Please help me create a rotation


Hello Cathe!

I am new here and just getting back into exercising and would appreciate some help in creating a rotation. I have some of your videos and just ordered more yesterday through CK Sales in Canada.

I used to be able to do some of your more advanced workouts a year ago but I am finding it difficult now that I've started working out again in the past 3 weeks. I stopped working out last summer when I started taking night courses and couldn't fit workouts it into my schedule. I gained 30 lbs which I think is a big factor in not being able to do the advanced workouts. In particular, high impact exercises are too much for me at this point.

I want to build a rotation that takes me from an intermediate level and gradually builds me to a more advanced level. Part of the problem is that of the 9 videos, I've only done 2 of them and can't rank their level. My goals are to get fit again, lost the weight and get rid of the MAJOR "pooch" I've got.

I was thinking of working out 6 days a week. At this point in time, I can devote 2 hours a day to workouts. ( I quit that company so I am now at home with the intention of starting my own business next year.) What mix of cardio to strength would you recommend? I think my body type is a meso-endo if that helps.
I was planning on doing at least 15 minutes per day just on abs.
I also registered for a yoga class for 1 hour a week and I stretch every day.

I have:

Step Fit (SF)
Mega Step Blast (MSB)
Body Max (BM)
Interval Max (IM)
Maximum Intensity Cardio (MIC)
Maximum Intensity Strength (MIS)
Rythmic Step (RS)
Power Max (PM)
Ab Hits (AH)

Any help you can provide would be very much appreciated.


Hi, welcome back to fitness! Obviously I'm not Cathe (my biceps arent as nice), but I could offer my two cents. I'd definitely not push it at first since you're just getting back into the swing of things. Maybe starting out by working out only 4 days a week for the first month or so and then gradually increasing to 6. I notice most of your tapes are step and high impact at that. It might be a good idea to start out with maybe one day of fast-paced walking to give your knees a break. There are hundreds of different rotations but here's one that might you get you started.

-Mega Step Blast + abs
-walking + abs
-rest day or yoga
-MIC (hi/lo) + abs
-MIS upper body only
-rest day

Then as time goes on you can gradually increase the intensity of your workouts such as adding in Interval Max etc. And, dont forget that clean eating is as important as working out!

Good Luck,


P.S. Do you have any other tapes?? The FIRM Ya Ya website also has a forum with alot of rotations, some specifically using only Cathe tapes, and in the open discussion forum on this site there is a rotations page under construction.
Hi Stacy!

Thanks for your reply.

I do have other videos but I like Cathe's workouts the best. A month or two before quitting my workouts last year, I bought a whole bunch of videos but only got a chance to try a few of them. I bought mostly Hall of Fame and Favorites.

I guess what I need to do is park myself in front of the TV and preview them to figure out which I can do. Sounds boring though... I'd rather get up and move!

It wasn't until yesterday that I realized that I had never worn real aerobic shoes in all the years I've done it aerobics. So I went shopping today and I bought my first pair. I got Ryka since they fit the best. I'm wearing them right now as I type! I can't wait to try them out tomorrow morning. Maybe my Flying Angels will fly on the board instead of just float on the side!! Maybe now I'll be able to do those advanced workout! (I can wish can't I?)

Do you ever do any of Cathe's hi/lo videos and adjust all the moves to low? Is is doable? Does Cathe show how to adjust some of them?

It's time to get some zzzzzzzzzs. I'll let you know if my Flying Angels flew!

I know what ya mean...Cathe's workouts are the best!! If previewing them sounds boring, then just jump right in! I used to do Cathe tapes on an 8 inch step but the impact was starting to get too much for my old knees. I know do them on a 6 inch step and my knees problems have resolved. Some will start with a 4 inch step and some even just doing Cathe step tapes without a step. You can always modify whether Cathe does or not by just marching in place. Each time you do a tape, you'll get better and better, just do as much as you can. I chose MSB in the rotation I posted b/c on the tapes you had listed this is the least intense and the choreography is basic.

Have fun with the shoes!!


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