Would Like Opinions About Workouts


Hi All,
I really like the way Cathe's workouts WORK...however I was disappointed with a recent purchase--"The Terminator" DVD. I found the step choreography too complex, and too "large" for my small workout area. I have Power Hour and MIS, her Slow and Heavy series, and two more strengthening series "Chest, Shoulder, Triceps", and "Back, Biceps and Abs." Can anyone recommend one of her new videos/DVDs that have good muscle sculpting along the same style as these? Also, is there a step tape of Cathe's that isn't so complex? I guess I'm not as coordinated as I thought...
I have Circuit Max and it has a 2 segments of hi/lo, 2 segments of kickboxing(one on the step) and 2 step segments and it a circuit training type workout with weights done inbetween each segments. 5 min. of cardio 2 min.of weight setup. You can modify the hi/low to allow you to stay in one room but shortening up the steps of the moves. The weight segments are very good also. Body Max is another good circuit type workout with a step segment (about 24 min. but intense and fast but doable) a leg circuit segment with step portion then leg work with a barbell, then an upper body workout. The whole workout is 91 min. but is easily broken down into 2 or 3 shorter workouts:D .

Hope that helps some!:)
Hi there,

First off, welcome to the forums!

As far as strength recommendations, I would suggest either the Pyramids DVD from the Intensity series or the new Supersets/Push Pull DVD from the Body Blast series. The Pyramids might be more like Slow and Heavy or the Pure Strength series in that you're using a slower count (although not as slow as S&H) and can heavy up on the weight. I haven't received my BB DVD's yet and they sound more muscle endurance oriented like Power Hour or MIS (and I'm sure Catheites who have these already can chime in and correct me if need be).

There are several step recommendations. Mega Step Blast is one of Cathe's earliest workouts and is very easy to pick up. Right now, this is only available on VHS. You might also consider her Classics DVD which has 3 early step workouts on it (Step Heat, Step Jam, and one other that I can't remember). These are not as complex and the moves you learn in these workouts reappear in later workouts, making newer workouts not quite so confusing. For interval workouts, you might want to consider either Imax 1 or 2. Imax 1 has pretty straight forward choreography and is very intense although Imax 2 seems to have more of a fun factor than Imax 1. Both are great workouts. Imax 1 is available either as a stand alone VHS or on DVD with Maximum Intensity Cardio and Body Max. Imax 2 is available either as a stand alone VHS or on DVD with Cardio and Weights (one of my favorite Cathe workouts:7 ). If you enjoy floor cardio, the new Kick, Punch and Crunch (which I don't have yet so I'm reporting what others have said) is a super workout, rates high on fun factor, and doesn't take up much floor space.

I'm sure you'll get lots of other suggestions. Hope my two cents is helpful.
Are you into kickboxing? If so I would suggest Kick, Punch & Crunch from the BB series. The music is great and the moves are awsome and it doesn't take up much room. Also like what the other girl said Cathe's older step videos are more straight foward. For weights either Muscle Endurance or The Pyramids are wonderful. If you get any of the IS Series you will see that they mix up different section from it and made The Terminator. Can I ask what made you get the Terminator? Maybe it was just too much and you need to do each Series first then go back and try the Terminator and it might not feel so complex. Just an Idea:)
I thought the Terminator sounded like a good mix of strength and weights, and I found it to be too much step with moves I felt too spastic to do. I'm used to the basic routines. I have a step tape by Reebok with Gin Miller that is intense but very clear to follow. Anyway, I'm currently selling the Terminator on e-bay since I can't return it.
Thank you for your suggestions. I was eyeing Muscle Endurance and those pyramids. I just might have to give them a try.
Lisa :D :7
CTX Power Circuit and Step and Intervals are favorites of mine. They are very intense but more basic than their companion, All Step and I think the Pyramids are phenomenal. I agree that the Classic's
DVD is terrific too. I just pulled it out and it was great to return to simpler days when step was more basic and not so tricky as it seems to be these days! I have been wondering if I should get Mega Step Blast on VHS and I think perhaps I should having read a good review of it! Muscle Endurance is a beauty too. Have fun deciding!
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi

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