Starting to see results

Hi everyone!
After exercising faithfully for three weeks straight, without serious interruptions-i.e. children's sicknesses and etc. I am starting to truly see results. I really noticed the other day when I had to continuely pull up my pants all day long. Cathe's tapes are amazing. I just started the CTX series and love it. It fits into my busy schedule and lifestyle. I can squeeze the videos in at 4:45 a.m. Anyway-just thought I let you know. Hearing stories certainly motivates me. :) KB
Hey KB!! Congratuations on starting to see results! Like you, hearing people's successes helps me out tremendously. I love hearing gradual successes such as yours along the way. Can I ask what your routine was for the past three weeks? What are your goals?

Again, congrats.

Hi Kat
I really do not have a "routine" down quite yet. I can say that I do try to do the CTX series and I love Firm Core Cardio II and Super Sculpt. Prior do getting the CTX series I was doing Interval Max- which is a killer and trying to do Body Max. I really love Cathe. Thanks for asking Kat. Have a great week!
I forgot to mention goals. My goals, at this point, are to melt away those baby pounds, and incorporate exercise on a regular basis. Before I had twins, I was able to exercise whenever I wanted to. I got pregnant with twins and everything in my life changed. I gave birth to two healthy babies weighing in at 9.4 lbs. and 7.6 lbs. My priorities only involved my children and getting enough sleep! As time progressed I was able to exercise but not on a steady basis-something always came up. So I am really hoping to keep up the pace. What a great question to ask. I never really thought too much about goals. I just thought " Oh I hope I can exercise again, someday" :) KB
4:45 AM?????? Good Lord!!!!! I admire you for your dedication at that hour!!!

Isn't Cathe a LIFESAVER??? It is so wonderful to actually feel results (and tugging on those pants is a great indicator!!) I, too, have noticed a big difference since I added Cathe to my Firms. My clothes are looser and I feel wonderful. This woman has inspired me like no one else has! I actually miss it when I don't workout (like today) and I cannot wait to get back at it tomorrow. I know Cathe has saved my life...I workout more (at least 5 days per week), I can go longer in my workouts and I no longer have to modify as much as I once did. I love every workout she has!! Congratulations on your committment and those loose pants!!!!!!
CTX rocks! It blows away the "I don't have time" excuse. Every time I have a busy period at work coming up, I just schedule that week for CTX. Sure makes it easy. Easter week I'll be doing CTX.
Congrats! I am so proud of you! I find it hard to workout and all I have is a husband to look after! You go girl! I did CTX for 6 weeks and can fit into the pants I wore in high school! They are acid washed jeans and I will never ever wear them in the company of human beings, but they fit!

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