CTX--Hip-hip hooray!!!!!


I just started my first CTX rotation. This series is fun,fun, fun! And so effective. Just when I think Cathe can't possibly think up new ways to strength train, she does it again! I love the upper body work on these workouts. I really think the DVD makes all the difference here, I am tweaking the series so I can work all body parts twice in one week. I was previously addicted to PowerHour, now I fear CTX has taken its place. Love, love, love this series! Thanks, Cathe!:-jumpy
Right?! Don't you just LOVE this series!!!!! There is so much variety with the cardio, and the upper body segments are short enough to double up on easily. Plus~even when you move on to another strength series, you can utilize the shorter, yet intense cardios with the longer strength videos like S&H! Cathe is a genious!
And I have some kind of love/hate thing going on with Leaner Legs. I do it, and I love that it is a KILLER leg workout, but when I'm doing it, right about the time of the sit-n-stand squats, I'm all but cursing like a sailor and saying, "that's it, I'm never doing this s.o.b. again!" But then, I pop it in again the following week! :)
Awesome series! I agree!
I agree with you guys. The DVD makes all the difference in the world because of the endless combinations of work outs. I am currently doing the upper body split and I love adding on the ab section at the end of my work outs. In the future I will puchase all DVD because of the flexibility.

I couldn't agree more! I just finished a 4 week rotation and I have cuts in my arms. They used to look like sausages! Thank you Cathe! Thank you Thank you Thank you! Plus, this series is actually fun to do! I look forward to working out!!!
Geez you guys... I just got through telling myself that I don't NEED anymore videos at the moment! I have a feeling that my darling sweetie is going to buy me a DVD player for my b-day. I have been wanting CTX for some time now, but it sounds like I should wait for a few months until I have DVD capability.
Same here Lizzie! I wanted this series in a bad way too! But I waited until my husband bought me a DVD player and it was so worth it! Think of what you have to look forward to! Yeah!!!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-02 AT 11:29AM (Est)[/font][p]My DH told me if he knew all the tapes I would have bought, he would have bought me a DVD player. Our VCR is so old, it doesn't have a stereo option. But it works well, and I'm in the basement. if it's not broke.....
But we are moving in a few months (God willing) so when we move, maybe I can get the DVD player when we get set up and if Cathe puts all her tapes on DVD I can buy them all and sell all the video tapes on Ebay or something like that.
I am sending in my pictures (before and after) and success story to Collage Video (I lost 60 Lbs) and if they put it in the magazine, I can get $100. free video's. On the back cover they have all the Cathe videos, so I want all the tapes I don't have.
I guess I'm a tap-a-holic. As long as I do them, right?
P.S. I love CTX, I'm doing it this wk. (I think I may try today, I got a cold or something on Sunday and feel terrible all week) I've been previewing the tapes from CTX I didn't do yet, and I love them, I'm so excited to do them.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-03-02 AT 03:46PM (Est)[/font][p]I'm so glad to hear of everyone's experiences with the CTX series - I just ordered these 6 tapes and am really looking forward to a rotation!

I was looking through past posts to see how everyone uses this series and the combinations seem endless, how cool! Also, I edited this post to say that I found out how long to do this series (asked this question originally) - for however long you're getting results. And I'm glad to see that because of the variety, that the series can be used for generally quite a long time.

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