Wow-these are tough tapes-HELP!

I attempted to do power max yesterday and could not believe how hoard it was to do. I have been doing the firm of and on for awhile through out the years. I found Cathe's tapes to be quite challenging and difficult. I was happy to read that others were struggling too. How did everyone start off and what tape is the easiest out there? Thanks folks!! KB
ny first tape was cardio kicks... So much fun and a great work out!

Then I got CTX for cardio mainly (i was never crazy about the firm cardio)

Good luck!
Hey KB, I dont believe any of Cathe's tapes are easy! Just "less intense". Have no fear, just about everybody who starts off with Cathe says the same thing. They are tough workouts, I came from using the firm to Cathes tapes over a year ago, and I thought, OMG< ILL NEVER BE ABLE TO DO THIS!! I am not the most coordinated gal I know, those richocets?? But once you do them a couple of times you WILL catch on and it WILL get easier. Of the step tapes, I started off with Step Heat, Step Blast and the Wedding video. Now I have them all. Cardio kicks is FUN but pretty intense. Dont give up! Weve ALL been there!!! Judy
I agree, Cathe's tapes kick butt and you will get them eventually though!!! PowerMax is a tough one to start with. Her "easier" tapes in my opinion are the Wedding Video, Step Heat and Mega Step Blast. I always did step at an 8 inch step height, but I have to do all of Cathe's at 6 inches. So, you're not alone....keep pluggin' along, it's worth it!!

:) Stacy
Hi KB:

I remember my first try too. I was doing the Firm for about a year and I thought I was "advanced." Then this woman, a.k.a. Cathe, shows me just how advanced I am.

Keep going on this, you'll improve over time. But that's good, that means that you will be challenged for awhile. And who wants to spend money on something that you can attain in a short time? Not me . . . I want something that's going to make me look back and go . . . "MAN THAT WAS TOUGH!" That's what made me go exclusively to Cathe and I've never been happier.

So, be patient and keep trying. Some of Cathe's tapes you'll be saying that a year from now. IMAX comes to mind, I just LOVE that tape, but I'm a glutten for punishment.

Just my two cents.

Keta. :D

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Order Mega Step Blast. That's what I did and I think it is THE PERFECT intro to Cathe. The "Wedding" tape is also supposed to be a great intro but I don't have that one. I have used the Firm for many, many years and till I did Cathe's tapes I never realized just how much of a beginner I was. Take it easy and try Mega Step Blast...I think you will be very happy! Good Luck!!
Thanks so much for all your encouragement. I have not exercised since Tuesday because I was so sore and discouraged. I need to lose twenty pounds and I can certainly feel it with Cathe tapes. I will start slowly and plan on doing a tape tomorrow. Thanks for your words of wisdom. KB
Thanks so much for all your encouragement. I have not exercised since Tuesday because I was so sore and discouraged. I need to lose twenty pounds and I can certainly feel it with Cathe tapes. I will start slowly and plan on doing a tape tomorrow. Thanks for your words of wisdom. KB

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