Search results

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    Who is the hottest actor?

    A close tie between Orlando Bloom and Brad Pitt:P
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    Who was your childhood crush?

    Jack Wagner He was hot in General Hospital and many years later in Melrose Place :9
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    Has anyone tried gliding and if so did you have good results with it? Thanks for your input:-)
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    Functional Foundations?

    Has anyone tried Function Foundations from Tracie Long, and if so what did you think of these workouts? Thank you for your input Shannon:-)
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    P90X/Cathe Rotation

    I am finishing my P90X rotation and was wondering if any one can help me devise a rotation using both my Cathe and P90X DVDs. I have all of Cathe's DVDs. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you in advance, Shan :-)
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    This thread has peaked my intrest in the Slim Series, is there a website I can go to get more information? Thank you :-)
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    This thread has peaked my intrest in the Slim Series, is there a website I can go to get more information? Thank you :-)
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    Just did PLB ~ so excited!

    JulieMom, Where did you get the magnets for your weights? They sound like something I would be very interested in getting. Thank you:-)
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    anyone convert your old VHS to DVD's?

    Danna, I had this problem also. I just bought a DVD recorder and have transferred all of my old FIRMs to DVD and it is GREAT! The DVD recorder was more than I had wanted to spend, but I feel in the long run it will be worth it. I hope this helps and good luck :-) Shannon
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    Was Wondering?

    Thank you for your reply, I am going to try that and see if it works. I never thought about it, but it does make sense. Thanks again, Have a great Day!:)
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    Was Wondering?

    Good Morning All, I have been working out with Cathe for about three months now, and before that I had worked out with The Firm. I am trying my hardest to eat clean, and have been working out at least five days a week. My clothes are not fitting any looser, and I am getting concerned that...
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    Cellulite Solutions

    Thank you for your reply. Do you do all those together as one workout, or do you seperate them and do one a day? I am interested in trying anything that will help. Thank you.
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    Cellulite Solutions

    I have been working out regularly (5 to 6 days-alternating cardio and weight traning). I try to eat clean, most of the time I am good but I still have cellulite on the backs of my thighs. What have you done to combat cellulite? Thank you for you input :-)
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    Need Educated Crowd opinion

    I am trying to develop a rotation, I was want to tone muscle, with maybe just a little more weight loss. Should I alternate one day weights, one day cardio or is there a better way to achieve my goals? :-) Have a great day :)
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    working those saddlebags

    RE: You can do it! Could you possibly post exactly what tapes your rotations consist of? I have all the Firm workouts (except the new tapes that were just released), and I am working on completing my Cathe collection. I would really like a workout that I can incorporate my Firm tapes and...
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    People's biggest excuses!

    Beverly, The biggest excuse that I hear is that there is no time. I make the time every day at 5a.m. I work in an office with overweight ladies that go to Weight Watchers and they think that is all they need. I ask them why they don't workout also, and they say workingout is to much work...
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    Calling all Weight Watchers (on the program) for advice...

    RE: Calling all Weight Watchers (on the program) for ad... I have been thinking about joining Weight Watchers, and I was wondering how many Activity points you earn with Cathe workouts? Thank you for your input, have a Nice Day! Shan :-)
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    Which Video

    Thank you for your input I really appreciate it! :-)
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    Need Rotation

    I am new to Cathe, I started with her in January and just love her workouts. Before Cathe I had been Firming, and needed more of a challenge. I lost thirty pounds with the Firm and would like to maintain my weight loss while toning up. I have the Body Blast Series DVDs and Timesaver. I also...
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    Which Video

    I have been Firming since 1997 and have recently discovered Cathe and I really enjoy the intesity of the workouts. I have been debating which workout to get next. I currently have BS DVDs and Timesaver, Power Hour/MIS/Body Max and Ab Hits. I have been looking at Pyramid Upper/Lower or Imax...