Kinda feeling sad - work is affecting my health



Sorry to vent on you wonderful ladies but I need to get this out.

Basically, I have been trying, successfully and unsuccessfully at times, to lose weight the healthy way - healthy eating and exercise. I seem to have struggled with both. I have done some hard thinking about my life and have come to some conclusions, one of which is that work is negatively affecting my efforts.

I work at an office job. I pretty much do nothing but sit at a desk for 7 hours. But not only that, things are very very slow work-wise and I sit there for around 6 hours out of my day doing nothing.

Boredom, stress, anxiety making me eat and then my brain feels drained by the end of a day doing nothing and finding it difficult to get the energy up to workout.

I'm going to be moving soon (Dh is in the military and we are getting transfered in 3 months), but I have 3 months of this situation and I can't help feeling that this is a major cause of my problem - both physiologically and emotionally.

If any other office workers have any tips, please give me ideas. I think I lose a bunch of brain cells every day :). Thanks for letting me vent.
Hi Lori!

I know EXACTLY how you feel. Until a year ago I had an office job that was a brain killing experience for 7 years! I worked out 6 days a week and "tried" to eat healthy. But when I was majorly bored the soda or candy machine outside would call me. When my second son was 6 mo. old I finally told dh that I HAD to quit...this was more because of child care and wanting to raise my own kids than wanting a hot bod...and if I had to I would work nights. To make a long story short I am now a SAHM with a couple little side jobs that don't take me away from home much. I keep busy all day and my appetite has hugely decreased. I had to change my workout time from mornings to evenings, but now I also have nap time to workout if needed. I weigh 10 lbs. less than ever (although most of it was probably my breasts!) and look much better. I also went down a dress size. Now some of this had to do with changing my workouts and whatnot, but another factor was my eating habits. And I'm still learning everyday.

I plan on going back to work after my son goes to school, but would like to do something that will keep me busy during the day...and something I enjoy.

I think you can swing 3 more months until you move, but this move may be a great opportunity for you!

Okay, now I'm off to post a sad one of my own!

Do they allow you to read at your desk? That could be an option. Also, would you consider training for another type of job? Does the military offer spouses any educational opportunities? There's nothing worse than being bored at's depressing - been there, done that.

Another alternative is to work out in the morning. Another alternative is to take advantage of whatever workout facilities the military lets the spouses use also. Like if they have a gym set-up, you could head there directly after work and don't even go home and get comfy.

I am in EXACTLY THE SAME situation and I know only too well. It is because I get bored at work and the sedentary lifestyle that goes with it that I have to work out. I force myself to do it! I think having Cathe tapes at home is a God send because I get tired sometimes after work and I feel like falling asleep (sometimes I do nap in the train going home), but when I get home I have a snack and drink and then prepare some dinner. I wake up after that and I feel I can do some exercise.

Some days I find it very very very difficult to exercise, but that was when I wasn't very fit and exercising took too much energy from me. However, as I have increased my work outs and since I have been doing weights as well, I find that I get stronger with each work out and I feel very motivitated to go to the next level. My main motivator is Cathe and her crew: I swear, when I put the video in and see her I just feel so alive and roaring to go. I think you should just try putting the tape in the video and just watch them. After a while your body will be itching to move.

I well remember those days. It was like being in prison. After you move, try to find the type of work where you are active and in control of your day. For me, it was not possible to be in an energy-sucking job like that and still be motivated to work out. I was always exhausted. Also, I remember that I was really bad at my dull job and was always making lots of mistakes! When you move, look for something challenging and you will have lots more energy! Good luck!
Thanks all, you guys help so much.

And you are all absolutely right. I have an opportunity in 3 months to help correct this situation and I better take advantage of it.

At night after work, I just have to get up and MOVE. After you sit all day, moving feels so good.

As for now - I have my own office so I can close the door and pretty much do anyting - read, internet. I have a new home and job to scout so that will keep me busy soon.

Lori S -- I have been a Lori H. now for a year, I just haven't changed it yet. You are the *real* Lori S. :7)

LoriS, I can kinda relate to your situation. I work third shift at a hotel Friday and Saturday nights (yes I have no life). I've been doing this for the past 3 years. I get most of my work done in the first 4 hours, then I have 4 hours with absolutely nothing to do. Here are some tips that I have found to help me:

I always have the radio on. If I didn't the elevator music played in the lobby would put me to sleep. I like to try to find a station that has some sort of radio talk show (even if it's sports). Since I'm all alone, hearing other people talk makes me feel more comfortable.

