CC Fabulous customer service


Last night I was having a pity party since I injured my foot and couldn't do anyt workouts with impact. So I decided to order some more CC workouts for a little pick me up since I could do them on an ellipse. Well, I wasn't paying enough attention because I reordered one of the workouts I already have. Since it says everywhere on their website that they guarantee your satisfaction I decided to try to contact customer service to see if I could "return" my duplicate for a different workout. Can you believe it, they said yes. The first thing I did when I got up this morning was to check my e-mail for a reply and in my inbox was my new workout. I am downloading it as we speak so I can do it today, yeah:D

I wanted everyone to know what a really good company CC is to work with. They could have easily said no to my request and I would have accepted the answer because it was my mistake. But their act of good customer service made a very loyal customer out of me.
Clarissa - CC is Cardio Coach. It's workouts for exercise equipment, like the bike, treadmill and elliptical trainer. Check out

NRGWoman - I agree with you 100 percent! The company and Coach Sean are wonderful, and I'm always thrilled with the service. A few weeks ago, I ordered the new Volume 7 on CD, since I'm on dial-up internet and can't download the workout. The CD wouldn't load in my player, and I contacted them. Sean emailed me and immediately sent a new CD, and then a few days later followed up to make sure it worked.
I really am so impressed with them. I love the workouts. AND it is really amazing to find a company with good customer service. I hope they stay around for a long time.
I think Coach Sean's CS is THE BEST in the business. He puts his personal touch on everything and he seems to genuinely care about customer satisfaction. He's incredibly responsive to his fans.

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