New Study Out...


I just read about a new study regarding what plan you should follow depending on what your goal is. It is as follows:

Increase VO2max
Aerobic exercise: 4 x per week
Strength training: 1 x per week

Increase strength
Aerobic exercise: 2 x per week
Strength training: 3 x per week

Does anyone agree with this? It said that you can keep (not increase) your aerobic fitness by doing just 2 days of cardio a week.

I know that VO2max is your aerobic fitness- so if your goal is to lose weight, should you follow the first plan?

Just wanted your opinions!
I am new to this site and I am interested in this topic. I want to create a workout plan for myself that is properly balanced.

I have 30 lbs to lose and want to incorporate cardio, strength, stretching and yoga. I am not on a diet but am eating sensibly from all food groups. I am limiting my intake at 1800 cals per day. I started 3 weeks ago and have lost 3 lbs.

I notice that the study doesn't mention flexibility which I understand is very important. I am looking to have 1 rest day per week so I need to spread out the cardio and strength throughout the remaining 6 days.

I do at least 30 minutes of stretching/yoga a day since it just feels so good. I find that when I work out in the morning (and stretch at the end), my muscles slowly tighten up during the day so that by late afternoon, I have to stretch them again or else I will have a headache from being too tight all over. Do other people experience this?

A year ago I had no problems doing most of the advanced videos but that was before the weight gain. I am having a very difficult time getting through Mega Step Blast and Step Fit without stopping the video several times to catch my breath. The combination of being 46 years old and 30 lbs overweight is a challenge I've never faced before and the difficulty I am experiencing getting through the workouts is the biggest surprise. I never expected that 30 lbs would make such a huge difference.

Any ideas for creating a balanced plan is appreciated. If it helps, I can list which videos I have (and the new ones I just ordered yesterday!!)


I will copy and paste a thread I posted in the Open Discussion Forum, under the title "Maribeth-ish question". Here it is:

I have read that if one wants to GAIN muscle, one should work LESS BUT with MORE RESISTANCE. I have read that for muscle mass gains, REST is very important. But, I have noticed that many people in this forums talk about how stepping often develops their calves. Also, I have noticed that many people who wants to develop a specific body part, work it more often.

In my case, if I train my arms too often (three times per week), I don't see much gains. And I see great gains by working my legs only once a week.

Could someone please clarify this?

Hey!! Well, everybody is different. That is why different things work for different poeple. Hopefully what you are reading is just either pure scientific findings or basic trends of how most people on that kind of exercise routine respond.

That being said though, REST is very important for everyone, regardless what you are trying to do. In my opinion, that should never be compromised.

I believe Maribeth can answer your question very well. Usually less reps/ higher wt= strength, more reps/ less weight= endurance, and moderate wt/ moderate reps= some endurance and strength gains with focus being on muscle hypertrophy. Atleast this is what I have learned in my travels!!

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