Just did PLB ~ so excited!


There's really no one else I can "boast" my accomplishment to who would get it so I am boasting to you gals. So I have moved on from the Firm to Cathe. I was a little worried I wasn't able to do PLB with my current weights (intermediate I know) 20, 24, and 30lbs. Well I did PLB with these weights and realized I was not getting the "I can't hardly do one more fatigue feeling". So I am getting those weight magnets (already have one set for one dumbbell) that add 2 lbs to my dumbbells adding up to 17lbs per bell total 34 lbs! Dare I hold my breathe and hope by the end of summer I'll be doing a max of 40lbs???? SO EXCITED!!! Anyway just wanted to share! I'M EVERY WOMAN, IT'S ONLY ME, ANYTHING YOU WANT DONE BABY I DO IT NATURALLY.... ok I've gone to giddy to way funky! See you later!

Where did you get the magnets for your weights? They sound like something I would be very interested in getting.

Thank you:)
I was wondering too - what do you mean by magnets? I do PLB too but can only make it up to 30lbs - my legs are shaking at that point! I do 25, 27 & 30! but for the deadlifts - i can go up to 35, maybe higher next time.
They are made by PlateMate. Their phone number is 800-877-3322. Here is a link to the website and the plate set I bought.


I bought mine from a local fitness store and saved big time on the shipping. In store they were $25. I was really skepital at first but found them to be very secure when working out. But they only work on non covered dumbbells. Sounds expensive at first but I found after you hit the 15lb weight all dumbbells increase by 5 lbs and that just is to much for me to handle. So really it's worth the investment. So that's the jist of it.
Thanks for the link to platemate, and I am cracking up at your little song! You'll be at 40# in no time.
those weights sounds cool- I'll have to check into them. I just did PLB for the first time yestreday and Loved it- but I need more weight. I only have 10 pound dumbells which I also put wrist weights on so I have a little more- but still 15 pounds on each arm isin't much at all- I'll get more- and I can't weight

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