Did my first Cathe!


Hi Everyone~

I received my first Cathe videos in the mail yesterday! I got MIS, PH, Step Heat, Mega Step Blast and the Wedding Video. Thanks for all the advice on the purchase!

I previewed and then did the carido workout on the Wedding tape last night. I made it all the way through with all of the higher impact moves on my first try! I realize that this is an "easy" Cathe tape, but I am so excited! I even got the richocets on the first go 'round.

Today I am going to go for Power Hour. I previewed it already. I can already hear my legs crying for mercy and I don't even have on my workout clothes yet.

I'm trying to lose about 50 pounds and just get lean and strong! I'd welcome any advice on how to get there! I am eating really well, other than the few times I have accidentally dipped into the Easter candy.:-rollen

Roni: Congrats on making it through the Wedding tape. I have about 50-60 lbs. to lose too, so we can motivate one another and get great advice from others as well. Though I have most of Cathe's tapes (minus Rhythmic Step and S&H), I do have them all, though I'm guilty of not using them! This time around is different though. With the wonderful motivation I have received from this group, I KNOW I can do this. Let me know what you think of PH. I just did it for the first time the other night. Tomorrow is MIS for me!

Congrats to you!! It's so exciting when you make it through a full Cathe tape. I made the mistake of trying interval max as my first. My jaw dropped a I watched some of the moves. After three tries I made it through. Now I just motify or just take a break. I have been doing the CTX series and managed to throw in Interval Max this week. I have been firming off and on for about ten years. Cathe's tapes outshine them all. Welcome to the ultimate workouts. KB
Did Power Hour, too!

O.K., I did Power Hour yesterday afternoon. It's now been about 24 hours and I can feel my muscles getting pretty sore as the day wears on! I did pretty well although those lunges about killed me!:) Somebody please tell me that all those lunges will lift my rear end back up where it belongs. I need some incentive to torture myself by doing them.

One of the things I love best about my new friend Cathe is that just as I am about to start whining, she says, "I know there's fire in those legs about now but we're gonna make it." How did she know my legs were on fire?

I think I am going to love working out with my new videos. We'll see if I can hold out until my birthday in June to buy some more.

RE: Did Power Hour, too!

Oh Roni I know what you mean! Those lunges... oh... I'm just about to die on the low ends and she says "fire in those thighs!" I also have to laugh when during the plie squats when you go down for 4 counts and she says "UH! NO FAIR!" Yea. No Fair Cathe. ;-) Ah but it's such a great sore feeling the next day when I know I've done something for myself.
RE: Did Power Hour, too!

Way to go, Roni! That's why we love Cathe so much. She kills you but she KNOWS and always says that motivational pointer at just the right moment, so you can make it through to the end. My favorite part of exercise is when it's over and I am glowing with success!

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule!
RE: Did Power Hour, too!

I still like that part in S&H where she says"That felt great!...Well maybe that's a lie" it cracks me up everytime. I just started doing BodyMax, had it for a year but when I bought it I wasn't ready for it yet, yesterday I did it up to the end of the leg circuits. OMG. That tape had to be made with the intention of getting split up, does she seriously want you to do the whole thing at just one time? It kept going...LOL. But it was actually a lot of fun. I chose wisely when I first started. Picked: Powermax and Bodymax and loved PM instantly...now BM amazes me. Does she have any more that are like these two that take up only very little space? I have a bit of a hard time finding space with CircuitMax and Cardio kicks and Power Circuit.

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