11/1 Cathe-ites DAILY challenge !!!


okaayyy.....I was going to do this one for today, but since so many people asked me not to, I will post it for TOMORROW, 11/1. The challenge for 11/1, THURSDAY IS:


NO "BAD" SWEETS !!! (no candy, cake, etc...)

(and you KNOW what is "bad" and what is not.....)

-> if sweets are not "your thing", choose something else
-> Remember, we can do this...just for ONE DAY !
-> other sweets, like yogurt, fruit, etc...are ok. OR, if it is
a VERY CAREFULLY PLANNED part of your diet (like those 100
calorie snack bags are ok).


This one will be a toughie for me...I will surely be suffering. But it will build character.......... right ?????????

Um, I don't think I've gone 24 hours without sweets before IN MY LIFE. I don't know if I'm up for this one. I actually think I could handle the "no shopping challenge" before I could do this one.....

I don't think I can do this either. I need my daily dose of Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream. (It's only 3.5 grams of fat, though.) I can't help myself. The "no shopping" challenge is real tough too. I'm not doing well with that one either.

Hold the phone.

Could I have yogurt or is that off-limits too?

I need guidlines, people. Details, please.
For the love of god, allow me to have SOME sort of sugar.


No candy part is easy for me. I don't like candies to begin with, but no cake? I LOVEEEEE the Marble Tea Loaf from Trader Joe's.
Ok, I like the updated version better. I'll try it, but I can't guarantee I'll be successful. And I can PROMISE that I won't like it...

I'm not sure if this is good or bad the day after Halloween. It does give you an extra day to get rid of all of that extra chewy, gooey candy. If I only had an office to bring it to...
Now, now sugar addicts...you can ALL go back to eating sugar again on FRIDAY !! Tomorrow is only 1 day !! (yeah, and watch me be crying like a little baby by 10am tomorrow ;-) )
Hey, I just saw the water challenge for yesterday about five minutes ago. I should have joined in! I have drank nothing but water for 15 months now. Can you believe it? I used to only drink water when I worked out. I drink about 1 gallon a day. No caffeine for 15 months - I never thought I could do it.

Now, the sweet thing for tomorrow, would be a piece of cake - no pun intended there. I also gave up all sugars ( such as candy, cakes, etc.) I do have some of the sugars in processed foods, though. I used to have a horrific sweet tooth. My oldest daughter would always laugh at me and say, "Mom, you never leave home without candy do you?" I had stashes at home,in my car, in my purse. That was harder to give up than diet pop and the caffeine. Homemade rice krispie treats were my favorite sweet snack. Now, I do not even desire it any more. But let me tell you, just one bite of it would do me in - I would be addicted again with the one bite. Red licorice - oh yeah - that was always heavenly for me, too.

Maybe, I can join the daily challenge for the next day. It sounds fun and motivating!

How about no computer/ checking in on this website for a day? Now that would just about kill me!

Wo, just thinking about this makes me almost cringe. My DH made me a carrot cake for my bday and we still have some left. So, I'll do this until my will power breaks:eek:
>"How about no computer/ checking in on this website for a
>Now you're just talking crazy talk!!

Shelley, your elbow would thank you -- trust me on that ;) . That's why I haven't been around quite as much.

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