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    To all of you Seasoned Cathe Users! I'm about to add a couple of new workouts to my collection. How is Circuit Max? Is the stepping very choreographed? How about the weight lifting--decent for building endurance and tone? I have KPC and was considering adding Cardio Kicks. Should I bother...
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    Most challenging cardio workout?

    I've never done or even seen MIC, but after reading the comments, I don't think I want to! KPC has good cardio, but I can still breathe during the workout, whereas I am gasping for air during parts of Boot Camp ("just tell yourself you can do anything for one minute!") It's those climber...
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    Name Your Favorite Cathe Workout

    That's a tough question! :o I go through fixation periods when I tend to do one workout more than others...Right now I'm enjoying Supersets and Push/Pull, which are great shorter workouts.... You know what? I can't name a favorite because I like them all for different reasons! Lisa
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    muscle endurance=muscle torture

    Muscle endurance is one of my favorite Cathe "torture sessions." That glute lift exercise makes me sore the next day every time I do it--must be the muscles cranking themselves against gravity. This is one of Cathe's best designed workouts!:7 Lisa
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    Love Boot Camp/Muscle Endurance DVD

    Ahhhhh, two new workouts with lots of ways to mix and match. Even though the cardio cycles are only 1 minute on Boot Camp, I thought I was having a heart attack with those continous "suspend yourself in air" jumping jacks--and I considered myself in pretty good aerobic shape! I think that...
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    Had to put one of my dogs down--need advice

    Hi Rebecca, I, too, just had one of my dogs euthanized. She was 15 and one of my 6. Maybe because I have such a "pack" of dogs, they don't seem to notice as much...but dogs DO feel loss, I believe, especially ones who are bonded to each other. My suggestion to you is to make your only dog a...
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    Hi, back from a long time ago, some eating/exercise Q's...

    RE: Hi, back from a long time ago, some eating/exercise... Candice- Whoa, girl. FOUR kids? My hat is off to you. Congratulations on losing your pregnancy weight, and for having the courage to have that many kids. I think that once you establish a workout schedule, your snacking will...
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    Article about Victoria's Secret...YUCK!!!

    DEAR GOD--I've purchased underwear from their catalog!! Ahhhhhh--do we have to have their items sterilized before we wear them? Or, wash everything in bleach??? Baaaaaaad girl, Victoria! :o Lisa
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    Ladies, Muscle and how much is too much?

    Muscles are a matter of taste...for me, I like definition, a little vacularity, and visible tone. Body builders are over the top, since they have diminished what feminine "edges" they used to have (must be the 'Roids x( ) Although...I never thought Rachel McLish was freakish. I have her...
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    More kickboxing please!!!!

    Kathryn- I've actually never done a Cathe kickboxing workout, but I'd like to try one. I'm replying to you because you mentioned in your post NO high impact moves. I don't mind some high impact, but I don't like a lot of it. Would you recommend a Cathe kickbox tape/DVD that isn't "too...
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    WANTED: Lap Dog

    Stacy-- I have 6 dogs. I have two different breeds--Basenjis, which have short hair, minimal shedding...and they do not bark. They are known as the barkless breed. They are not mute, but they do NOT bark. I've had this breed (and I have 4 of them) for 15 years. They like to be on laps, in...
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    I am an exercise snob!

    Hi All, I just got back from taking a step class with a friend at a local "women's only" gym...and it all came flooding back to me why I prefer working out at home: BECAUSE MOST INSTRUCTORS DON'T KNOW WHAT THE &*$@! THEY ARE DOING. I've been exercising forever, it seems, and I have learned...
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    Phases I and II

    Mary-- CONGRATULATIONS :7 :7 ON YOUR WEIGHT LOSS!! That was probably the hardest part of your "journey." Now you must push on. Cathe's workouts will definitely shock your body into new proportions. Don't get discouraged with some of her more challenging workouts--you'll get there. I...
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    2 things,does this happen to anyone else?

    Clare-- I was just reading your post about Cathe's Power Hour lunges and I had to laugh--my feelings EXACTLY. I really like Power Hour, but those lunges....ugh. Sometimes I do them with no weight just to get the form better, and it's more comfortable too. Why don't you try weightless lunges...
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    2 things,does this happen to anyone else?

    Hi Lori, I'm not sure about your sweating question--maybe you just have a hot thermostat in your body, and it doesn't take much to set it off? Although it may be annoying, my guess is that it is healthy. As far as your not wanting to finish a workout--sometimes I have to make myself START...
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    Workout Blender Rotation

    Bobbi-- I think you're a maniac! I am in awe of your workout tenacity. You must look terrific--oh, and Happy Birthday on the 18th. Lisa;)
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    Would Like Opinions About Workouts

    Barbara-- I thought the Terminator sounded like a good mix of strength and weights, and I found it to be too much step with moves I felt too spastic to do. I'm used to the basic routines. I have a step tape by Reebok with Gin Miller that is intense but very clear to follow. Anyway, I'm...
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    Would Like Opinions About Workouts

    Hi All, I really like the way Cathe's workouts WORK...however I was disappointed with a recent purchase--"The Terminator" DVD. I found the step choreography too complex, and too "large" for my small workout area. I have Power Hour and MIS, her Slow and Heavy series, and two more strengthening...