If I bring a good book that I'm really into it really helps pass the time. I also like to read magazines like Parents, Fitness, and Time.

I usually bring a bag of popcorn and eat it slowly one kernal at a time. This takes me over an hour and helps keep me away from the snack machine.

When I get home I try to take a 2 hour nap. I get up and eat breakfast and an hour and a half later I'm ready to work out.

My only problem is caffeine. I don't think I would make it through the weekends without my Diet Coke and Coffee. I would never be able to survive the 35-mile drive home.

I hope this helps.

OMG!! I feel like I wrote that email. I too have such a boring job sitting for 8 hours. On top of that, i have about a 1 and 1/2 hour commute (one way - it is only 25 miles but traffic in the city!!) so, by the time i get home, I AM EXHAUSTED!!! and just want to sleep.

I think to myself - what am i so tired from? i didn't do anything today!! but i've concluded that it is the constant fighting of boredom that is draining. so when i get home, first thing i want to do is drop on the couch for a nap.

i too find it very difficult not to snack at work when you are soooooooooo bored. it is miserable watching the clock. sorry ladies, but it is nice to know that i'm not the only one who has to live thru this. I've been searching for another job for months - to no avail. :-(
Lori, at least you have something to look forward to in 3 months - a new change and possibly a whole new lifestyle. Good luck!

Your post nearly blew me out of the water. I'm in the same boat you are -- not enough work to do! (OK, I did refill the office coffee maker and put paper in the printer and now I'm exhausted!). It's been mind-numbingly boring and very depressing here for over a year, after my boss retired and his replacement set up shop in our London, UK, office. I've been "working" here for 12 years and don't want to give up my wages, the vacation time I've accumulated and the free medical coverage. Plus I live alone and there's rent to pay and cats to feed!

It pains me not to work -- I feel a sense of shame and guilt. I'm a Libre and need a relatively-even balance of work between my job and home, so now I'm a bit obsessive about working out. My balance is out of whack.

The only thing keeping me sane is family, my sweet cats, working out in the mornings, and visiting this website every day. The workout builds my confidence and I know I'd get REALLY depressed if I didn't do it, even though I dread it every day. How could I possibly believe I am not worthy if I can do squats with a 60-lb barbell?

As far as the eating goes, thankfully I don't have too much of a problem. We don't have any vending machines, thank goodness, although I do work in the restaurant district of Toronto. I've simply developed pretty good eating habits over the last 8 years. I just ask myself, am I going to feel any better if I have a chocolate bar. Answer: No -- I'll probably get a hangover and feel even more guilty. Last week I had a piece of my birthday cake (yup -- just turned 48 - gag me!) that I brought into the office -- carrot cake with tons (and tons) of real phili icing. I felt sick and light-headed for the rest of the day.

I just try to make sure I bring enough healthy food to work. I bring my hi-fibre, low-fat cereal to work for breakfast, usually have a very large salad or a cup of bean soup for lunch and an apple for a snack. I also love coffee but try to limit it to 3 times a day.

In the past, I used to eat just for something to do -- boredom and need for action would make me ravenous. But since I get my "action" from working out, I don't feel the need to eat the wrong things. If I'm really bored, I can always go to the file room and sneak a thousand push-ups (not!)

Thank you very much for posting, Lori! It's a relief to know that I'm not alone.

I don't know if this is an option but maybe you can look into it if you are interested and it is an option.

There are online courses available that you could do at work while sitting at your desk. You could use this to further your career or make a change.

Just a thought... Good luck!

Your life is my life is your life is everybody's life.

Doesn't it just goes to show what super women we are? We put up with so much c&*p and don't complain? I just dread Mondays (the song 'I hate Mondays' have never rung so true for me as it has now) because on Mondays I have the rest of the week to get through.

I feel so much better knowing that you, all the way on the other side of the Alantic, is sharing this experience with me. I feel so much better now because I am not a useless little failure that I always believe I was. It's not me, it's the bloody job!

Your life is my life is your life is everybody's life.

Doesn't it just goes to show what super women we are? We put up with so much c&*p and don't complain? I just dread Mondays (the song 'I hate Mondays' have never rung so true for me as it does now) because on Mondays I have the rest of the week to get through.

I feel so much better knowing that you, all the way on the other side of the Alantic, is sharing this experience with me. I feel so much better now because I am not a useless little failure that I always believe I was. It's not me, it's the bloody job!


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