Search results

  1. N

    Question on Personal Training Certification

    I am a presenter for NETA who does a weekend PT training. The biggest thing you should know about a weekend course is that you do not learn everything you need in the weekend. You actually need to spend quite a bit of time studying before the class. If you do not study before the class you...
  2. N

    Need some cheering up - long

    My appointment went quite well yesterday. I love technology. The doctor was able to pull up the films from my last surgery on the computer so we could get a good view of what was going on. We decided to open up the sphincter again and place a stent in for the next couple of months. A stent...
  3. N

    Need some cheering up - long

    Thanks to all of you for your encouragement and ideas. I am planning on going to my appointment on Tuesday armed with information and attitude, I have been way too nice for too long. I am also bringing DH who has completely given in to his testosterone on this situation. He is in fix it and...
  4. N

    Need some cheering up - long

    Here is my sad story...About 3 years I started having troubles that looked like gallstones. It turned out to be the sphincter of odie where the common bile duct and the small intestine meet was spasmed shut. They did an ERCP which is where they go in through your mouth and stomach into your...
  5. N

    Best Way to buy P90X?

    I like to buy BB products over the phone. You need to be prepared for them to try and sell you every add on they could possibly think of. However, every time I have stuck it out and paid with one credit card payment they have always thrown in free videos. Now I don't know about you, but I...
  6. N

    CC Fabulous customer service

    I really am so impressed with them. I love the workouts. AND it is really amazing to find a company with good customer service. I hope they stay around for a long time.
  7. N

    CC Fabulous customer service

    Last night I was having a pity party since I injured my foot and couldn't do anyt workouts with impact. So I decided to order some more CC workouts for a little pick me up since I could do them on an ellipse. Well, I wasn't paying enough attention because I reordered one of the workouts I...
  8. N


    I was hospitalized for my eating disorders 3 years ago. For the most part I no longer engage in the behaviors, but the thoughts are still there. Ultimately I found being hospitalized to be a very pivotal point for me as I saw how much and for how long the other women I was hospitalized with...
  9. N

    What cross trainer shoes do you wear...

    I have heard several people talk about WalkingSue on Ebay. But, alas, I am completely Ebay illiterate and can't figure out how to access her. I am interested in the Rykas and would love help getting to WalkingSue on Ebay.
  10. N

    You are what you eat

    Has anyone ever watched this show? It is on at 3 pm CT on BBC. I have caught it the last two days and I am horrified :o at what these people are eating. Now, I am no saint, but OMG. Yesterday there was one guy that had 52 Red Bull's per week. Another guy's wife cooked all of his food in...
  11. N

    Do you sing while working out with your ipod?

    I used to work at a gym and the desk was near the treadmills. I would hear people singing to their ipods almost every day. Most of them didn't realize they were singing and were horribly embarassed when they would realize they were singing out loud :o
  12. N

    11/1 Cathe-ites DAILY challenge !!!

    I'm not sure if this is good or bad the day after Halloween. It does give you an extra day to get rid of all of that extra chewy, gooey candy. If I only had an office to bring it to...
  13. N

    Does this annoy you?

    I am currently working with at risk youth as a personal trainer. This program is voluntary for the participants and theoretically only the interested people signed up. Since I am the largest of the trainers I took all of the larger girls so they wouldn't be intimidated by a tiny trainer. As...
  14. N

    carpet help please!

    I have a puzzle mat from Greatmats and it has certainly done its job is such a non-slip surface that your shoes "stick" to it when you are working out. Whenever the choreography gets interesting and there is any sort of turn or pivot your shoe stays in one place while the rest of...
  15. N

    I ran out of room for my exerc.dvd's!

    Sadly, I have well over 200 video's and DVD's (and this is after selling about 150 of the ishy ones about 3 years ago). Anyway, DH is building me my own special closet in my workout room dedicated completely to workout videos. We got the sliding mirror closet doors when a local hardware store...
  16. N

    Need help please

    I have to say you all make me feel so much better. I have never been able to get down to what the BMI charts say is a "normal" weight. I am just too muscular and the only way to be a "normal" weight would be to lose all of my muscle by some really nasty combination of diet and not working out...
  17. N

    New background exerciser? :-)

  18. N

    72-year-old bodybuilder still going strong

    This guy is an inspiration. I would love it if he were able to be more in the public eye so people could see the wonderful effects of lifelong exercise.
  19. N

    A lot offended

    Thank you all for your very kind words. I am sitting here with tears in my eyes grateful for your acceptance and kind thoughts. I am doing very well after my surgery and every day is a little better than the previous day. I am hoping to be relatively well by next week. I just got my UPS...
  20. N

    A lot offended

    Hi all, I also had someone make a comment to me last week, but I have the opposite problem, I am quite big. I am likely the largest member of this community, but I am strong and healthy and fine with it. My sad story is this...I have been quite sick for about 2 months and finally had...