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  1. M

    Hair Loss Post Baby

    Hi Lynn- I just wanted to let you know that absolutely experienced hair loss. I thought for sure I was going bald. Luckily it was just one more little obstacle. Hope that helps. KB
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    Cathe's w/o at 35 weeks

    RE: my experience I loved reading all you posts. I love hearing stories about pregnancy and birth. When I found out I was pregnant I was exercising a great deal. Then I found out it was twins. I went to a nutritionist and she recommended a high protein-low carbo diet. I gained a total of...
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    Did my first Cathe!

    Roni- Congrats to you!! It's so exciting when you make it through a full Cathe tape. I made the mistake of trying interval max as my first. My jaw dropped a I watched some of the moves. After three tries I made it through. Now I just motify or just take a break. I have been doing the CTX...
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    I Did Power Hour!

    Hey Katrid I think it's great that you did this video. I have heard that it's a tough one. I did interval max yesterday and just kinda watched some of those power interval moves as I sipped my water. I know I'll get there someday soon-I hope!! :) KB
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    Starting to see results

    Opps- I forgot to mention goals. My goals, at this point, are to melt away those baby pounds, and incorporate exercise on a regular basis. Before I had twins, I was able to exercise whenever I wanted to. I got pregnant with twins and everything in my life changed. I gave birth to two healthy...
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    Starting to see results

    Hi Kat I really do not have a "routine" down quite yet. I can say that I do try to do the CTX series and I love Firm Core Cardio II and Super Sculpt. Prior do getting the CTX series I was doing Interval Max- which is a killer and trying to do Body Max. I really love Cathe. Thanks for asking...
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    Starting to see results

    Hi everyone! After exercising faithfully for three weeks straight, without serious interruptions-i.e. children's sicknesses and etc. I am starting to truly see results. I really noticed the other day when I had to continuely pull up my pants all day long. Cathe's tapes are amazing. I just...
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    CTX--Hip-hip hooray!!!!!

    I too am so happy to read this because I just ordered this series. :) Kathy
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    Lower back question

    Thanks so much for the advice. I did give my back a well-deserved break yesterday and today. I did some minor stretching which was a relief. The days I do this tape I may add some additional stretching. I think that was part of my problem, along with the possibility of improper form. Any...
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    Lower back question

    I did power circuit two days ago and loved it. My only problem is my lower mid-back is really hurting. I'm not sure if it's an injury or just so,so sore from trying out this new tape. Anyone else experience this too? I hope it's not an injury, I just ordered the whole Cross train Express-I...
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    Body Max Question

    Stacey- Thanks for your input. I have only one of the CTX series.Most of my Cathe tapes are cardio. I have many Frm tapes. Now that I started with Cathe I can not believe the difference in my energy and attitude. It's really wonderful. I'm hoping to buy more Cathe tapes in the near...
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    Body Max Question

    I really love this tape but it's too long. Any thoughts on how to best use this tape for two days. Thanks Kathy
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    Interval Max survey

    I'm a newcomer to Cathe's tapes and I do love them. They are quite difficult after doing the Firm for many years. I laughed as I read some of these posts. I started using this tape a few weeks ago and tried to do it a few days in a ROW to understand Cathe's movements better. Well after two...
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    I am so happy that you made it through the workout. I am new to Cathe and I find the tapes quite challenging. I have been a Firmie for several years and decided to give this Cathe a try. This was three weeks ago and I have not made it through one of her tapes. But it's great!! It nice to...
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    Wow-these are tough tapes-HELP!

    Thanks so much for all your encouragement. I have not exercised since Tuesday because I was so sore and discouraged. I need to lose twenty pounds and I can certainly feel it with Cathe tapes. I will start slowly and plan on doing a tape tomorrow. Thanks for your words of wisdom. KB
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    Wow-these are tough tapes-HELP!

    Thanks so much for all your encouragement. I have not exercised since Tuesday because I was so sore and discouraged. I need to lose twenty pounds and I can certainly feel it with Cathe tapes. I will start slowly and plan on doing a tape tomorrow. Thanks for your words of wisdom. KB
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    Wow-these are tough tapes-HELP!

    I attempted to do power max yesterday and could not believe how hoard it was to do. I have been doing the firm of and on for awhile through out the years. I found Cathe's tapes to be quite challenging and difficult. I was happy to read that others were struggling too. How did everyone start...