Cellulite Solutions


I have been working out regularly (5 to 6 days-alternating cardio and weight traning). I try to eat clean, most of the time I am good but I still have cellulite on the backs of my thighs. What have you done to combat cellulite?

Thank you for you input

UPS Girl,

My hamstring area is looking much better since I started encorporating more floor work for my legs. The floor work for hamstrings (on the stability ball) in PLB, the floor work in PS legs and abs and the floor work in L&G has made a lot of difference for me. I still have some cellulite, but it's definitely not as pronounced and you can actually see hamstring muscle.
Thank you for your reply. Do you do all those together as one workout, or do you seperate them and do one a day? I am interested in trying anything that will help.

Thank you.
You could do either, I suppose, but the individual workouts are very efficient at exhausting the hamstring area. Especially L&G because of being pre-fatigued already. To answer your question, I do one at a time.

Everytime I do any of this floor work, especially L&G, I'm sore for a day or two (sometimes three) after. Now, the one legged dead lifts could also be a contributing factor with L&G. I really feel those in my hamstrings.

This is what seems to be working for me. Hopefully you will get additional guidance from other forum members. I'm curious as to what the others have experienced!
Well I have cellulite and I haven't found anything to get rid of it all, yet. The backs of my legs aren't nearly as bad as my inner thighs, which I can see, every day UGH! But doing the Firm videos for 1 year and a half I do definately see a differance. I weigh exactly in the range I should for my height so it's not an issue of being overweight or anything. I think my pregnancy had aggrivated it as well. But now I just bought my first Cathe DVD, L&G and KPC. I hope when 8 weeks is over I see a further differance. On top of that, although everyone says don't do it, I just bought Estee Lauders brand new cellulite cream which is sappose to have a new ingrediant others haven't had. Also I am upping my water intake as well. Here's the thing I tell myself. One I am very fit and two I probably could surpass most women w/out cellulite, fitness wise. I am strong and lean under it all. So keep challenging yourself, as I am, it should all definately help. Keep your head up, your not alone and feel confindent that you take really good care of your body.

how much do you lift with the one legged deadlifts? i do 15lbs in each hand. I've been doing all three workouts since january and i'm hoping to see a difference in that area as well!
I alternate between using 12 and 15 lbs. I really have to keep my shoulders back to feel the pull in the hamstrings. Because of the balance issues associated with being on one leg, it would be counterproductive for me to use any more than that.

My sister and both have had cellulite since we were in our mid teens so I've accepted the fact that it's in my genes. I know I will never be completely rid of it, but I have noticed a lot of improvement and I can live with that!
Much like stretch marks, cellulite is genetic. This is why men almost never have it, it's not that they don't get fat!

I have no stretch marks, but I do get really ugly cellulite. I don't have much fat on my body, but all of it is cellulite. So, in the genetic crap shoot, one for me, one for the forces of evil.

I honestly don't believe that any cream, potion, special device or form of exercise will change it. Exercise has improved my legs mightily, but the cellulite is there.

My daughter had cellulite when she was born!! I was sorry to see that, but obviously, it is genetic.
I guess if you have to have cellulite, psychologically it's better to think of it as cute little dimples.
It doesn't help me at all, but if it helps you, please call it anything you like! I have never been able to fool myself with renaming things that way.

I can accept that it won't go away unless I rid myself of every molecule of fat, which is unlikely to happen, but I can't think of it as cute little dimples.

Thanks for the idea, though.

I think it's a genetic thing. Some of us are going to carry that last bit of fat in the form of dimply thighs. I got rid of it once - I was down to 97 pounds (divorce sometimes does that to you) and my legs looked the leanest and smoothest they ever had. However, my cheeks were sunken and my breasts lost all fullness - not that there was much there in the first place.

So all in all, I didn't think the trade off was worth it. I now accept the fact that I have cellulite. I'm healthy and fit, a much better way to be than cellulite-free!


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