Most challenging cardio workout?


Which Cathe workout do you think is the most challenging cardiovascularly speaking (not choreography wise)?

I think it's a toss up between KPC and MIC. They continue to kick butt.
BOOTCAMP!!! OMG, I can barely get through the "terminators". I am very winded after this one. For some reason, MIC seems like a walk in the park compared to BC. But I love it! }(
MIC without a doubt has to be the most challenging cardio workout ever made! I have tried them ALL, but that one is a killer!

Bootcamp and especially KPC are a walk in the park for me compared to MIC. I just finished High Step Training Advanced, and that was easier than MIC for me too! I actually do KP&C on an easy day!
I think of BootCamp as "intermediate", because your heartbeat really comes way down on the upper body and core stuff in each cycle. I love BC, for sure, but it's not scary cardio.

I think the toughest is MIC, then a tie between Imax and Cmax.
If you are talking about a long workout as is I would say MIC. The high intensity section of KPC is up there too. It has come to the place where this seems much easier after doing some of the premixes. The cardio only premix on Bootcamp is the most challenging for me. Also the cardio only on the new HSTA is pretty tough. Then there are the premixes for I Max 2, the Blasts or the Blast Mania. All of the DVD premixes have upped my cardio levels.
Diane Sue
"All of the DVD premixes have upped my cardio levels."

...which is another reason to include premixes on the new DVD's! Premixes have helped me to up my cardio levels too, and they're a great way to individualize a workout to one's current fitness level.

(Sorry. Didn't mean to hijack this thread but I couldn't resist adding another plug for premixes.:) )
I've never done or even seen MIC, but after reading the comments, I don't think I want to! KPC has good cardio, but I can still breathe during the workout, whereas I am gasping for air during parts of Boot Camp ("just tell yourself you can do anything for one minute!") It's those climber terminator things that almost do me in. I feel like such a wimp because I dread them!
MIC, in my opinion. I love/hate this workout. I don't find the hi/lo section to be very comfortable; it's very jerky and fast. The sashays at the start of the step section drive me nuts; I can't stand them. But I persevere, because I love the way I feel at the end of this workout, and the Blast at the end is sheer fun. I really like the music she uses for the blast, and I am always amazed at where this workout has taken me - from those basic side steps at the start, to all those jumps at the end.

Interval #4 in IMAX is also pretty intense, and makes interval #5 quite a challenge (who wants to do *another* 16 plyo-jacks?!).

BodyMax is also a challenge, because she goes so fast!

I agree that Step Works also qualifies as a cardio challenge, particularly the first segment that seems to go on and on. And who can truly forgive Cathe for her little lie at the end of the second section when she says "that's all there is", and then throws in all those abducter moves and knee-lifts? Oh, she's a tricky one :7

MIC no doubt about it. But this was one of my first Cathe purchases so I am quite fond of it. I think MIC, MIS and Bodymax were purchased together so I didn't have anything to compare to at the time. MIC gets thrown in about ever other week or so no matter what rotation I'm following, it is one tough workout but you fee so good after the blast at the end. Another thing Cathe is famous for-when you think you can go no further, she adds a blast and you just don't feel good about yourself if you don't follow along and just do it.

Absolutely positively MIC. This one is one of those "hurts so good" type workouts. Definitely a love/hate relationship in my book too. Even the background exercisers look like they're about to pass out by the end of the hi/lo in this one.
How can you guys even get through MIC? I love Cathe, but her older stuff really bothers me now that I have all her new stuff. It's like I don't have the patience to get through it and the dull music....blah, blah. Plus, I abhor HI/LO. I would pull this one out for another try but I need new shoes and HI LO always seems to give me shin problems. Too much "on the toes" I guess.

Just wondering how you all can still do Cathe's old stuff without being B-O-R-E-D??
Janice, I think Cathe works you soo hard in her old stuff,that you don't even have the energy to get bored. Everytime I do MIC( not very often) and I hear the sirens come on in the first section,I think back to the first time I did the tape. My kids asked me what that noise was. I told them it was the police coming to arrest Cathe for working us too hard! Besides, there are some days when you need to work your body hard but let your mind take a break from fancier steps. :) Renee
> My kids asked me what that noise was. I told them it
>was the police coming to arrest Cathe for working us too hard!

LOL! That's HILARIOUS Renee!!

I usually only do MIC when I've skipped some days of working out, and I want to make up for it...that's the only time I'll do it. It makes me feel less guilty. I think to myself when I'm all done, "Okay, that makes up for the last two workouts I missed." :p
I am frugal to the point that it bothers me a great deal to *not* use something for which I've paid good money. Therefore, I use all of my workouts on a regular basis. My rotations are highly varied, that's for sure. MIC makes it into the rotation about once a month, and I tell myself that it's good for me; it makes Cathe's other workouts seem so much easier ;) As well, I know that when I finally get finished this workout, I will be extremely self-satisfied, and I won't have to do it again for another month! I also love the way I feel after working so hard, even if the "fun" factor wasn't as high as in her other workouts.


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