought one of the Ryka models because when I tried them on, my feet said: "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Every time I put them on I get the same thing happening! They're just made for my...
  5. H

    Favourite Beauty Products

    Can anyone suggest something for very straight fine hair to give it some body. Mousse or something. I am just starting to grow my hair and bangs out to chin length and I'm sick of it already. I'm used to having lots of volume on top but the weight of the hair makes it flat like a pancake 2...
  6. H

    How Do You Do It!?!

    I have a sweet tooth also and I find that when I'm exercising regularly and eating clean, I get several zits as soon as I eat candy or sweets. So I stay away from them as much as I can. I focus on satisfying any cravings I have by having one extra-large decaf coffee with double cream and double...
  7. H


    In the Open Discussion Conference, there is a topic called "Muscularity -- Long Post" by Maribeth that has some excellent ideas that may help you understand in part why your knees are hurting and what you may be able to do to help the situation. Good Luck! Hélène
  8. H

    Is this a myth ?

    I've read some great books by a man called Covert Bailey. In one of his books (Smart Exercise) he goes into detail on how our bodies work when we're working out. Check him out at the bookstore or library. Hélène
  9. H


    I started doing step again after a one-year break and found that my right knee started hurting after each workout. I went to see a Sports Medicine Doctor and this is what he told me: 1. I've got flat feet and orthotics would help align my feet through to my hips properly (50% difference) I...
  10. H

    BodyPump question for Cathe (and others)

    Please excuse my ignorance, but I haven't a clue what BodyPump is! Could someone explain it, Please? Thanks! Hélène
  11. H

    Please help me create a rotation

    Hi Stacy! Thanks for your reply. I do have other videos but I like Cathe's workouts the best. A month or two before quitting my workouts last year, I bought a whole bunch of videos but only got a chance to try a few of them. I bought mostly Hall of Fame and Favorites. I guess what I need to...
  12. H

    Please help me create a rotation

    Hello Cathe! I am new here and just getting back into exercising and would appreciate some help in creating a rotation. I have some of your videos and just ordered more yesterday through CK Sales in Canada. I used to be able to do some of your more advanced workouts a year ago but I am...
  13. H

    New Study Out...

    I am new to this site and I am interested in this topic. I want to create a workout plan for myself that is properly balanced. I have 30 lbs to lose and want to incorporate cardio, strength, stretching and yoga. I am not on a diet but am eating sensibly from all food groups. I am limiting my...