Do you sing while working out with your ipod?


I really enjoy singing on my incline walks on the treadmill. But while I was belting out "She's not there" (the Zombies!), my husband came downstairs and gave me such a look. I just kept singing, of course. Don't you find doing the treadmill (or eliptical, etc.) so much more enjoyable if you sing along to some great tunes????
No, but I like to dance....I would not advise dancing on a treadmill while it's running though(jmo).;-) :7
Yes, Delfin, I do. I learned in the Navy that singing actually pushes the air out of your lungs and can improve your game! :) So sing away! :)
Well, I thought I was lip synching, but DH informed me once that I was singing out loud. Oh, well. I wouldn't wish hearing me sing on anybody. (Maybe I should call him "PDH" for "Poor Dear Husband.")
Yesterday, I was just listening and then could not help myself but started singing and guess what? My heart rate started to rise. I guess singing, walking on the incine and going at a good steady pace was working until I got all breathed out. I had to slow down a bit. I then kept going up on down on speed and singing. The family thinks, I am crazy. It really does make time fly. :) :)
I do when I'm at home but not if I'm at the gym. My DH teases me though because I have a terrible voice. Luckily, my workout room is attached to the garage so I'm alone out there most of the time.
> I learned in the Navy that singing
>actually pushes the air out of your lungs and can improve your
>game! :) So sing away! :)

And "In the Navy" is a good tune to sing!

Sing away! (As long as you're not on a treadmill next to me at a health club!)
Another dancer here -- elliptidancing -- lol!! Other than that, I mostly just cry.

ETA that I actually created a play list on my iPod called "Elliptidancing" :D
<ETA that I actually created a play list on my iPod called "Elliptidancing" :D >

And here is Ms. Michele's Flashdance moment "She a maniac on the ellipticall...whooo-whoooo!" :7 :7
Yeah, baby. I know people at the gym probably think I'm a nutcase. Hee.


I don't want to take a pill. Go to Africa, go follow some bushman around. He's being chased by a lion. That's stress. You're not going to find a pygmy on Paxil, I'll tell you that right now.
-Ellen Degeneres
I used to work at a gym and the desk was near the treadmills. I would hear people singing to their ipods almost every day. Most of them didn't realize they were singing and were horribly embarassed when they would realize they were singing out loud :eek:

I have elliptidance, or as a matter of fact "stairdance" music that I put together and sing with it. On the other hand when hr is hitting close to maximum singing is not at all possible, only when I cruise. So I do sing, and sing LOUD. OK, it is my basement. :)
I am known for belting Ricky Martin, Kelly Clarkson and Justin Timberlake on the elliptical and treadmill when I go to the gym and nobody else is there. I lip sync otherwise, which looks crazy, I'm sure. It makes it a whole lot more fun!
I wear my i-pod when I run outdoors and have to remind myself that people can hear me if I sing out loud but sometimes I just can't help myself. I love running with music, it's like life is a video and I'm a STAR!:+ :7

Take Care
I sing all of the time! I think I was really belting it out a couple weeks ago at the Y- running on the treadmill when Move Along came on..... I don't care, I have a good voice! ;-)
Yep! I sing all the time. :) Now that my treadmill is broke I don't get to sing while working out too often because I won't wear my ipod on the road while running.

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